Giganti, Alfonso

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Name: Emiliano

Giganti, Alfonso

Post by Emiliano » 27/08/2018, 23:09

Perchè quelle strane gocce di sangue (1972).jpg
Alfonso Giganti in Perchè quelle strane gocce di sangue sul corpo di Jennifer? (1972)

Tall, distinguished man, with a severe loo, he was Alfonso Giganti, one of the most active generico's of the whole Italian Cinema. He has often played policemans and inspectors.

His name was found out by Tibor Robert Szücs on June 2, 2012.


  1. I normanni .... Courtier (uncredited)
  2. Il colpo segreto di D'Artagnan .... Conspirator (uncredited)

  3. Golia e il cavaliere mascherato .... Courtier (uncredited)
  4. I compagni .... Factory worker (uncredited)
  5. Il vecchio testamento .... Maccabee (uncredited)
  6. Io Semiramide .... Courtier (uncredited)
  7. L'invincibile cavaliere mascherato .... Villager at the tavern (uncredited)
  8. La vita provvisoria .... Valet (uncredited)
  9. Le monachine .... Audience member at the presentation (uncredited)
  10. Oro per i cesari .... Slave in the gold mines (uncredited)
  11. Rocambole .... Policeman / Bank clerk / Maxim's patron / Servant at the ball / Casino player (uncredited)
  12. Zorro contro Maciste .... Man at the coronation (uncredited)

  13. 00-2 agenti segretissimi .... Waiter (uncredited)
  14. Anthar l'invincibile .... Bidder at slave auction / Guard at the wedding / City guard (uncredited)
  15. Ercole contro Roma .... Praetorian (uncredited)
  16. Gli schiavi più forti del mondo .... Slave at the encampment / Spectator at the arena (uncredited)
  17. I due evasi di Sing Sing .... Boxing match judge (uncredited)
  18. I due gladiatori .... Rebel / Rebel messenger (uncredited)
  19. I due mafiosi .... Nightclub client (uncredited)
  20. I tre sergenti del Bengala .... Party guest / Soldier at Fort Madras (uncredited)
  21. Il colosso di Roma .... Soldier (uncredited)
  22. Il magnifico gladiatore .... Roman soldier / Prison warden (uncredited)
  23. Il trionfo di Ercole .... Spectator at the trial of Hercules (uncredited)
  24. L'ultimo gladiatore .... Roman soldier holding Ena (uncredited)
  25. La rivolta dei pretoriani .... Praetorian / Guard (uncredited)
  26. La rivolta dei sette .... Spectator (uncredited)
  27. Maciste nelle miniere del re Salomone .... Spectator at the street fight (uncredited)
  28. Totò contro il pirata nero .... Guard (uncredited)

  29. 002 Operazione Luna .... Guard (uncredited)
  30. 30 Winchester per El Diablo .... Townsman at council (uncredited)
  31. Agente 077 missione Bloody Mary .... Henchman (uncredited)
  32. Come inguaiammo l'esercito .... Officer Percuoco (uncredited)
  33. Con rispetto parlando .... Man at Tonino Pardi's funeral (uncredited)
  34. I due parà .... American soldier (uncredited)
  35. I figli del leopardo .... Passerby in the casino (uncredited)
  36. Il gladiatore che sfidò l'impero .... Spectator at Nerone tent match (uncredited)
  37. L'avventuriero della Tortuga .... Wedding guest / Guard
  38. La rivincita di Ivanhoe .... Monk - assistant to the prior (uncredited)
  39. La sfida dei giganti .... Sailor (uncredited)
  40. Un dollaro bucato .... Soldier (uncredited)
  41. Uno straniero a Sacramento .... Saloon customer (uncredited)
  42. Veneri al sole - segments "Intrigo al mare" & "Come conquistare le donne" .... Man at the 'Chez Vous' nightclub / Spectator at boxing match (uncredited)

