Zanussi, Luciano

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Zanussi, Luciano

Post by Ciavazzaro » 28/08/2018, 16:58

zanussi macchie.jpg
Luciano Zanussi in Macchie solari (1975)
Luciano Zanussi appears as generico in many films since the early seventies.

«I met him a few years ago on the set of "Luisa Sanfelice" by Taviani and he told me that he started to make the appearance "professional" after retiring (he was a baby pensioner). He said that in the 70s he always called him to play the distinguished middle-aged gentleman and he worked very hard. According to Nicola Di Gioia, who remembers him as someone who "had a nice figure", Zanussi passed away in the early 2000s».[1]


  1. Afyon oppio .... Buyer of the drug consignment (uncredited)
  2. Cristiana monaca indemoniata .... Priest on the airplane (uncredited)
  3. La schiava io ce l'ho e tu no .... Airplane passenger / Concert spectator (uncredited)
  4. L'uccello migratore Man in church (uncredited)
  5. Meo Patacca .... Citizien (uncredited)
  6. Poppea... una prostituta al servizio dell'impero .... Man in Nero's court (uncredited)
  7. Sbatti il mostro in prima pagina .... Journalist on the stairway (uncredited - doubtful identification)

  8. Bisturi, la mafia bianca .... Doctor participating in Professor Vallotti's meeting (uncredited)
  9. Crash! Che botte... strippo strappo stroppio .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  10. Diario di una vergine romana .... Man seated beside the Emperor in the arena (uncredited)
  11. Eroi all'inferno .... Nazi officer (uncredited)
  12. L'ultima neve di primavera .... Man at restaurant (uncredited)
  13. La mano nera - prima della mafia, più della mafia .... Factory Owner (uncredited)
  14. La schiava io ce l'ho e tu no .... Airplane passenger / Futuristic concert spectator (uncredited)
  15. Lucky Luciano .... Man at the airport (uncredited)
  16. Metti... che ti rompo il muso .... Man at Rocky Miller party (uncredited)
  17. Milano trema: la polizia vuole giustizia .... Police official (uncredited)
  18. Più forte sorelle .... Bank teller (uncredited)
  19. Qui squadra mobile (TV series) - episode 2: "Rapina a mano armata" .... Man in the crowd (uncredited)
  20. Rappresaglia .... Ardeatine Massacre victim (uncredited)
  21. Storia di karatè, pugni e fagioli ..... Townsman (uncredited)
  22. Un ufficiale non si arrende mai, nemmeno di fronte all'evidenza. Firmato Colonnello Buttiglione .... Army officer (uncredited)
  23. Vogliamo i colonnelli .... Airplane passenger (uncredited)

  24. ...altrimenti ci arrabbiamo! .... Restaurant customer (uncredited)
  25. 4 marmittoni alle grandi manovre .... Tourist guide (uncredited)
  26. Alla mia cara mamma nel giorno del suo compleanno .... Man at the wedding (uncredited)
  27. Anno uno .... Journalist (uncredited)
  28. A pugni nudi .... Man in church (uncredited)
  29. Brigitte, Laura, Ursula, Monica, Raquel, Litz, Florinda, Barbara, Claudia, e Sofia le chiamo tutte... anima mia .... Man at the dog show (uncredited)
  30. Commissariato di notturna .... Surgeon (uncredited)
  31. Il commissario De Vincenzi (TV series) - episode 3: "Il mistero delle tre orchidee" .... Man at fashion show (uncredited)
  32. Il domestico .... Passenger disembarking from the plane (uncredited)
  33. Il portiere di notte .... Hotel guest (uncredited)
  34. Il testimone deve tacere .... Man in conference with Senator Turrisi (uncredited)
  35. L'arbitro .... Man at the opening of the construction site (uncredited)
  36. L'ossessa .... Card player (uncredited)
  37. La bellissima estate .... Airplane passenger (uncredited)
  38. La polizia chiede aiuto .... Projectionist (uncredited)
  39. La poliziotta.... Cardinal at the ministry (uncredited)
  40. Milano: il clan dei calabresi .... Man at the gaming table (uncredited)
  41. Processo per direttissima .... Lawyer (uncredited)
  42. Prostituzione .... Policeman (uncredited)
  43. Vermisat .... Doctor (uncredited)

