Franchi, Lina

The Background Actresses of the Italian Cinema
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Name: Emiliano

Franchi, Lina

Post by Emiliano » 30/08/2018, 5:20

Lina Franchi in ...e venne il tempo di uccidere (1968)

Lina Franchi, for over twenty years, was one of the most active extras of the Italian cinema. Characterized by a particularly intense feline gaze and sturdy body, she was always preferred for interpreting roles of peasants, prostitutes, housewives. In the few showy roles in which she has participated, she has always shown nice acting skills.


  1. La Fantarca (TV movie) .... unknown role (uncredited)

  2. Assalto al tesoro di stato .... Teresa Simona (credited)
  3. El desperado .... Saloon customer (uncredited)
  4. I barbieri di Sicilia .... Podestà's wife (uncredited)
  5. I giorni della violenza .... Saloon girl (uncredited)
  6. Requiescant .... Mexican mother killed in the massacre (uncredited)
  7. Il tempo degli avvoltoi .... Cantina girl (uncredited)
  8. La resa dei conti .... Prostitute (uncredited)
  9. Una colt in pugno al diavolo .... Saloon girl (uncredited)
  10. Vado... l'ammazzo e torno .... Woman at the window (uncredited)

  11. ...e venne il tempo di uccidere .... Señora Conchita Rodriguez (uncredited)
  12. Ciccio perdona... io no! .... Woman in saloon (uncredited)
  13. Carogne si nasce .... Departing farmer's wife (uncredited)
  14. Due volte Giuda .... unknown role (credited)
  15. El Zorro .... Don Pedro's maid (uncredited)
  16. Il figlio di Aquila Nera .... Woman at the royal court (uncredited)
  17. La bambolona .... Prostitute (uncredited)
  18. La vendetta è il mio perdono .... Mexican woman (uncredited)
  19. Oggi a me... domani a te! .... Prostitute seduced by Bunny Fox (uncredited)
  20. Romeo and Juliet .... Citizen in the crowd (uncredited)
  21. Scusi, lei conosce il sesso? .... Interviewed prostitute (uncredited)
  22. Se incontri Sartana prega per la tua morte .... Maid (uncredited)
  23. Spara, Gringo,spara .... Girl in bed with Warner (uncredited)
  24. Tepepa (credited, but unidentifiable)

  25. Amore mio aiutami .... Audience member in the concert hall (uncredited)
  26. Gli specialisti .... Saloon girl (uncredited)
  27. Infanzia, vocazione e prime esperienze di Giacomo Casanova veneziano .... Hanging spectator (uncredited)
  28. La legge dei gangsters .... unknown role (uncredited)
  29. Le altre .... Woman interviewed at the park (uncredited)
  30. Passa Sartana... è l'ombra della tua morte! .... Woman looking the corpse of the Judge (uncredited)
  31. Quintana .... Onlooker (uncredited)
  32. Un esercito di 5 uomini .... Spectator at Esteban's execution (uncredited)
  33. Zenabel .... unknown role (uncredited)
  34. Zingara .... Woman in restaurant (uncredited)

  35. Basta guardarla .... Woman in the audience (uncredited)
  36. La califfa .... Prostitute for the committee of industrials (uncredited)
  37. Lettera al Kremlino .... Hooker fighting in Mexico (uncredited)
  38. Ninì Tirabusciò, la donna che invento la mossa .... Striker on the march (uncredited)
  39. Una prostituta al servizio del pubblico e in regola con le leggi dello stato .... Prostitute (uncredited)

  40. ...continuavano a chiamarlo Trinità .... Passerby (uncredited)
  41. ...e lo chiamarono Spirito Santo .... Spirito Santo's mother (credited)
  42. Acquasanta Joe .... Bank customer (uncredited)
  43. Blindman .... One of the washing women (uncredited)
  44. È tornato Sabata... hai chiuso un'altra volta .... Laughing saloon girl (uncredited)
  45. I due assi del guantone …. Restaurant customer (uncredited)
  46. Il mio nome è Mallory... M come morte .... Townswoman (uncredited)
  47. Il tredicesimo è sempre Giuda .... Maid (uncredited)
  48. Indio Black, sai che ti dico: Sei un gran figlio di... .... Mexican woman (uncredited)
  49. La bestia uccide a sangue freddo .... Nurse (uncredited)
  50. Riuscirà l'avvocato Franco Benenato a sconfiggere il suo acerrimo nemico il pretore Ciccio De Ingras? .... Franco's wife (uncredited)
  51. Testa t'ammazzo, croce... sei morto... Mi chiamano Alleluja .... Mexican revolutionary woman (uncredited)