  43. 7 dollari sul rosso .... Man in the saloon (uncredited)
  44. Arizona Colt .... Blackstone Hill cowboy (uncredited)
  45. Come svaligiammo la banca d'Italia .... Policeman (uncredited)
  46. Delitto quasi perfetto .... Man at airport (uncredited)
  47. I coltelli del vendicatore .... Wedding procession participant (uncredited)
  48. I criminali della galassia .... Control room technician (uncredited)
  49. I diafanoidi vengono da Marte .... Control room operator (uncredited)
  50. I nostri mariti - segment "Il marito di Attilia" .... Policeman (uncredited)
  51. Johnny Oro .... Man in the saloon / Indian (uncredited)
  52. Johnny Yuma .... Bartender (uncredited)
  53. L'armata Brancaleone .... Monk (uncredited)
  54. L'uomo che ride .... Borgia soldier / Borgia courtier (uncredited)
  55. Le spie uccidono in silenzio .... Doctor (uncredited)
  56. Per qualche dollaro in meno .... Barman (uncredited)
  57. Sugar Colt .... Saloon patron (uncredited)
  58. Superargo contro Diabolikus .... Diabolicus henchman (uncredited)
  59. Tre notti violente .... Tourist friar at the Trevi fountain (uncredited)
  60. Uccidete Johnny Ringo .... Man in saloon watching the arrest (uncredited)
  61. Zorro il ribelle .... Doorman in Don Alvarez's residence (uncredited)

  62. A suon di lupara .... Journalist (uncredited)
  63. Arriva Dorellik .... Nightclub waiter who is kissed by Dorellik by mistake (uncredited)
  64. Assalto al tesoro di stato .... Ben Jura (uncredited)
  65. Colpo doppio del Camaleonte d'oro .... Head of the guards (uncredited)
  66. Con lui cavalca la morte .... Telegraphist (uncredited)
  67. Cuore matto... matto da legare .... Tourist (uncredited)
  68. I crudeli .... Sundog citizen (uncredited)
  69. Il magnifico texano .... Joe the bartender (uncredited)
  70. Il triangolo rosso (TV series) - season 1, ep. 3: “Corte d’Assise" .... Journalist in court (uncredited)
  71. Indomptable Angélique / L'indomabile Angelica .... Officer on the ship (uncredited)
  72. Killer calibro 32 .... Man in saloon (uncredited)
  73. L'ultimo killer .... Saloon patron (uncredited)
  74. La feldmarescialla .... German soldier (uncredited)
  75. La morte non conta i dollari .... Man in street who gets in an argument (uncredited)
  76. La morte viene dal pianeta Aytin .... Jim, control room technician (uncredited)
  77. La più bella coppia del mondo .... Photographer (uncredited)
  78. La più grande rapina del west .... Middletown Reverend (uncredited)
  79. Le streghe .... Man at the funeral (uncredited)
  80. Voltati... ti uccido .... Saloon customer (uncredited)
  81. Wanted .... Greenfield resident (uncredited)
  82. Wanted Johnny Texas .... One of Lucia's men (uncredited)

  83. Donne... botte e bersaglieri .... Paramedic (uncredited)
  84. Franco, Ciccio e le vedove allegre .... Massimo, friend of Oreste (uncredited)
  85. L' invincibile Superman .... Policeman (uncredited)
  86. La bambolona .... Agent (uncredited)
  87. La pecora nera .... Carabinieri sergeant (uncredited)
  88. Quarta parete .... Waiter (uncredited)
  89. Ruba al prossimo tuo .... Policeman (uncredited)
  90. Sapevano solo uccidere .... Bank clerk (uncredited)
  91. Satanik .... Casino player (uncredited)
  92. Sissignore .... Policeman at the ship launching (uncredited)
  93. Straziami ma di baci saziami .... Man watching Mr Okey dive into the Tiber (uncredited)
  94. Stuntman .... Man at Evelyn's wedding (uncredited)
  95. Tre supermen a Tokyo .... Policeman (uncredited)