  44. Attenti al buffone .... Priest (uncredited)
  45. Colpo in canna .... Nightclub client (uncredited)
  46. Corruzione al palazzo di giustizia .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  47. Faccia di spia .... Man sitting next to Ben Barka at the press conference (uncredited)
  48. Giubbe rosse .... Bank telegrapher (uncredited)
  49. I baroni .... Party guest (uncredited) - no pic)
  50. Il giustiziere sfida la città .... Journalist (uncredited)
  51. Il medaglione insanguinato .... Man at the airport (uncredited)
  52. L'esorciccio .... Man attending the speech of Pasquale Abbate appointed mayor (uncredited)
  53. La città gioca d'azzardo .... role? (uncredited)
  54. La collegiale .... Role-playing "soldier" with Emy (uncredited)
  55. La novizia .... Club customer (uncredited)
  56. La nuora giovane .... Invited to the wedding party (uncredited)
  57. La pupa del gangster .... Nightclub client (uncredited)
  58. La polizia accusa: il servizio segreto uccide .... Chancellor of the Magistrate Michele Mannino (uncredited)
  59. Le orme .... Man at the International Congress (uncredited)
  60. Libera, amore mio... .... Audience member at the school performance (uncredited)
  61. L'undicesimo comandamento(uncredited) .... Man at resturant (uncredited)
  62. Macchie solari .... Forensic doctor (uncredited)
  63. Mahogany .... Party guest (uncredited)
  64. Morte sospetta di una minorenne .... Journalist (uncredited)
  65. Roma drogata: la polizia non può intervenire .... Buscemi's henchman (uncredited)
  66. Vai Gorilla .... Man who opens the door to Berto (uncredited)

  67. Bordella .... American Citybank employee (uncredited)
  68. Cattivi pensieri .... Man who appears in Mario Marani's visions (uncredited)
  69. Come cani arrabbiati .... Man at Enrico Ardenghi's party (uncredited)
  70. Don Milani .... Court clerk (uncredited)
  71. Febbre da cavallo .... Spectator at horse training (uncredited)
  72. I prosseneti .... Man at Countess Gilda's birthday party (uncredited)
  73. Il colpaccio …. Baby's father in the emergency room (uncredited)
  74. Il signor Robinson, mostruosa storia d'amore e d'avventure .... Tourist on the ship (uncredited)
  75. Il vangelo secondo Simone e Matteo .... Priest (uncredited)
  76. La poliziotta fa carriera .... Party guest (uncredited)
  77. La pretora .... Audience in the court room (uncredited)
  78. La ragazza alla pari .... Waiter at the party (uncredited)
  79. Lezioni di violoncello con toccata e fuga .... Elegant Asylum patient (uncredited)
  80. Natale in casa d'appuntamento .... Waiter (uncredited)
  81. Paura in città .... Man taking airplane (uncredited)
  82. Puttana galera! .... Prison guard (uncredited)
  83. Roma a mano armata .... Hostage during bank robbery (uncredited)
  84. Roma, l'altra faccia della violenza .... Man at Carol Alessi's funeral (uncredited)
  85. Salon Kitty .... Brothel customer (uncredited)
  86. Signore e signori, buonanotte .... Actor in the earplugs commercial (uncredited)
  87. Spogliamoci così senza pudor - segment "La visita" .... Friend of the Partibon family (uncredited)
  88. Squadra antifurto .... Waiter (uncredited)
  89. Todo modo .... Politician (uncredited)
  90. Tutti possono arricchire tranne i poveri .... Manager of the Federici Fontana Company (uncredited)
  91. Uomini si nasce poliziotti si muore .... Passer-by who witnesses the attempted robbery (uncredited)
  92. Vinella e Don Pezzotta .... Man at the restaurantl (uncredited)

  93. Antonio Gramsci - I giorni del carcere .... Man in a bar in France (uncredited)
  94. Goodbye & Amen .... Hilton International Hotel guest (uncredited)
  95. Il ginecologo della mutua .... Doctor at the congress of obstetrics and gynecology (uncredited)
  96. Il Passatore (TV mini-series) - ep. 1 .... Priest (uncredited)
  97. Il prefetto di ferro .... General (uncredited)
  98. L'altra metà del cielo .... Man at the party (uncredited)
  99. La svastica nel ventre .... Nazi at bordello (uncredited)
  100. La vergine, il toro e il capricorno .... Spectator at the soccer match (uncredited)
  101. Le notti porno nel mondo .... Spectator at the show "Sendai: la pallina erotica" (uncredited)
  102. Ligabue (TV mini-series) - ep. 3 .... Man at the art gallery (uncredited)
  103. Messalina, Messalina! .... Senator (uncredited)
  104. Poliziotto sprint .... Journalist (uncredited)
  105. Ritornano quelli della Calibro 38 .... Man in the night club (uncredited)
  106. Spia - Il caso Philby (TV mini-series) - ep. 2 .... Journalist at press conference (uncredited)
  107. Yeti - Il gigante del 20° secolo .... Board member (uncredited)