  52. ...e si salvò solo l'aretino Pietro con una mano avanti e l'altra dietro .... unknown role (uncredited)
  53. Abuso di potere .... Woman in gambling room (uncredited)
  54. All'onorevole piacciono le donne .... Spectator at airport (uncredited)
  55. Bada alla tua pelle Spirito Santo .... Indian wife (credited)
  56. Correva l'anno di grazia 1870 .... Woman in the market (uncredited)
  57. Decameron N. 2 - Le altre novelle del Boccaccio .... Woman in Viterbo (uncredited)
  58. Fellini's Roma .... Prostitute (uncredited)
  59. Fratello homo sorella bona. Nel Boccaccio superproibito .... Mother superior (uncredited)
  60. Gli altri racconti di Canterbury .... Guest at the inn (uncredited)
  61. I familiari delle vittime non saranno avvertiti .... Mama Mancuso (uncredited)
  62. I sette del gruppo selvaggio .... Tornado's girl (uncredited)
  63. Joe Valachi .... Wedding party guest (uncredited)
  64. La mala ordina .... Prostitute that kiss Eva Lalli (uncredited)
  65. Meo Patacca .... Prostitute (uncredited)
  66. Milano calibro 9 .... Woman in the night-club (uncredited)
  67. Mimì metallurgico ferito nell'onore .... Woman escaping (uncredited)
  68. Sette orchidee macchiate di rosso .... Prostitute (uncredited)
  69. Trinità e Sartana, figli di... .... Saloon girl (uncredited)

  70. Buona parte di Paolina .... Villager (uncredited)
  71. Il consigliori .... Employee in Torrillo's restaurant (uncredited)
  72. Il figlioccio del padrino .... Woman at baptism (uncredited)
  73. Kid, il monello del West .... Townswoman (uncredited)
  74. La colonna infame .... Woman in jail (uncredited)
  75. Metti... che ti rompo il muso .... Sherry (uncredited)
  76. Mordi e fuggi .... Woman whose car is taken by the terrorists (uncredited)
  77. Paolo il caldo .... Prostitute (uncredited)
  78. Polvere di stelle .... Screaming spectatress at the Caracioni Theater (uncredited)
  79. Sette monache a Kansas City .... Nun in big ton (uncredited)

  80. A pugni nudi .... Prostitute (uncredited)
  81. Amore amaro .... Woman in the night-club in Paris (uncredited)
  82. Amore mio non farmi male .... Restaurant client (uncredited)
  83. Bello come un arcangelo .... Woman at the wake of "Donna Mercedes" (uncredited)
  84. Farfallon .... Nun (uncredited)
  85. La profanazione .... Nurse (uncredited)
  86. Le scomunicate di San Valentino .... Nun (uncredited)
  87. Macrò .... Prostitute (uncredited)
  88. Milano: il clan dei Calabresi .... Arguing prostitute (uncredited)
  89. Piedino il questurino .... Mourning woman (uncredited)
  90. Scusi, si potrebbe evitare il servizio militare? ...No! .... Party guest (uncredited)
  91. Sesso in testa .... Prostitute pretending to be tourist (uncredited)
  92. Superuomini, superdonne, superbotte .... Woman at the market (uncredited)

  93. Ah si?.. E io lo dico a Zzzorro! .... Constanza, the waitress (uncredited)
  94. A mezzanotte va la ronda del piacere .... Tina Candela's neighbour (uncredited)
  95. Faccia di spia .... Woman at the banquet (uncredited)
  96. L'amaro caso della baronessa di Carini (TV mini-series) .... Greengrocer (uncredited)
  97. La città sconvolta: caccia spietata ai rapinatori .... Woman in hotel (uncredited)
  98. La novizia .... Woman at Nunziata's home / Woman at funeral (uncredited)
  99. La tigre venuta dal fiume Kwai .... Town resident (uncredited)
  100. Prima ti suono e poi ti sparo .... Woman in taverna (uncredited)
  101. Roma drogata: la polizia non può intervenire .... Nurse (uncredited)
  102. Un genio, due compari, un pollo .... Prostitute in the saloon (uncredited)
  103. Zanna Bianca e il cacciatore solitario .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  104. Zorro .... Housekeeper (uncredited)