  96. Agguato sul Bosforo ....Guard (uncredited)
  97. Amore mio aiutami .... Man at concert behind the railing (uncredited)
  98. Colpo di Stato .... Minister assistant (uncredited)
  99. Ehi amico... c'è Sabata, hai chiuso! .... Croupier (uncredited)
  100. Fellini Satyricon .... Spectator during the minotaur fight (uncredited)
  101. Femmine insaziabili .... Photographer (uncredited)
  102. Franco e Ciccio... ladro e guardia .... Audience member at the circus (uncredited)
  103. I due deputati .... Journalist (uncredited)
  104. I quattro del pater noster .... Roulette observer (uncredited)
  105. L'arcangelo .... Waiter at the restaurant (uncredited)
  106. La famiglia Benvenuti (TV series) - season 2 .... Man at the train station (uncredited)
  107. La notte dei serpenti .... Barman (uncredited)
  108. Le calde notti di Poppea .... Brothel customer (uncredited)
  109. Le sorelle .... Diana's driver (uncredited)
  110. Probabilità zero .... Nazi sergeant (uncredited)
  111. Roy Colt & Winchester Jack ... Cathouse bartender (uncredited)
  112. Un detective .... Police agent (uncredited)
  113. Zorro alla corte d'Inghilterra .... Party guest (uncredited)

  114. Amore formula 2 .... Waiter (uncredited)
  115. La califfa .... Union representative (uncredited)
  116. Coralba (TV mini series) .... Police sergeant (uncredited)
  117. Don Franco e Don Ciccio nell'anno della contestazione .... Man protesting outside factory (uncredited)
  118. Django sfida Sartana .... Bank employee (uncredited)
  119. Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto .... Policeman (uncredited)
  120. L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo .... Paramedical at Alberto Ranieri's incident (uncredited)
  121. Lo irritarono... e Sartana fece piazza pulita .... Croupier (uncredited)
  122. Sartana nella valle degli avvoltoi .... Cantina bartender (uncredited)
  123. The Adventures of Gerard .... Soldier (uncredited)
  124. Una nuvola di polvere... un grido di morte... arriva Sartana .... Deputy, killer in the sauna (uncredited)

  125. 4 mosche di velluto grigio .... Music studio employee (uncredited)
  126. Detenuto in attesa di giudizio .... Policeman on the boat (uncredited)
  127. Giornata nera per l'ariete .... New Year's Eve party guest (uncredited)
  128. Il provinciale .... Employment office clerk (uncredited)
  129. Il ritorno del gladiatore più forte del mondo .... Roman officer (uncredited)
  130. K 2 + 1 (TV series) - episode 7: "10° marito" .... One of Lucille's ex-husbands (uncredited)
  131. La supertestimone .... Resturant Owner (uncredited)
  132. La tarantola dal ventre nero .... Policeman in projection room (uncredited)
  133. Le juge (All'ovest di Sacramento) .... Saloon patron watching the striptease (uncredited)
  134. Scipione detto anche l'Africano .... Senator (uncredited)
  135. Scusi, ma lei le paga le tasse? .... Man in the office (uncredited)
  136. Un posto ideale per uccidere .... Man in restaurant when Dick and Ingrid release the doves (uncredited)
  137. Una farfalla con le ali insanguinate .... Fingerprint analyzer (uncredited)

