Canghiari, Rossana

The Background Actresses of the Italian Cinema
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Johan Melle
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Canghiari, Rossana

Post by Johan Melle » 30/08/2018, 1:02

Roma a mano armata (1976).jpg
Rossana Canghiari, in Roma a mano armata (1976)

Rossana Canghiari was one of the most recognizable Italian generiche, having enjoyed a long career which lasted from at least the late 1950s to the end of the 1990s and which included appearances in every kind of genre, including peplum, crime, horror, western, comedy.

When she was young, in the early 60s, she appeared in a couple of credited roles, but after half of the decade, she was almost never credited. Her particular hairstyle, short and masculine but very fashionable, makes her easily distinguished between the mass of extras.

Her name was identified by Johan Melle on January 1, 2009.


  1. Le bellissime gambe di Sabrina .... Model (uncredited)

  2. Il vigile .... The mayor's secretary (credited)
  3. La regina delle amazzoni .... Amazon (credited)
  4. Le signore .... One of René's clients (uncredited)

  5. Gerarchi si muore .... Model (uncredited)
  6. La vendetta di Ursus .... Woman at Zagro's wedding (uncredited)
  7. Lycanthropus .... Employee at the reformatory (uncredited)
  8. Maciste contro Ercole nella valle dei guai .... Damsel (uncredited)
  9. Rocco e le sorelle .... Dancing girl in Gianni's apartment (uncredited)

  10. I lancieri neri .... Handmaiden (uncredited)
  11. Totò contro Maciste .... Lady at Totokamen show (credited)

  12. Maciste contro i Mongoli .... Enslaved woman (uncredited)
  13. Totò e Cleopatra .... Slave (uncredited)
  14. Ursus nella terra di fuoco .... Handmaiden of Mila (uncredited)

  15. Che fine ha fatto Totò Baby? .... Girl on the beach (uncredited)
  16. I due mafiosi .... Airplane passenger (uncredited)
  17. I marziani hanno 12 mani .... Woman at party (uncredited)
  18. Il magnifico cornuto .... Woman at the party in Andrea Artusi's villa (uncredited)
  19. Il trionfo di Ercole .... Spectator at the tournament (uncredited)

  20. Casanova '70 .... Woman in audience in the courtroom (uncredited)
  21. Il gladiatore che sfidò l'impero .... Commoner / Noblewoman in the circus grandstand (uncredited)
  22. La guerra segreta .... Girl at the swimming hall (uncredited)
  23. La vendetta di Lady Morgan .... Nurse (uncredited)
  24. Perché uccidi ancora .... Lopez Maid (uncredited)
  25. Per una manciata d'oro .... Miss Mallison (poster credit - role unconfirmed)

  26. Delitto quasi perfetto .... Cruise ship passenger (uncredited)
  27. Le spie vengono dal semifreddo .... Girl bomb (uncredited)
  28. New York chiama Superdrago .... Woman at masked auction (uncredited)
  29. Tre notti violente .... Party guest (uncredited)
  30. Vaya con Dios, gringo .... Pretty cantina waitress (uncredited)

  31. Arriva Dorellik .... Woman at night club (uncredited)
  32. Il tigre .... Stewardess / Woman at nightclub (uncredited)
  33. Le dolci signore .... Girl at the theater (uncredited)
  34. Si muore solo una volta .... Guest at the prize ceremony (uncredited)
  35. Tutto Totò (TV series) - episode 9: "Premio Nobel" .... Woman at the Nobel ceremony (uncredited)

  36. È stato bello amarti .... Friend of Roger Brown's character (credited)
  37. Le petit baigneur / Si salvi chi può .... Woman at the regatta (uncredited)
  38. Peggio per me... meglio per te .... Airplane passenger (uncredited)
  39. Silvia e l'amore .... Model (uncredited)

  40. Camille 2000 .... Party guest (uncredited)
  41. Le sorelle .... Train passenger (uncredited)
  42. Medea .... Servant of Glauce (uncredited)

  43. Lady Barbara .... Girl by the pool (uncredited)
  44. Le castagne sono buone .... Woman laughing in theater (uncredited)

  45. Il provinciale .... Bar customer (uncredited)
  46. L'occhio del ragno .... Woman in restaurant (uncredited)

  47. Il ritorno di Clint il solitario .... Prostitute (uncredited)
  48. L'arma, l'ora, il movente .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  49. L'udienza .... Restaurant customer (uncredited)
  50. Rosina Fumo viene in città per farsi il corredo .... Woman in the park (uncredited)

  51. Buona parte di Paolina ...Noblewoman (uncredited)
  52. Crash! Che botte... strippo strappo stroppio ...Wedding guest (uncredited)
  53. Io e lui .... Party guest (uncredited)
  54. L'erede .... Secretary (uncredited)
  55. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto .... Party guest (uncredited)
  56. Studio legale per una rapina .... Woman at the fashion show (uncredited)
  57. Tutti figli di mammasantissima .... Woman dancing in the night club (uncredited)

  58. Alla mia cara mamma nel giorno del suo compleanno .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  59. Anche gli angeli tirano di destro .... Street passerby (uncredited)
  60. L'arbitro .... Guest in Carmelo Lo Cascio's house / Woman at the opening of the construction site (uncredited)
  61. L'ossessa .... Party guest (uncredited)
  62. Nucleo centrale investigativo (TV series) - episode: "L'intruso" .... Woman at fashion show (uncredited)
  63. Paolo il freddo .... Party guest (uncredited)
  64. Processo per direttissima .... Restaurant customer (uncredited)
  65. Sistemo l'America e torno .... Secretary (uncredited)
  66. Zanna Bianca alla riscossa .... Saloon girl (uncredited)

  67. A mezzanotte va la ronda del piacere .... Passerby at airport (uncredited)
  68. Ah si?.. E io lo dico a Zzzorro! .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  69. Emanuelle nera .... Party guest (uncredited)
  70. Il giustiziere sfida la città .... Woman at the casino (uncredited)
  71. Il medaglione insanguinato .... Woman at the airport with coat (uncredited)
  72. La città gioca d'azzardo .... Woman leaving nightclub (uncredited)
  73. La polizia accusa: il servizio segreto uccide .... Baronessa Grimani's maid (uncredited)
  74. Piedone a Hong Kong .... Nightclub client (uncredited)
  75. Roma drogata: la polizia non può intervenire .... Party guest (uncredited)

  76. Bluff - Storia di truffe e di imbroglioni .... Dancing woman (uncredited)
  77. Caro Michele .... Restaurant customer (uncredited)
  78. Colpita da improvviso benessere .... Woman at the hippodrome (uncredited)
  79. Due sul pianerottolo .... Baudolino's secretary (uncredited)
  80. Emanuelle in America .... Guest at party in Venice (uncredited)
  81. Febbre da cavallo .... Fashion model (uncredited)
  82. I prosseneti .... Woman at Countess Gilda's birthday party (uncredited)
  83. Il comune senso del pudore .... Woman at the cinema where "La cavalcata" is shown (uncredited)
  84. Il secondo tragico Fantozzi .... Casino player (uncredited)
  85. Il trucido e lo sbirro .... Cinema cashier (uncredited)
  86. Il vangelo secondo Simone e Matteo .... Woman at the airport (uncredited)
  87. La poliziotta fa carriera .... Spectator at Gianna's award (uncredited)
  88. La principessa sul pisello .... Prostitute (credited)
  89. Poliziotti violenti .... Robbed woman (uncredited)
  90. Quel movimento che mi piace tanto .... Guest at the wedding party (uncredited)
  91. Roma a mano armata .... Customer in the bank during the robbery (uncredited)
  92. Squadra antiscippo .... Woman robbed of her fur (uncredited)

  93. Anno zero - guerra nello spazio .... Journalist (uncredited)
  94. Emanuelle - Perché violenza alle donne? .... Woman at restaurant (uncredited)
  95. La polizia è sconfitta .... Woman in nightclub (uncredited)
  96. La vergine, il toro e il capricorno .... Audience member at the football match (uncredited)
  97. La via della droga …. Holiday Inn Hotel Client (uncredited)
  98. Le notti porno nel mondo .... Woman at nightclub (uncredited)
  99. Napoli si ribella .... Woman at fashion show (uncredited) / Nurse at the crime scene (uncredited)
  100. Ritornano quelli della Calibro 38 .... Woman in the night club (uncredited)
  101. Taxi Girl .... Nightclub customer (uncredited - doubtful identification)

  102. American Fever .... Wife of the Producer (uncredited)
  103. Ecce Bombo .... Actress (uncredited)
  104. Follie di notte .... French magician show spectator (uncredited)
  105. Il testimone .... Party guest (uncredited)
  106. La banda del gobbo .... Woman in nightclub (uncredited)
  107. La cage aux folles / Il vizietto .... Dancing woman at the nightclub (uncredited)
  108. Le notti porno nel mondo n. 2 .... Woman at nightclub (uncredited)
  109. L'ultimo guappo .... Woman in nightclub (uncredited)
  110. Sam et Sally (TV series) - episode 1: "Le collier" .... Party guest (uncredited)
  111. Travolto dagli affetti familiari .... Pharmacy customer (uncredited)

  112. Aragosta a colazione .... Passenger of the plane (uncredited)
  113. Buone notizie .... Woman in the park (uncredited)
  114. Caro papà .... Journalist at the airport (uncredited)
  115. I viaggiatori della sera .... Holiday village guest who wins the lottery (uncredited)
  116. Il mammasantissima .... Woman at the restaurant (uncredited)
  117. Immagini di un convento .... Nun (uncredited)
  118. L'imbranato .... Passenger of the plane (uncredited)
  119. La poliziotta della squadra del buon costume .... Nightclub customer (uncredited)
  120. Letti selvaggi - segment "Attenzione a quei due" .... Casino player (uncredited)
  121. Napoli la camorra sfida la città risponde .... Party guest (uncredited)
  122. Riavanti... Marsch! .... Woman at the dance hall (uncredited)
  123. Tutti a squola .... Teacher (uncredited)

  124. Café Express .... Train passenger (uncredited)
  125. Ciao marziano .... Woman in the crowd (uncredited)
  126. Fantozzi contro tutti .... Megaditta employee (uncredited)
  127. Il casinista .... Extra at Cinecittà (uncredited)
  128. L'avvertimento .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  129. La cicala .... Dancer at nightclub (uncredited)
  130. La terrazza .... Woman in the TV debate (uncredited)
  131. La zia svedese .... The doctor's wife (uncredited)
  132. Mi faccio la barca .... Dental patient (uncredited)
  133. Prestami tua moglie .... Woman in the hotel hall (uncredited)
  134. Rag. Arturo De Fanti, bancario precario .... Bank clerk (uncredited)
  135. Sbamm! .... Guard at "Women Work Centre" company (uncredited)

  136. Bollenti spiriti ....Party guest (uncredited)
  137. Ciao nemico .... Sicilian villager at the dinner (uncredited)
  138. Culo e camicia .... Woman behind Rick Antuono at the race course (uncredited)
  139. Da un paese lontano .... Woman in crowd cheering for the Pope (uncredited)
  140. Delitto al ristorante cinese .... Chinese restaurant customer (uncredited)
  141. Fracchia la belva umana .... Diner at "Sergio E Bruno Gli Incivili" (uncredited)
  142. Fregoli (TV mini-series) - ep. 1 .... Laughing woman (uncredited)
  143. I carabbimatti .... Invited to the clinic party (uncredited)
  144. I figli so' pezzi 'e core .... Restaurant customer (uncredited)
  145. Il falco e la colomba .... Woman at the party branch (uncredited)
  146. L'importante è non farsi notare .... Dancer at dancing hall (uncredited)
  147. La nouvelle malle des Indes (TV mini series) .... Woman in the arrested group in Milan (uncredited)
  148. La poliziotta a New York .... Gianna's friend (uncredited)
  149. Lion of the Desert .... Woman at italian military ball (uncredited)
  150. Manolesta .... Restaurant customer (uncredited)
  151. Napoli Palermo New York il triangolo della camorra .... Invited to Don Francesco Ruocco's birthday party (uncredited)
  152. Occhio alla penna .... Woman in the restaurant car (uncredited)
  153. Per favore, occupati di Amelia .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  154. Perché non facciamo l'amore? .... Dental patient (credited)
  155. Quando la coppia scoppia .... Woman in the therapy group (uncredited)
  156. Sogni d'oro .... Shop worker (uncredited)
  157. Spaghetti a mezzanotte .... Party guest (uncredited)
  158. Teste di quoio .... Mother at the airport (uncredited)
  159. The Salamander / La salamandra .... Party guest (uncredited)
  160. Una vacanza del cactus .... Restaurant guest (uncredited) / Casino player (uncredited)

  161. Dio li fa e poi li accoppia .... Tourist from Brisignano (uncredited)
  162. Il paramedico .... Party guest (uncredited)
  163. La casa stregata .... Wife of a bank employee (uncredited)
  164. La Gorilla .... Spectator at the beating (uncredited)
  165. Le notti segrete di Lucrezia Borgia .... Noblewoman (uncredited)
  166. Pierino la peste alla riscossa! .... Burping pharmacy customer (uncredited)
  167. Ricchi, ricchissimi... praticamente in mutande .... Woman at the trial (uncredited)
  168. Scusa se è poco .... Party guest (uncredited)
  169. Sogni mostruosamente proibiti .... Spectator at piano concert (uncredited)
  170. Viuuulentemente mia .... Woman at the airport (uncredited)
  171. Yes, Giorgio .... Airplane passenger (uncredited)

  172. Acqua e sapone .... Woman at fashion show (uncredited)
  173. Fantozzi subisce ancora .... Employee of Ufficio Sinistri (uncredited)
  174. Guapparia .... Owner of the fur coats shop (uncredited)
  175. Hanna K. .... Woman at the circumcision ceremony (uncredited)
  176. Il trono di fuoco .... The Queen, Princess Valkari's mother (uncredited)
  177. Io, Chiara e lo Scuro .... Woman at the Jazz Club (uncredited)
  178. La chiave .... Party guest (uncredited)
  179. Notturno .... Woman at the airport (uncredited)
  180. Occhio, malocchio, prezzemolo e finocchio - segment "Il mago" .... Member of the TV jury / Member of the audience at TV show (uncredited)
  181. Pappa e ciccia .... Woman at the airport (uncredited)
  182. Tu mi turbi .... House purchaser (uncredited)
  183. Un jeans e una maglietta .... Hotel guest (uncredited)
  184. Zero in condotta .... Woman at the bus stop (uncredited)

  185. ...e la vita continua (TV mini series) .... Party guest (uncredited)
  186. Champagne in paradiso .... Mrs. Crisafulli (uncredited)
  187. Delitto al Blue Gay .... Spectatress at first show (uncredited)
  188. I due carabinieri .... Crying woman at Glauco's wedding (uncredited)
  189. Maladonna .... Wife of drunken party guest (credited)
  190. She .... Self-flagellating follower of Godan (uncredited)

  191. Dèmoni .... Cinemagoer (uncredited)
  192. Joan Lui - Ma un giorno nel paese arrivo io di lunedì .... Carla (uncredited)
  193. L'attenzione .... Woman at the airport (uncredited)
  194. Mamma Ebe .... Lawyer's assistant (uncredited)
  195. Un uomo in trappola (TV mini series) .... Woman at the party (uncredited)

  196. Fotoromanzo .... Audience member at the ceremony (uncredited)
  197. Il tenente dei carabinieri .... Nurse (uncredited)
  198. Quando arriva il giudice (TV series) - ep. 5: "La notte delle stelle" .... Guest at the costume party (uncredited)
  199. Scuola di ladri .... Spectatress coming out of the Eliseo theater (uncredited)