  105. Caro Michele .... Train passenger (uncredited)
  106. Come cani arrabbiati .... Prostitute (uncredited)
  107. Febbre da cavallo .... Woman in the courtroom (uncredited)
  108. Il grande racket .... Scared customer at supermarket robbery (uncredited)
  109. L'adolescente .... Villager (uncredited)
  110. L'infermiera di mio padre .... Brothel manager (credited)
  111. La poliziotta fa carriera .... Prostitute (uncredited)
  112. Liberi armati pericolosi .... Woman at the bank robbery (uncredited)
  113. Marcia trionfale .... Prostitute (uncredited)
  114. Paura in città .... Scared customer at shop robbery (uncredited)
  115. Remo e Romolo .... Sabine woman (uncredited)
  116. Roma, l'altra faccia della violenza .... Prostitute (uncredited)
  117. Sangue di sbirro .... Woman at the airport during the terrorist attack (uncredited)
  118. Spogliamoci così senza pudor - segment "La squadra di calcio" .... Mother of a little boy trained by Dante Zatteroni (uncredited)
  119. Squadra antifurto .... Spectator at hippodrome (uncredited)
  120. Squadra antiscippo .... Angry woman in the market crowd (uncredited)
  121. Uomini si nasce poliziotti si muore .... Passenger who gets off the tram (uncredited)

  122. Doppio delitto .... Woman at the scene of the crime (uncredited)
  123. I nuovi mostri .... Woman at the funeral (uncredited) (segment "L'elogio funebre")
  124. Il... Belpaese .... Woman outside home at evening (uncredited)
  125. Il prefetto di ferro .... Woman who attacks Mori's wife (uncredited)
  126. Io ho paura .... Bar customer (uncredited)
  127. La via della droga .... Woman in hall at court house (uncredited)
  128. Messalina, Messalina! .... Peasant (uncredited)
  129. Ritornano quelli della calibro 38 .... Mother of a child held hostage (uncredited)
  130. Spia - Il caso Philby (TV) .... Woman in Beirut (uncredited)
  131. Taxi Girl .... Prostitute (uncredited)
  132. Un borghese piccolo piccolo .... Woman at the cemetery (uncredited)

  133. Avere vent'anni .... Restaurant worker (uncredited)
  134. Diamanti sporchi di sangue .... Woman on bus (uncredited)
  135. I figli non si toccano .... Maid (uncredited)
  136. I problemi di Don Isidro (TV mini-series) - ep.: "2° Problema: Millemiglia" .... Woman at nightclub (uncredited)
  137. Il commissario Verrazzano .... Spectator at the horse race (uncredited)
  138. Il figlio dello sceicco .... Woman who comes to deposit trash (uncredited)
  139. L'ultimo guappo .... Woman at dancing hall (uncredited)
  140. Madame Bovary (TV mini-series) - ep. 3 .... Peasant at the awards ceremony (uncredited)
  141. Napoli serenata calibro 9 .... Savastano's party guest (uncredited)

  142. Bambulè .... Old stripper (uncredited)
  143. Concorde Affaire '79 .... Concorde passenger (uncredited)
  144. Dove vai se il vizietto non ce l'hai? .... Nun at restaurant (uncredited)
  145. Due pezzi di Pane .... Woman at the osteria (uncredited)
  146. Femmine infernali .... Prisoner (uncredited)
  147. I contrabbandieri di Santa Lucia .... Concerned woman when Stellatella is taken ill/Nun in Hospital (uncredited)
  148. Il mammasantissima .... Angry woman outside the pawn shop (uncredited)
  149. Il ritorno del Santo (TV) - ep. 21: "Circolo vizioso" .... Street spectator (uncredited)
  150. L'imbranato .... Woman on the bus (uncredited)
  151. La Venere d'Ille (TV) .... Kitchen maid (uncredited)
  152. Lo scugnizzo .... Woman at the restaurant (uncredited)
  153. Orinoco - Prigioniere del sesso .... Prisoner who serves food (uncredited)
  154. SuperAndy il fratello brutto di Superman .... Woman on bus (uncredited)
  155. Tutti a squola .... Parent (uncredited)
  156. Un uomo in ginocchio .... Beatrice Lamantia (uncredited)

  157. Arrivano i gatti .... Camper informing of the fire (uncredited)
  158. Café Express .... Woman on the train (uncredited)
  159. Ciao marziano .... Woman in the crowd (uncredited)
  160. Delitto a Porta Romana .... Woman at celebration dinner (uncredited)
  161. Il lupo & l'agnello .... Onlooker (uncredited)
  162. La cage aux folles II .... Kitchen maid (uncredited)
  163. La tua vita per mio figlio .... Customer at Maria´s shop (uncredited)
  164. Lion of the Desert .... Woman at the Italian military ball (uncredited)
  165. Salto nel vuoto .... Woman at pawnshop (uncredited)
  166. Sono fotogenico .... Woman at funeral procession (uncredited)
  167. Un sacco bello .... Nurse (uncredited)
  168. Zappatore .... Party guest (uncredited)
  169. Zucchero, miele e peperoncino .... Woman at Plinio Carlozzi's wedding (uncredited)