  138. Alleluja e Sartana figli di... Dio .... Scared saloon client (uncredited)
  139. Amore formula 2 .... Waiter (uncredited)
  140. Il caso Pisciotta .... Prisoner in infirmary (uncredited)
  141. Cosa avete fatto a Solange? .... Man at church (uncredited)
  142. ...E se per caso una mattina .... Passerby (uncredited)
  143. Il sindacalista .... Worker (uncredited)
  144. Il west ti va stretto, amico... è arrivato Alleluja .... The barber (uncredited)
  145. Incensurato, provata disonestà, carriera assicurata, cercasi .... Politician (uncredited)
  146. Jesse & Lester - Due fratelli in un posto chiamato Trinità .... Stagecoach passenger (uncredited)
  147. Joe Valachi .... Wedding party guest (uncredited)
  148. L'arma, l'ora, il movente .... Policeman who arrest the sexton (uncredited)
  149. La dama rossa uccide sette volte .... One of the fashion studio bosses (uncredited)
  150. La polizia ringrazia .... Journalist (uncredited)
  151. Mi chiamavano Requiescat... ma avevano sbagliato .... Man in salloon (uncredited)
  152. Perchè quelle strane gocce di sangue sul corpo di Jennifer? .... Police agent (uncredited)
  153. Tutti fratelli nel West... per parte di padre .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  154. Valeria dentro e fuori .... Patient at the mental institution (uncredited)

  155. 4 caporali e ½ e un colonnello tutto d'un pezzo .... Captain Caracciolo (uncredited)
  156. Anastasia mio fratello .... Police agent (uncredited)
  157. Anna, quel particolare piacere .... Policeman (uncredited)
  158. Bella, ricca, lieve difetto fisico, cerca anima gemella .... Man at the restaurant (uncredited)
  159. Ci risiamo, vero provvidenza? .... Man in casinò (uncredited)
  160. Crash! Che botte... strippo strappo stroppio .... Man at secret service meeting (uncredited)
  161. Giovannona coscialunga, disonorata con onore .... Doctor (uncredited)
  162. Il brigadiere Pasquale Zagaria ama la mamma e la polizia .... Hotel receptionist (uncredited)
  163. Il picciotto (TV mini series) .... Man waiting outside the courtroom (uncredited)
  164. Il sergente Rompiglioni .... Soldier at concert (uncredited)
  165. La mano nera .... Factory worker (uncredited)
  166. La polizia sta a guardare .... Journalist (uncredited)
  167. La porta sul buio (TV mini series) - episode 2: "Il tram" .... Police agent (uncredited)
  168. La proprietà non è più un furto .... Policeman (uncredited)
  169. La schiava io ce l'ho e tu no .... Man in train Roma-Termini Palermo (uncredited)
  170. L'emigrante .... Man throwing rag balls (uncredited)
  171. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto .... Party guest introduced as Mr. Parker (uncredited)
  172. Madigan (TV series) - Ep.: “The Naples beat” .... Man at the airport (uncredited)
  173. Metti... che ti rompo il muso .... Policeman (uncredited)
  174. Milano trema: La polizia vuole giustizia .... Policeman (uncredited)
  175. Polvere di stelle .... Restaurant Alfredo's customer (uncredited)
  176. Studio legale per una rapina .... Man at the fashion show (uncredited)
  177. The Big Game .... Man in night-club (uncredited)
  178. Tutti figli di mammasantissima .... Nightclub customer (uncredited)
  179. Vogliamo i colonnelli .... Member of Parliament (uncredited)
  180. Zanna Bianca .... Jake, the barkeeper (uncredited)

  181. Commissariato di notturna .... Station master (uncredited)
  182. Di Tresette ce n'è uno, tutti gli altri son nessuno .... Bank cashier (uncredited)
  183. Fatevi vivi: la polizia non interverrà .... Factory visitor (uncredited)
  184. Hold-Up, instantánea de una corrupción (Hold-Up, istantanea di una rapina) .... Police inspector (uncredited)
  185. Il domestico .... Army officer who chooses Rosario as an attendant (uncredited)
  186. Il poliziotto è marcio .... Carabinieri officer at funeral (uncredited)
  187. Il trafficone .... Man in the elevator (uncredited)
  188. L'arbitro .... Military at the opening of the construction site (uncredited)
  189. La poliziotta .... role?
  190. Madeleine, anatomia di un incubo .... Party guest (uncredited)
  191. Milano odia: La polizia non può sparare .... Policeman (uncredited)
  192. Nucleo Centrale Investigativo (TV series) - episode 4: "Polvere di stelle" .... Biagiotti (credited)
  193. Piedino il questurino .... Policeman in the office of Commissioner Pappacoda (uncredited)
  194. Paolo il freddo .... Spectator at the circus (uncredited)
  195. Scusi, si potrebbe evitare il servizio militare?... No! .... Carabinieri officer (credited as Giganti Alfonzo)

