C.S.C. Actors Global List

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C.S.C. Actors Global List

Post by PeplumParadise » 04/01/2020, 15:30

The C.S.C., located in Via Tuscolana (Rome), in front of Cinecittà. Pic from Cineguida 1949
The list here is not a complete list of all actors who graduated from Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, but it should be a fairly complete list of actors who appeared in films with the c.s.c. appendage following their name.

All actors listed here have at least 1 c.s.c. credited appearance.

Any actors who do not have the admission year at the acting courses after their name do not appear on the official list, but do have c.s.c. credited appearances in films. It is possible some of these actors attended under different names or in a different category, but there are quite a few so it is also quite probable that the official list is incomplete.

Here below there's a physical copy of this official alumni list.
Actors A-Z

Actresses A-Z

Mystery C.S.C. actors A-Z
These actors and actresses are listed separately as they have only 1 or 2 known credits in their filmographies, all with c.s.c.. Since their roles are unknown, or they may not appear at all, then they will be pretty much impossible to identify unless someone has an image of them from elsewhere.
  • Anne Marie Avis (1 credit) (I wondered if she could maybe the same as Anna Maria Aveta)
  • Gregor Bals (1958) (2 acting credits)
  • Vincent Consey (1 credit) (maybe Enzo Consoli?)
  • Vito Rocca (2 acting credits, 1 with c.s.c.)
  • Giancarlo Tayo (1959) (1 credit - spelled "Tajo" on the official list)
  • Antonio Viani (1 credit)
Last edited by PeplumParadise on 13/07/2024, 14:21, edited 95 times in total.

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Re: C.S.C. actors

Post by PeplumParadise » 04/01/2020, 15:37

but how to determine who to include? I ask that because, while there are plenty of obvious candidates for inclusion, there are also some odd instances, such as this one for Germano Longo in I mafiosi. Longo was a well known actor who appeared in many other films before and after this one, yet he seems to only have been credited with c.s.c. in 2 films, so do 2 c.s.c. credits make him eligible and if he was c.s.c.-trained then why is he only credited as such in so few films?
Similarly Rosy Mazzacurati is credited in around 15 films, but only once with c.s.c. in La monaca di Monza (1962)

Another type of peculiarity is when you have unknown actors who have only one or two credits, such as here you have Gregor Bals, credited with c.s.c. in Sigfrido, which is his only known credit.
Giancarlo Tayo is another actor whose sole credit, in Caterina Sforza, la Leonessa di Romagna is with c.s.c., ditto Antonio Viani in Casanova 70.

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van den bremt rudy
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Re: C.S.C. actors

Post by van den bremt rudy » 04/01/2020, 20:02

Found other male C.S.C. generici actors

Irio Fantini
Orso maria Guerrini (don't know if he has made other movies under C.S.C.)
Franco Marletta
Gianni Pulone (graduated in 1967) (source : Wikipedia.org)
Claudio Trionfi (got his diploma in 1966) (source : Wikipedia org)

For Nando Angelini : graduated as C.S.C. in 1955 ! (he was an early bird)
please add
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Re: C.S.C. actors

Post by van den bremt rudy » 04/01/2020, 20:19

also for Luigi Antonio Guerra (graduated in 1969) (source : Wikipedia.org)

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Re: C.S.C. actors

Post by van den bremt rudy » 04/01/2020, 20:27

2 other graduates found for C.S.C.

Renato Montalbano (1957)
Andrea Scotti (1956)
sources : idem as generici before

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Johan Melle
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Re: C.S.C. actors

Post by Johan Melle » 04/01/2020, 20:56

I wouldn't trust the graduation years listed on Wikipedia if there's no source listed.

Now, I'm not sure how things worked in the 1950s and 1960s, but as of the late 1960s and 1970s at least, it's my understanding that a C.S.C. actor would be listed with those initials behind their names for a period of five years after they graduated. Can anyone confirm? If so, Vittorio Fanfoni graduating in 1963 doesn't add up at all!

Oh, and another very successful C.S.C. actor was Stefano Satta Flores.

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Re: C.S.C. actors

Post by PeplumParadise » 04/01/2020, 20:58

Johan Melle wrote:
04/01/2020, 20:56
I wouldn't trust the graduation years listed on Wikipedia if there's no source listed.

Now, I'm not sure how things worked in the 1950s and 1960s, but as of the late 1960s and 1970s at least, it's my understanding that a C.S.C. actor would be listed with those initials behind their names for a period of five years after they graduated. Can anyone confirm? If so, Vittorio Fanfoni graduating in 1963 doesn't add up at all!

Oh, and another very successful C.S.C. actor was Stefano Satta Flores.
Fanfoni's date I took from his topic, presumably posted by Emiliano

Would Stefano Satta Flores be listed alphabetically under S for Satta or F for Flores? Not sure if Satta is a christian or surname!

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Johan Melle
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Re: C.S.C. actors

Post by Johan Melle » 04/01/2020, 21:09

I don't know where the 1963 dates comes from or whether or not it's a typo, but it just seemed wrong to me. I don't know. Not sure about Stefano Satta Flores' surname either, I'm afraid.

Doing a little bit of searching, I've found these informations:

Looks like Gianni Pulone has his own website and his bio says he graduated from C.S.C. in 1967, so that's one we can trust: https://giannipulone.wordpress.com/about/

Romano Ghini's online CV says he graduated in 1960: http://www.rosalbacantina.it/Attori/Ghi ... omano.html

According to his bio in the Dizionario del cinema italiano: Gli attori, Andrea Scotti graduated in 1956.

According to his bio in the Dizionario del cinema italiano: Gli attori, Lorenzo Piani graduated in 1970.

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Re: C.S.C. actors

Post by PeplumParadise » 05/01/2020, 13:15

From what I can find it was only from the mid-late 50's that actors were credited in films with the c.s.c. appendage. There are a number of actors who reportedly graduated before that time who never received c.s.c. credits, plus a few later graduates who, for whatever reason, also never received this credit.

These include:-
Gianni Agus
Giorgio Albertazzi
Luisella Beghi
Clara Calamai
Claudia Cardinale
Arnoldo Foà
Annabella Incontrera
Vittorio Ripamonti
Alida Valli

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van den bremt rudy
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Re: C.S.C. actors

Post by van den bremt rudy » 05/01/2020, 19:20

found 2 other C.S.C. generici, who were in peplum movies
1 male and 1 female

male :
Brizio Montinaro

Daniela Igliocci

found also Serafino Fuscagni, is he the same as Nino Fuscagni ?
please add

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