Errors and Additions reporting

Errors and Additions reporting Topics to be revised
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Errors and Additions reporting

Post by Emiliano » 08/09/2018, 10:57

Write in this topic any reports of roles or corrections to be affixed in the filmographies.

I always remember that: the topics of the filmographies must not become the place for discussions, but only for the reporting of the images.

Here are reported the lost images, so if someone has them knows where to add (I did not leave the empty spaces, you need to make always a new post if it is not otherwise specified).

Alba Maiolini
Colpita da improvviso benessere (1976) - pic by vecchiaguardia

Andrea Esterhazy
A mezzanotte va la ronda del piacere (1975) - pic by Ciavazzaro

Attilio Pellegatti
Tu che ne dici? (1960) .... Soldier on the airplane pic by vecchiaguardia

Bruno Alias
Una vita lunga un giorno (1973) pic by vecchiaguardia

Enrico Cesaretti
some fotomoranzi pics are missing including the ones from Rogerio used in the ID

Ettore Martini
Razza selvaggia (1980) - pic by vecchiaguardia
Il petomane (1983) - pic by vecchiaguardia
Guapparia (1983) as restaurant customer - pic by Ghibarian

Lamberto Solfa
Si ringrazia la regione Puglia per averci fornito i milanesi (1982) as restaurant customer

Luciano Zanussi
L'occhio di giuda (1982) pic by dusso
Storia senza parole (1981) pic by dusso
Il colpaccio (1976) (no pic at all) post by dusso

Maurizio Streccioni
Nuda per Satana (1974)
Noi siam come le lucciole (1976)
Che casino... con Pierino! (1982)

Pupita Lea Scuderoni
Nel giardino delle rose (1990) - pic by vecchiaguardia
Il caso Graziosi (1981) - pic by Ciavazzaro - put it here ---> viewtopic.php?f=16&t=212&p=2010#p2010
The role in I predatori dell'anno Omega (1980) Johan you should know that.
Franco e Ciccio e le vedove allegre - pic by Ciavazzaro - wich Segment of 3 ? Because she acts also in the segment la Nostra Signora - Ciavazzaro you should know - post here --> viewtopic.php?f=16&t=212&p=2016#p2016

Regina Elena Bisio
Il medicio della mutua (1968) - pic by Ciavazzaro

Armando Tortorici
Il bi e il ba (1986) (uncredited) .... Passerby at train station - pic by Ghibarian

Stefania Possamai
Quella piccola differenza (1970) as Factory worker - pic by dusso

Tom Felleghy
Morbosità (1974) (dusso)

Veriano Ginesi
Italiani è severamente proibito servirsi della toilette durante le fermate (1969) Driver - Ciavazzaro
Last edited by Emiliano on 03/05/2023, 21:04, edited 9 times in total.

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Johan Melle
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Re: Lost pics

Post by Johan Melle » 08/09/2018, 19:40

Good idea with a specific thread where one can request lost pics, upgrades of pics etc, because a lot of such little posts can really clutter up the actor topics, and in the chat they can easily fall down before they are noticed.

Anyway, I see from the filmography that Pappagalli is a man at the funeral in Attenti al bufone, but I just looked at the funeral scene and was unable to spot him. Maybe he's really in a different scene?

Anyway, I did take the liberty of updating some of the pics in Pappagalli's topic since many of them are quite old (from 2008!) and there are now higher-quality versions available for several of the films.

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Re: Lost pics

Post by Emiliano » 08/09/2018, 20:23

The images in HD are really fantastic. I'm waiting to do other thrillings topic because I have to take HD snapshots first.
Johan Melle wrote:
08/09/2018, 19:40
Anyway, I see from the filmography that Pappagalli is a man at the funeral in Attenti al bufone, but I just looked at the funeral scene and was unable to spot him. Maybe he's really in a different scene?
Ciavazzaro you must clarify this case :p

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Re: Lost pics

Post by Johan Melle » 08/09/2018, 23:03

And since we're already putting questions to Ciavazzaro, I'll add another one:

In Lina Alberti's topic, there are several pictures from you which are supposed to show Lina in Casanova '70 (1965) but I've just looked at this film and these pictures do not come from there! Is it possible that they're instead from Boccaccio '70 (1962)? I can't check because I don't have this film...

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Re: Lost pics

Post by Ciavazzaro » 09/09/2018, 3:54

For Franco Magno we have missing pics for these movies:
roma (1972)
BOCCACCIO '70 (segment LE TENTAZIONI...)... Secretary of Commendator La Pappa (we still have pics on the old forum, but they are awful quality)
il segno del comando
divina creatura
polvere di stelle
la supertestimone
al di là dell'odio
colpo di stato
amore e ginnastica
ettore lo fusto

la pecora nera

I do have Amore e ginnastica, so tomorrow i will check to make a pic in his topic.
And i should have also boccaccio, i will check that too.

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Re: Lost pics

Post by Johan Melle » 09/09/2018, 4:06

I can fix these at least:
Il segno del comando
Divina creatura
Ettore lo fusto

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Re: Lost pics

Post by Johan Melle » 09/09/2018, 16:38

I've just found Lucia Righi in Roma drogata: la polizia non può intervenire (1975), but instead of adding a new post, I took her nice close-up from this film and put it in the first post with the filmography. The one we had was a very tiny photo from Il soldato di ventura (1975), borrowed from the Spencer/Hill database, so I put that with the other photos.

But I'm wondering: does anyone have a full screenshot of Lucia from Il soldato di ventura? And also from Occhio, malocchio, prezzemolo e finocchio (1983)? Because I think that would be preferrable to these cropped little pics borrowed from the Spencer/Hill DB or CIDB.

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Re: Lost pics

Post by Emiliano » 09/09/2018, 17:19

In the topic of Massimini the following images are missing:

Sesso profondo (1980) by J.M.
Nude Odeon (1978) by dusso
Fantozzi subisce ancora (1983) by dusso
Francesco Bertolazzi investigatore (1970) episode "getto della spugna" by dusso

I did not leave the seats, you need to make new posts

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Re: Lost pics

Post by Ciavazzaro » 09/09/2018, 17:24

I should have Nude Odeon, i will search for it.

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Re: Lost pics

Post by Emiliano » 09/09/2018, 17:25

Johan Melle wrote:
09/09/2018, 16:38
I've just found Lucia Righi in Roma drogata: la polizia non può intervenire (1975), but instead of adding a new post, I took her nice close-up from this film and put it in the first post with the filmography. The one we had was a very tiny photo from Il soldato di ventura (1975), borrowed from the Spencer/Hill database, so I put that with the other photos.

But I'm wondering: does anyone have a full screenshot of Lucia from Il soldato di ventura? And also from Occhio, malocchio, prezzemolo e finocchio (1983)? Because I think that would be preferrable to these cropped little pics borrowed from the Spencer/Hill DB or CIDB.
I've replaced Occhio, malocchio...

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