  196. A mezzanotte va la ronda del piacere .... Man in the courtroom (uncredited)
  197. Faccia di spia .... Man at banquet (uncredited)
  198. La città sconvolta: caccia spietata ai rapitori .... Man outside the school at children kidnapping (uncredited)
  199. La polizia accusa: il servizio segreto uccide .... Policeman witnessing the car bomb explosion (uncredited)
  200. Una città in fondo alla strada (TV mini series) - episode 4 .... Worker who fights (uncredited)

  201. Cassiodoro il più duro del pretorio …. Roman soldier (uncredited)
  202. La professoressa di scienze naturali .... Policeman (uncredited)
  203. San Babila ore 20 un delitto inutile .... Passerby (uncredited)
  204. Un toro da monta .... Party guest (uncredited)

  205. Anno zero - Guerra nello spazio .... Journalist (uncredited)
  206. Hold-Up, istantanea di una rapina .... Police Inspector (uncredited)
  207. La vergine, il toro e il capricorno .... Party guest (uncredited)

  208. Il commissario Verrazzano .... Card player at gambling house (uncredited)
  209. La cage aux folles / Il vizietto .... Nightclub client (uncredited)
  210. Le braghe del padrone .... Commissioner at TV (uncredited)
  211. Squadra antimafia .... Man attending the execution (uncredited)

  212. Aragosta a colazione .... Airplane passenger (uncredited)
  213. Assassinio sul Tevere .... Prosecutor (uncredited)
  214. Concorde Affair .... Airplane passenger (uncredited)
  215. Dottor Jekyll e gentile signora .... P.A.N.T.A.C. board member (uncredited)
  216. Gardenia il giustiziere della mala .... Restaurant diner (uncredited)
  217. Riavanti... Marsch! .... Man at the dance hall (uncredited)
  218. Uno sceriffo extraterrestre poco extra e molto terrestre .... Man at the firemen's ball (uncredited)

  219. Arrivano i gatti .... Guest of the party at producer Benivento's house (uncredited)
  220. Ciao marziano .... Man at the newsstand (uncredited)
  221. Il bandito dagli occhi azzurri .... Renzo Dominici's colleague (uncredited)
  222. L'avvertimento .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  223. La cicala .... Dancer at nightclub (uncredited)
  224. La terrazza .... Audience member at the private screening (uncredited)
  225. Luca il contrabbandiere .... Police officer at Perlante's house (uncredited)
  226. Odio le bionde .... Party guest (uncredited)
  227. Sono fotogenico .... Priest (uncredited)
  228. Speed Cross .... Man playing cards with Fischer (uncredited)
  229. Una vacanza bestiale ... Guest at the embassy party (uncredited)
  230. Virus - L'inferno dei morti viventi .... Interviewer of the professor Lénange (uncredited)
  231. Voltati Eugenio .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  232. Zappatore .... Party guest (uncredited)
  233. Zucchero, miele e peperoncino .... Diner at the restaurant (uncredited)

  234. Dei miei bollenti spiriti (TV mini series) - episode 3 .... Friar (uncredited)
  235. Don Luigi Sturzo (TV mini series) .... Worker at meeting (uncredited)
  236. Fracchia la belva umana .... Plainclothes policeman (uncredited)
  237. I carabbimatti .... Invited to the clinic party (uncredited)
  238. I carabbinieri .... Passerby on train platform (uncredited) / Train station employee (uncredited)
  239. Il casinista .... Doctor (uncredited)
  240. Inchon! .... Officer at military briefing (uncredited)
  241. La nouvelle malle des Indes (TV mini series) .... One of the gamblers in the saloon (uncredited)
  242. La poliziotta a New York .... Plainclothes policeman (uncredited)
  243. Lion of the Desert .... One of the military judges (uncredited)
  244. Napoli, Palermo, New York - Il triangolo della camorra .... Journalist (uncredited)
  245. The Salamander .... Man at Pantaleone's funeral (uncredited)

  246. Attila, flagello di Dio .... Senator (uncredited)
  247. Borotalco .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  248. Caligola - La storia mai raccontata .... Senator (uncredited)
  249. Eccezzziunale... veramente! .... Man in the hotel (uncredited)
  250. Grand Hotel Excelsior .... Journalist (uncredited)
  251. In viaggio con papà .... Passerby involved to defend the seagull (uncredited)
  252. Inverno al mare (TV mini series) .... Man outside Redani's shop (uncredited)
  253. La sconosciuta (TV mini series) .... Man in hotel hall (uncredited)
  254. La Traviata .... Party guest (uncredited)
  255. Monsignor .... Cardinal (uncredited)
  256. Morte in Vaticano .... Priest (uncredited)
  257. Nerone e Poppea .... Courtier (uncredited)
  258. Notturno .... Airplane passenger (uncredited)
  259. Panagulis vive (TV mini series) - episode 3 .... Party guest (uncredited)
  260. Parole e sangue (TV mini series) - episode 1 .... Prison warden (uncredited)
  261. Ricchi, ricchissimi... praticamente in mutande .... Man at the trial of Berto Del Prà (uncredited)
  262. Tradimento .... Judge (uncredited)
  263. Sesso e volentieri - segment "Domenica in" .... Man with hands blocked (uncredited)
  264. Vai avanti tu che mi vien da ridere .... Party guest (uncredited)
  265. Verdi (TV mini series) .... Guest at Clara Maffei's salon (uncredited)
  266. W la foca .... Railway driver (uncredited)

  267. Detenute violente .... Police Inspector (uncredited)
  268. Fantozzi subisce ancora .... Referee for the high jump (uncredited)
  269. Massimamente folle .... Jury member (uncredited)
  270. Gli sterminatori dell'anno 3000 .... One of The Senator's people (uncredited)
  271. Pappa e ciccia .... Passerby (uncredited)
  272. Sapore di mare 2 - Un anno dopo .... Hotel receptionist (uncredited)
  273. The Lonely Lady .... Party guest (uncredited)
  274. The Scarlet and the Black (TV) .... Nazi officer (uncredited)
  275. The Winds of War (TV mini series) - episode 6: "The Changing of the Guard" .... Police officer in hotel lobby (uncredited)
  276. Tu mi turbi - segment "In banca" .... Apartment buyer on the stairs (uncredited)
  277. Vai alla grande .... Police commissioner (uncredited)

  278. La piovra (TV series) - episode 3 .... Carabinieri captain (credited)
  279. La vigna di uve nere (TV mini series) - episode 2 .... Station master (credited)

  280. Pizza connection .... Party guest (uncredited)

  281. Il ragazzo del Pony Express .... Grocer (uncredited)

  282. Deliria .... Reporter (uncredited)
  283. Soldati 365 all'alba .... Silvester party guest (uncredited)
  284. Ternosecco .... Man at the ceremony (uncredited)

  285. Big Man (TV series) - episode 4 - "Boomerang" …. Man in TV studios (uncredited)

  286. Segreto di stato .... Butler (uncredited)

  287. I ragazzi del muretto (TV series) - season 3, episode 22: "Così va il mondo" .... Shop customer (uncredited)

  288. L'avvocato delle donne (TV series) - episode 4: "Cinzia" .... Man at the trial (uncredited)

Additional credits
  • Ciao, Federico! (1970) - Documentary about the shooting of Fellini Satyricon (1969). Includes footage of Alfonso on the set during the making of the film.