  108. Follie di notte .... Spectator at the Marseille show (uncredited)
  109. Il commissario Verrazzano .... Customer at the picture gallery (uncredited)
  110. Il furto della Gioconda (TV mini series) .... Minister Credaro's servant (uncredited)
  111. Indagine su un delitto perfetto .... Man at the hippodrome (uncredited)
  112. La banda del gobbo .... Man at nightclub (uncredited)
  113. La cage aux folles / Il vizietto .... Nightclub client (uncredited)
  114. La settima donna .... Man in the bank (uncredited)
  115. La soldatessa alle grandi manovre .... Juror in the trial against Gerolamo La Figlia (uncredited)
  116. L'arma .... Sharpshooter (uncredited)
  117. Le notti porno nel mondo n. 2 .... Audience member at sexy show (uncredited)
  118. L'insegnante viene a casa .... Pa
  119. Le notti porno nel mondo n. 2 .... Spectator at the sexy show (uncredited) rty guest (uncredited)
  120. L'ultimo guappo .... Man in nightclub (uncredited)
  121. Madame Bovary (TV mini series) .... Man at the hotel (uncredited)
  122. Napoli... serenata calibro 9 .... Savastano's party guest (uncredited)
  123. Poliziotto senza paura .... Man at the restaurantl (uncredited)
  124. Quel maledetto treno blindato .... German officer by train (uncredited)
  125. Sam & Sally (TV series) - season 1, episode 1: "Le collier" .... Party guest (uncredited)
  126. Sam & Sally (TV series) - season 1, episode 2: "Bedelia" .... Hotel receptionist (uncredited)
  127. Travolto dagli affetti familiari .... Gate-keeper (uncredited)
  128. Zio Adolfo in arte Führer .... Bartender / Musician (uncredited)

  129. Belli e brutti ridono tutti - segment "L'amore è cieco" .... Ernesto Rossi's colleague (uncredited)
  130. Caro papà .... Party guest (uncredited)
  131. Dottor Jekyll e gentile signora .... P.A.N.T.A.C. board member (uncredited)
  132. Giallo napoletano .... Guest at the asylum (uncredited)
  133. I contrabbandieri di Santa Lucia .... Party guest (uncredited)
  134. Il giocattolo .... Pizzeria diner during the shoot-out (uncredited)
  135. L'étrange monsieur Duvallier (TV series) Ep. 4: "Cosmos-Cross" .... Russian ambassador's aide (uncredited)
  136. L'ingorgo .... Man caught in the traffic jam (uncredited)
  137. La poliziotta della squadra del buon costume .... Nightclub customer (uncredited)
  138. Maschio, femmina, fiore, frutto .... Priest (uncredited)
  139. Napoli... la camorra sfida, la città risponde .... Party guest (uncredited)
  140. Play Motel …. Bartender (uncredited)
  141. Riavanti... Marsch! .... Soldier recalled to military service (uncredited)
  142. The Black Stallion .... Boat passenger (uncredited)
  143. Uno sceriffo extraterrestre poco extra e molto terrestre .... Man at the firemen's ball (uncredited)