  200. Animali metropolitani .... Love Park security guard (uncredited)
  201. Bellifreschi .... Customer entering the restaurant La Traviata (uncredited)
  202. Rent-a-Cop .... Party guest (uncredited)
  203. Roba da ricchi .... Woman at Princess Topazia's party (uncredited)
  204. Soldati 365 all'alba .... Silvester party guest (uncredited)
  205. Ternosecco .... Casino player (uncredited)

  206. Blu elettrico .... Woman at funeral (uncredited)
  207. Casa mia, casa mia... .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  208. Rally (TV mini series) - ep. 3 .... Party guest (uncredited)
  209. Un delitto poco comune .... Woman at Robert's piano concert (uncredited)

  210. Emma (TV movie) .... Party guest (uncredited)
  211. Ho vinto la lotteria di capodanno .... Secretary of judicial auction (uncredited)
  212. Il vigile urbano (TV series) - ep. 9: "Suona che ti passa" .... Audience member at concert (uncredited)
  213. La cintura .... Exposition spectator (uncredited)
  214. La morte è di moda .... Woman at hospital (uncredited)
  215. Night club .... Woman in the bar (uncredited)

  216. College (TV series) - ep. 1: "Quelli del college" .... Carletto's mother (uncredited)
  217. Fantozzi alla riscossa .... Judge (uncredited)
  218. Il giudice istruttore (TV series) - ep. 5: "Suicidio d'amore" .... Curious neighbor at the crime scene (uncredited)
  219. Le comiche .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  220. Stasera a casa di Alice .... Party guest (uncredited)
  221. The Comfort of Strangers .... Hotel maid (credited)
  222. Tolgo il disturbo .... Party guest (uncredited)

  223. I ragazzi del muretto (TV series) - season 1, ep. 7: "Sospetti" .... Woman at the parent meeting (uncredited)
  224. L'ispettore Sarti - Un poliziotto, una città (TV series) - season 1, ep. 8: "Come è difficile dire ti amo"
  225. Year of the Gun .... Woman at the airport (uncredited)

  226. 7 Criminali e un bassotto .... Woman assisting police invertigation (uncredited)
  227. Gole ruggenti .... Audience member at the festival (uncredited)
  228. Il cielo non cade mai (TV mini-series) - ep. 2 .... Notary (uncredited)
  229. Senza fine (TV series) - eps. 42, 50 .... Clothes shop customer (uncredited)

  230. Il mostro .... Resident of the condominium (uncredited) / Cashier (uncredited)
  231. Perdiamoci di vista .... Audience member at talk show (uncredited)

  232. Io no spik inglish .... Woman playing cards (uncredited)
  233. Romanzo di un giovane povero .... Woman at the funeral (uncredited)

  234. Fratelli coltelli .... Woman at the country club (uncredited)

  235. Commesse (TV series) - episode 2: "Roberta" .... Clothes shop customer (uncredited)

Other works
  • "Femministe" (TV spot for Birra Peroni, 1972) .... Feminist (uncredited)
  • La sberla (TV variety show, 1978) - ep. 1, sketch "Al ristorante" .... Restaurant diner (uncredited)
  • La sberla (TV variety show, 1978) - ep. 3, sketch "L'atelier" .... Woman at fashion show (uncredited)

Filmography to check
  • La tragica notte di Assisi (1961 - credited)
  • Il domestico (1974)
Last edited by Cinema Italiano on 27/11/2024, 16:28, edited 88 times in total.