  1. Letizia N. 40: "Chi mi ama morirà" (Ed. Lancio - Published July 1964)
  2. Marina N. 44: "Marilyn, un fiore nella notte" (Ed. Lancio - Published June 1965)
  3. Killing N. 15: "Una bionda di troppo" (Ed. Ponzoni - Published 1 April 1967)
  4. Killing N. 19: "Passaggio per l'inferno" (Ed. Ponzoni - Published 15 June 1967)
  5. Genius n. 24: "Le statue di carne" (Ed. Furio Viano - Published 1 May 1967)
  6. Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 24: "La raggaza che non si chiamava Geraldine" (Ed. Lancio - Published September 1967)
  7. Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 29: "Gelido silenzio nella stanza accanto" (Ed. Lancio - Publised February 1968)
  8. Letizia N. 85: "C'è un bandito nel mio cuore" (Ed. Lancio - Published March 1968)
  9. Idillio N. 74: "Lampi nella notte" (Ed. Lancio - Published in February 1969)
  10. Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 45: "La ballata della gelosia" (Ed. Lancio - Published June 1969)
  11. Le avventure di Lucky Martin N. 10: "Ricordo di un perduto amore" (Ed. Lancio - Published July 1969)
Last edited by PeplumParadise on 19/06/2024, 16:12, edited 121 times in total.

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Name: Emiliano

Re: Alfonso Giganti

Post by Emiliano » 31/08/2018, 16:51

Lion of the Desert (1981)
Lion - Alfonso Giganti.JPG
ID by Johan Melle

L'avvertimento (1980)
L'Avvertimento - Alfonso Giganti.jpg
ID by T. R. Szücs

Caligola, la storia mai raccontata (1982)
Caligola - Alfonso Giganti.jpg
ID by Johan Melle

Detenute violente (1983)
Detenute Violente - Alfonso Giganti.JPG
ID by Johan Melle

Di tresette ce n'è uno, tutti gli altri son nessuno (1974) as bank cashier
AlfonsoGiganti (bank cashier) Tresette2.jpg
from Eurocult actors

00-2 agenti segretissimi (1964)
Last edited by PeplumParadise on 19/06/2024, 16:14, edited 3 times in total.

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Johan Melle
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Re: Alfonso Giganti

Post by Johan Melle » 31/08/2018, 17:02

Another tiny role in the TV mini series Verdi (1982).
Verdi - Alfonso Giganti1.jpg
Verdi - Alfonso Giganti2.jpg

He also had small roles in fotoromanzi and I found him playing a policeman in two issues of the Killing fotoromanzo serial.
From Killing n. 15: "Una bionda di troppo" (published 1 April 1967).
Killing 15 - Alfonso Giganti1.jpg
Killing 15 - Alfonso Giganti2.jpg

From Killing n. 19: "Passaggio per l'inferno" (published 15 June 1967).
Killing 19 - Alfonso Giganti1.jpg
Killing 19 - Alfonso Giganti2.jpg

And he has a pretty big and important role in Genius n. 24: "Le statue di carne" (Published 1 May 1967 - from Furio Viano Editore).
Genius 24 - Alfonso Giganti.jpg
Last edited by FatmanDan on 18/08/2023, 23:00, edited 1 time in total.

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Name: Emiliano

Re: Alfonso Giganti

Post by Emiliano » 31/08/2018, 17:11

I due deputati (1968) as Journalist.
Due Deputati - Giganti.jpg

L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo (1970) as Policeman.
Crystal Plumage - Giganti.jpg
Alfonso Giganti 03.jpg
Alfonso Giganti 02.jpg
Alfonso Giganti 01.jpg
Pappa E Ciccia - Giganti.jpg
Giganti - Brigadiere Pasquale Zagaria ama la mamma e la polizia.jpg
Last edited by Cinema Italiano on 24/05/2024, 11:38, edited 9 times in total.