  170. Carcerato .... Woman in the visiting room (uncredited)
  171. Ciao nemico .... Prostitute recruited to the army (uncredited)
  172. Kenn' ich, weiß ich, war ich schon! .... Western saloon hostess (uncredited)
  173. L'assistente sociale tutto pepe .... Woman pretending to cry at wake (uncredited)
  174. La nouvelle malle des indes (TV mini-series) .... Waitess at inn (uncredited)
  175. La poliziotta a New York .... Gianna's friend (uncredited)
  176. Miracoloni .... unknown role (uncredited)
  177. Napoli, Palermo, New York - Il triangolo della camorra .... Restaurant diner / Nursing nun (uncredited)
  178. Occhio alla penna .... Waitress (uncredited)
  179. Pierino medico della S.A.U.B. .... Hospital patient (uncredited)
  180. Teste di quoio .... Woman on the street (uncredited)
  181. Un folle amore .... Signora Fiorilli, the annoyed neighbor downstairs (uncredited)

  182. Amici miei atto II° .... Woman during the flood (uncredited)
  183. Borotalco .... Prostitute near the phone booth (uncredited)
  184. Cercasi Gesù .... Woman in carpenter's workshop (uncredited)
  185. Il paramedico .... Onlooker (uncredited)
  186. Inverno al mare (TV mini-series) .... Crying woman outside Redani's shop (uncredited)
  187. La sai l'ultima sui matti? .... Woman at the bus stop (uncredited)
  188. Monsignor .... Woman at Sunday mass (uncredited)
  189. Panagulis Zei (TV mini-series) - ep. 3 .... Woman at airport (uncredited)
  190. Parole e sangue (TV mini-series) .... Woman on the phone (uncredited)
  191. Pierino la peste alla riscossa .... Prostitute (uncredited)
  192. Più bello di così si muore .... Waiter (uncredited)
  193. Sangraal, la spada di fuoco .... Member of Sangraal's tribe (uncredited)
  194. Sesso e volentieri - segment "Domenica In" .... Woman in the TV cooking program (uncredited)
  195. Son contento .... Woman queuing at the post office (uncredited)
  196. Testa o croce .... Prostitute (uncredited)
  197. Vigili e vigilesse .... Nun (uncredited)
  198. W la foca! .... Jealous wife (uncredited)

  199. Acqua e sapone .... Woman above "Gino" the dyer's shop (uncredited)
  200. Babette .... Women in a car with her husband (uncredited)
  201. Detenute violente .... Woman who works in the prison kitchen (uncredited)
  202. 'F.F.S.S.', cioè:... che mi hai portato a fare sopra a Posillipo se non mi vuoi più bene? .... Member of the choir (uncredited)
  203. Guapparia .... Passerby (uncredited)
  204. Pappa e ciccia .... Woman at the airport (uncredited)
  205. Sing Sing (credit only)
  206. Sfrattato cerca casa equo canone .... Squatter (uncredited)
  207. The Scarlet and the Black (TV) .... Italian woman on train (uncredited)

  208. ...e la vita continua (TV mini-series) .... Brothel cashier (uncredited)
  209. Così parlò Bellavista .... Woman at street market (uncredited)

  210. Mamma Ebe .... Passerby in courthouse (uncredited)
  211. Mi faccia causa .... Bar customer (uncredited)
  212. Uccelli d'Italia .... Woman at the market (uncredited)

  213. Don Bosco .... Village woman who cheers at the fight (uncredited)

  214. La primavera di Michelangelo / A Season of Giants (TV mini-series) .... Woman admiring the statue of David (uncredited)

Filmography to check
  1. Arriva Dorellik (1967) .... One of the Duponts
  2. Due sul pianerottolo (1976) .... Woman near the bank
  3. Così parlò bellavista (1984) .... Woman at street market
  4. Follia, amore mio (TV, 1986 - credited according to DCI)

  1. Letizia N. 85: C'è un bandito nel mio cuore (Ed. Lancio - Published March 1968)
  2. Darling N. 19: "C'è qualcosa più forte dell'amore" (Ed. Lancio - Published September 1968)
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Name: Emiliano