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Johan Melle
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Re: Rossana Canghiari

Post by Johan Melle » 26/09/2018, 18:02

Lion of the desert (1981)
Lion of the desert (1981).jpg

The Salamander (1981)
Salamander - Rossana Canghiari.jpg

Il trono di fuoco (1983)
Il trono di fuoco (1983).jpg
Il giustiziere sfida la città (1975).jpg
Last edited by Cinema Italiano on 15/12/2023, 18:37, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Rossana Canghiari

Post by Johan Melle » 26/09/2018, 18:06

With Bruno Alias in L'avvertimento (1980)
L'avvertimento (1980).jpg

Bad quality but I am sure this is her in La zia svedese (1980)
La zia svedese (1980).jpg
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Name: Emiliano

Re: Rossana Canghiari

Post by Emiliano » 26/09/2018, 18:09

Pasolini's Medea (1969), as Servant of Glauce
Medea (1969) 1.jpg
Medea (1969) 2.jpg
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Re: Rossana Canghiari

Post by Emiliano » 26/09/2018, 18:12

Le notti segrete di Lucrezia Borgia (1982)
Le notti segrete di Lucrezia Borgia (1982).jpg

Il trucido e lo sbirro (1976)
Il trucido e lo sbirro (1976).jpg
Roma Drogata - Rossana Canghiari.jpg
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Name: Emiliano

Re: Rossana Canghiari

Post by Emiliano » 26/09/2018, 18:26

Occhio, malocchio, prezzemolo e finocchio (1983)
Double role: as Member of the TV jury
Occhio, malocchio, prezzemolo e finocchio (1983) 1.jpg

and Spectatress at the magic challenge
Occhio, malocchio, prezzemolo e finocchio (1983) 2.jpg

Maciste contro Ercole nella valle dei guai (1961)
Franco Ciccio & Maciste contro Ercole nella valle dei guai (1961) 1.JPG
Franco Ciccio & Maciste contro Ercole nella valle dei guai (1961) 2.JPG
Last edited by FatmanDan on 17/11/2022, 20:44, edited 1 time in total.

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Johan Melle
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Re: Rossana Canghiari

Post by Johan Melle » 26/09/2018, 18:32

Demoni (1985) - new pic by Emiliano
Demoni (1985).jpg

Anno Zero - guerra nello spazio (1977)
Anno Zero - guerra nello spazio (1977) 1.jpg
Anno Zero - guerra nello spazio (1977) 2.jpg
I Prosseneti - Rossana Canghiari.jpg
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Name: Emiliano

Re: Rossana Canghiari

Post by Emiliano » 26/09/2018, 18:35

Sogni mostruosamente proibiti (1982) - And now she listen some music (of Pappagalli at piano - shot in his topic)
Sogni mostruosamente proibiti (1982).JPG
Roba da ricchi (1987) 3.JPG
Roba da ricchi (1987) 2.JPG
Roba da ricchi (1987) 1.JPG
Stasera a casa di Alice (1990) 2.JPG
Stasera a casa di Alice (1990) 1.JPG
Ricchi, ricchissimi... praticamente in mutande (1982).JPG
Last edited by Cinema Italiano on 02/11/2024, 22:53, edited 3 times in total.

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Johan Melle
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Re: Rossana Canghiari

Post by Johan Melle » 26/09/2018, 18:39


I have made a very interesting discovery! She has a small but nice little role in Maladonna (1984), where she is the wife of Giuseppe Marrocco
Maladonna (1984) 1.jpg
Maladonna (1984) 2.jpg

The interesting thing is that Marrocco is credited in this film and it is possible that the unknown darkhaired woman is credited too! In the cast list there is woman named Rossana Canghiari, and it could be her!

And in Totò contro Maciste (1962) in a little role, present only in this scene without dialogues - new pic by vecchiaguardia
Totò contro Maciste (1962) 2.JPG
Totò contro Maciste (1962) 1.JPG
Il vigile (1960) 4.JPG
Il vigile (1960) 3.JPG
Il vigile (1960) 2.JPG
Il vigile (1960) 1.JPG
Last edited by Cinema Italiano on 20/10/2023, 15:30, edited 1 time in total.

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Johan Melle
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Re: Rossana Canghiari

Post by Johan Melle » 26/09/2018, 20:44

Un delitto poco comune (1988)
Un delitto poco comune (1988) 1.jpg
Un delitto poco comune (1988) 2.jpg

L'occhio del ragno (1971) - pic by Rogerio Ferraz
L'occhio del ragno (1971).jpg
Last edited by FatmanDan on 18/08/2023, 22:28, edited 2 times in total.

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