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Johan Melle
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Location: Norway

Re: Alfonso Giganti

Post by Johan Melle » 31/08/2018, 17:19

The Salamander (1981), as Funeral attendant
Salamander - Alfonso Giganti.jpg

Milano trema: la polizia vuole giustizia (1973).
Milano Trema - Alfonso Giganti.jpg

Inchon! (1981). Appearing in the infamous flop.
Inchon - Alfonso Giganti.jpg
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Re: Alfonso Giganti

Post by carlos » 31/08/2018, 17:22

Anna, quel particolare piacere (1973) as Policeman.
Anna Quel Particolare - Giganti.jpg

Odio le bionde (1980) as party guest.
The next to him on the left side is Bruno Alias.
Big Man - Boomerang (1988).jpg
La schiava io ce l'ho e tu no (1973).jpg
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Re: Alfonso Giganti

Post by Emiliano » 31/08/2018, 18:11

Giovannona coscialunga, disonorata con onore (1973).
Giganti - Giovannona coscialunga, disonorata con onore.jpg

La vergine, il toro e il capricorno (1977).
Giganti - Vergine, il toro e il capricorno.jpg

La professoressa di scienze naturali (1976).
Giganti - Professoressa di scienze naturali.jpg

Il sergente Rompiglioni (1973).
Il sergente Rompiglioni (1973) 1.JPG
Il sergente Rompiglioni (1973) 2.JPG
Il sergente Rompiglioni (1973) 3.JPG

Come svaligiammo la banca d'Italia (1966) as a Policeman.
Come svaligiammo la Banca d'Italia (1966).jpg

Il trafficone (1974).
Giganti - Trafficone.jpg
Ricchi, ricchissimi... praticamente in mutande (1982).JPG
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Re: Alfonso Giganti

Post by carlos » 31/08/2018, 18:15

Here is our friend again, this time in San Babila ore 20 un delitto inutile (1976).
San Babile Ora 20 - Giganti.jpg

Valeria dentro e fuori (1972).
Valeria Dentro - Giganti.jpg

Hold-Up, istantanea di una rapina (1977).
Hold Up - Giganti.jpg

Fatevi vivi: la polizia non interverrà (1974).
Fatevi Vivi - Giganti.jpg
(same pic in Filipo Perego´s thread)

Cosa avete fatto a Solange? (1972).
Cosa avete fatto a Solange (1972).jpg

Le sorelle (1969).
Le Sorelle - Giganti.jpg
Bandito Occhi Azzurri - Giganti.jpg
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Johan Melle
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Re: Alfonso Giganti

Post by Johan Melle » 31/08/2018, 18:22

In Faccia di spia (1975).
Faccia Di Spia - Alfonso Giganti.jpg

And I've also discovered our friend (uncredited) in a fotoromanzo from Lancio - Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 45: "La ballata della gelosia" (published in June 1969).
Jacques Douglas 45 - Giganti2.jpg
Jacques Douglas 45 - Giganti3.jpg

He's also in Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 29: "Gelido silenzio nella stanza accanto" (published February 1968). Unfortunately, he was uncredited again!
Very annoying because he had a nice little role. He plays Amedeo, the driver, who is given the task to watch over the tied-up bad-guy (Ditmar Christensen) but he ends up getting killed by a James Bond-style gadget cigarette! Great stuff!
Jacques Douglas 29 - Giganti2.jpg

Also a very tiny role as a crime scene investigator in Le avventure di Lucky Martin N. 10: "Ricordo di un perduto amore" (published in July 1969).
Lucky Martin 10 - Alfonso Giganti.jpg

Another tiny role for Lancio in Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 24: "La ragazza che non si chiamava Geraldine" (September 1967):
Jacques Douglas 24 - Giganti.jpg
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Re: Alfonso Giganti

Post by Emiliano » 31/08/2018, 18:53

La poliziotta a New York (1981).
Giganti - Poliziotta a New York.jpg
Giganti - Zucchero, miele e peperoncino.jpg
Last edited by Cinema Italiano on 29/03/2023, 9:30, edited 2 times in total.

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