Re: Lina Franchi

Post by Emiliano » 07/10/2018, 14:59

With a wig not really well fitted in La bestia uccide a sangue freddo (1971) as Nurse
La bestia uccide a sangue freddo (1972).jpg

Meo Patacca (1972) as Prostitute
Meo Patacca (1972).JPG

Riuscirà l'avvocato Franco Benenato a sconfiggere il suo acerrimo nemico il pretore Ciccio De Ingras? (1971) as Franco's wife
Riuscirà l'avvocato Franco Benenato... (1972).JPG

I familiari delle vittime non saranno avvertiti (1972) as Mama Mancuso
I familiari delle vittime non saranno avvertiti (1972).jpg

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Name: Emiliano

Re: Lina Franchi

Post by Emiliano » 07/10/2018, 15:08

Le scomunicate di San Valentino (1974), as Nun
Le scomunicate di San Valentino (1974).JPG

A great moment in La mala ordina (1972), as a Prostitute that tries to seduce Eva (Luciana Paluzzi)
La mala ordina (1972) 1.jpg
La mala ordina (1972) 2.jpg
La mala ordina (1972) 3.jpg
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Name: Emiliano

Re: Lina Franchi

Post by Emiliano » 07/10/2018, 15:12

W la foca (1982) as Jealous wife
W la foca (1982).jpg
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Johan Melle
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Re: Lina Franchi

Post by Johan Melle » 07/10/2018, 15:21

Blindman (1971) as one of the washing women
Blindman (1971).jpg

Faccia di spia (1975) as a Woman at the banquet
Faccia di spia (1975).jpg

Return of the Saint - episode 21: "Vicious Circle" (1979) as street spectator
Return of the Saint - ep 21 (1979).jpg
Uomini si nasce, poliziotti si muore (1976).jpg
Il grande racket (1976).JPG
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Johan Melle
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Re: Lina Franchi

Post by Johan Melle » 07/10/2018, 15:29

Orinoco: prigioniere del sesso (1980), as Prisoner who serves food
Orinoco - Lina Franchi.jpg

Femmine infernali (1979), as One of the prisoners . This was filmed together with Orinoco: prigioniere del sesso (1980), but Lina has a much bigger role in this one. She is in several scenes and even in a fight with some of the other women. A great role for Lina!
Femmine infernali (1979) 0.jpg
Femmine infernali (1979) 1.jpg
Femmine infernali (1979) 2.jpg
Femmine infernali (1979) 3.jpg
Femmine infernali (1979) 4.jpg

Detenute violente (1983), as Woman who works in the prison kitchen
Detenute violente (1983).jpg
Last edited by FatmanDan on 05/06/2023, 20:12, edited 2 times in total.

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Johan Melle
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Re: Lina Franchi

Post by Johan Melle » 07/10/2018, 15:37

Milano il clan dei calabresi (1974), as Arguing prostitute
Milano il clan dei calabresi (1974).jpg
Last edited by FatmanDan on 18/08/2023, 22:16, edited 3 times in total.

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Johan Melle
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Re: Lina Franchi

Post by Johan Melle » 07/10/2018, 15:43

Ritornano quelli della calibro 38 (1977) as Mother of a child held hostage
Ritornano quelli della calibro 38 (1977).jpg

Decameron N. 2 - Le altre novelle del Boccaccio (1972) as Woman in Viterbo
Decameron N. 2 - Le altre novelle del Boccaccio (1972).jpg

Una prostituta al servizio del pubblico ed in regola con le leggi dello stato (1970) as Prostitute
Una prostituta al servizio del pubblico ed in regola con le leggi dello stato (1970).jpg

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Johan Melle
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Re: Lina Franchi

Post by Johan Melle » 07/10/2018, 15:58

La Venere d'Ille (1979) (TV) as Kitchen maid
La Venere d'Ille (1979).jpg
pic by T.R.S.
La via della droga (1977) 4.jpg
La via della droga (1977) 3.jpg
La via della droga (1977) 2.jpg
La via della droga (1977) 1.jpg
Last edited by Cinema Italiano on 23/02/2023, 9:37, edited 2 times in total.

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Name: Emiliano

Re: Lina Franchi

Post by Emiliano » 07/10/2018, 16:05

Monsignor (1982), as Woman at Sunday mass
Monsignor - Lina Franchi.jpg
ID by Johan Melle
Last edited by FatmanDan on 26/07/2023, 21:32, edited 3 times in total.

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