  144. Ciao marziano .... Journalist (uncredited)
  145. Delitto a Porta Romana .... Dinner party guest (uncredited)
  146. Fantozzi contro tutti .... Pallbearer (uncredited)
  147. Il bandito dagli occhi azzurri .... Renzo Dominici's colleague (uncredited)
  148. Il giorno del Cobra .... Man sitting at table in the nightclub (uncredited)
  149. L'avvertimento .... Invited to the wedding (uncredited)
  150. La locanda della maladolescenza .... Brothel client (uncredited)
  151. La terrazza .... Audience member at the private screening (uncredited)
  152. Mi faccio la barca .... Patient in the dental office (uncredited)
  153. Odio le bionde.... Party guest (uncredited)
  154. Rag. Arturo De Fanti bancario-precario .... Man outside the theatre (uncredited)
  155. Razza selvaggia.... Man at the casino (uncredited)
  156. Sbamm! .... Man in theater (uncredited)
  157. Sono fotogenico .... An extra (uncredited)
  158. Uno contro l'altro, praticamente amici .... Concierge at the Hilton Hotel (uncredited)
  159. Voltati Eugenio .... Friend of Tristano and Edvige (uncredited)
  160. Zappatore .... Party guest (uncredited)
  161. Zucchero miele e peperoncino .... Man in the courtroom / Passerby outside the tribunal (uncredited)

  162. Cappotto di legno .... Politician (uncredited)
  163. Dei miei bollenti spiriti (TV mini series) .... Party guest (uncredited)
  164. Delitto al ristorante cinese .... Chinese restaurant customer (uncredited)
  165. Fracchia la belva umana .... Diner at "Sergio E Bruno Gli Incivili" (uncredited)
  166. I ragazzi di celluloide (TV mini series) (credited) .... Luca's servant (uncredited)
  167. Inchon! .... Officer at military briefing (uncredited)
  168. Kenn' ich, weiß ich, war ich schon! .... Party guest (uncredited)
  169. L'assistente sociale tutto pepe .... Priest at the bishop's party (uncredited)
  170. La nouvelle malle des Indes (TV mini series) .... Member of the East India Company (uncredited)
  171. Lion of the Desert .... Officer at Italian military ball (uncredited)
  172. Napoli Palermo New York il triangolo della camorra .... Diner at Gennaro Savarese's restaurant (uncredited)
  173. Perché non facciamo l'amore? (credited) .... Dental patient (uncredited)
  174. Per favore, occupati di Amelia .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  175. Sesso perverso, mondo violento .... "Candid Camera" victim (uncredited)
  176. The salamander aka La salamandra .... Tailor (uncredited)
  177. Un paio di scarpe per tanti chilometri .... Train passenger who has eggs thrown on him (uncredited)
  178. Una vacanza del cactus .... Restaurant guest who gets a cake in the face (uncredited)

  179. Attila, flagello di Dio .... Senator (uncredited)
  180. Dio li fa e poi li accoppia .... Man at the celebration (uncredited)
  181. Gian Burrasca .... Invited to the wedding party (uncredited)
  182. Il conte Tacchia .... "Circolo Araldico" member (uncredited)
  183. Il paramedico .... Party guest (uncredited)
  184. La sconosciuta (TV mini series) .... Man at the auction (uncredited)
  185. Notturno .... C.I.A. man (uncredited)
  186. Panagulis vive (TV mini series) - ep. 2 .... Lawyer (uncredited)
  187. Quasi quasi mi sposo .... Clerk (uncredited)
  188. Ricchi, ricchissimi... praticamente in mutande .... Card player (uncredited)
  189. Scusa se è poco .... Editor (uncredited)
  190. Sesso e volentieri - segment "Armanda e il violinista" .... Restaurant customer (uncredited)
  191. Si ringrazia la regione Puglia per averci fornito i milanesi .... Party guest (uncredited)
  192. Tenebre .... Man at the New York airport (uncredited) / Journalist (uncredited)
  193. Tradimento .... Lawyer in the courtroom (uncredited)
  194. Vai avanti tu che mi vien da ridere .... Vip at the embassy party (uncredited)
  195. Verdi (TV mini series) .... Guest at Clara Maffei's salon (uncredited)
  196. Vigili e vigilesse .... Cop (uncredited)
  197. W la foca .... Doctor in Patacchiola's office (uncredited)

  198. Fantozzi subisce ancora .... Employee (uncredited)
  199. Endgame - Bronx lotta finale .... Officer (uncredited)
  200. I sette magnifici gladiatori .... Man in the emperor's court (uncredited)
  201. Il petomane .... Man protesting in the audience (uncredited)
  202. Pappa e ciccia .... Man carrying "Ciarter" sign (uncredited)
  203. Perverse oltre le sbarre .... Prison doctor (uncredited)
  204. Sfrattato cerca casa equo canone .... Man at evictions office (uncredited)
  205. Sing Sing .... role? (uncredited)
  206. The Lonely Lady .... