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Re: Farmer, Mimsy

Posted: 09/07/2021, 2:15
by Johan Melle
AllonsanfĂ n (1974) credited, as Francesca.

This prestigious historial drama by the Taviani brothers stars Marcello Mastroianni as a revolutionary during the Italian unification, and features a good supporting role for Mimsy (once again looking quite unrecognizable) as Mastroianni's lover. When interviewed in Radiocorriere n. 47 (1986), Mimsy cites this as one of the films she has the fondest memories of.
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Re: Farmer, Mimsy

Posted: 09/07/2021, 2:23
by Johan Melle
Il profumo della signora in nero (1974) credited, as Silvia Hacherman.

One of Mimsy's most famous and celebrated horror roles. She's at her most beautiful here, and delivers a very dedicated and compelling performance as a woman who is being driven to madness.
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Re: Farmer, Mimsy

Posted: 09/07/2021, 2:33
by Johan Melle
Les suspects (La polizia indaga: siamo tutti sospettati) (1974) credited, as Candice Strasberg.

This French-Italian crime mystery actually begins with the discovery of Mimsy's corpse. The mystery of what happened to her is then gradually revealed through a series of flashbacks as the police investigate the case.
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Re: Farmer, Mimsy

Posted: 09/07/2021, 2:44
by Johan Melle
La traque (Il sapore della paura) (1975) credited, as Helen Wells.

This very gritty and downbeat thriller stars Mimsy as an American tourist who is assaulted and raped in the French countryside by two influential men. After she manages to escape, the men and their friends hunt her down to cover up what has happened.
This one isn't among Mimsy's most well-known films, but when interviewed in Video Watchdog #161, Mimsy says she considers this her best film.
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Re: Farmer, Mimsy

Posted: 09/07/2021, 2:55
by Johan Melle
Macchie solari (1975) credited, as Simona Sanna.

Another key entry in Mimsy's filmography, this gory giallo casts her as a frigid and neurotic pathologist who gets embroiled in a deadly murder mystery. This one was renamed Autopsy in the US, where it became a sizeable grindhouse hit, and thus making it one the most famous of Mimsy's European films.
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Re: Farmer, Mimsy

Posted: 09/07/2021, 3:04
by Johan Melle
Antonio Gramsci - I giorni del carcere (1977) credited, as Giulia Schucht.

This black & white arthouse drama deals with the incarceration of real-life Communist and philosopher Antonio Gramsci during the 1920s and 30s. Mimsy plays Gramsci's Russian wife, who is seen only in a few scattered flashback scenes.
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Re: Farmer, Mimsy

Posted: 09/07/2021, 3:11
by Johan Melle
Ciao maschio (1978) credited, as Feminist actress.

This bizarre Marco Ferreri film set in post-apocalyptic New York stars GĂ©rard Depardieu as a man raising an orphaned chimpanzee. Depardieu is working as a stagehand for a feminist theater group, among which Mimsy is one of the actresses. She appears in a couple of scenes, but really doesn't have much to do here.
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Re: Farmer, Mimsy

Posted: 09/07/2021, 3:21
by Johan Melle
L'amant de poche (1978) credited, as Helena.

This coming of age romance with comedy touches features a controversial theme, with Mimsy starring as a high-class prostitute who begins a love affair with a much younger teenage boy.
Unlike Mimsy's earlier French films, this one was not on Italian co-production, which shows how much popularity she had managed to attain in France, and she would go on to appear in several more French films without Italian involvement.
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Re: Farmer, Mimsy

Posted: 09/07/2021, 3:31
by Johan Melle
Concorde affaire '79 (1979) credited, as Jean Beneyton.

This rip-off of the American Airport disaster movie series was the first of two films Mimsy did for director Ruggero Deodato. She stars as a kidnapped Concorde stewardess who must be rescued by leading man James Franciscus, and it's hardly one of her better roles as she spends most of the first half in captivity, and most of the second half getting hysterical and having to be calmed down by Franciscus.
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Re: Farmer, Mimsy

Posted: 09/07/2021, 3:33
by Johan Melle
Martin Eden (1979) (TV mini-series) - episodes 1-5, credited, as Lizzie Connolly.

This 5-part television adaptation of the famous Jack London novel stars American actor Christopher Connelly as Martin Eden, a former sailer who struggles to rise above his circumstances and make it as a successful author. Central to the plot is his romantic life, which sees him torn between two very different women: the beautiful but snobby upper-class girl Ruth (played by Delia Boccardo) and the simpler Lizzie (played by Mimsy), a working-class girl who loves Martin simply for who he is.

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Episode 5
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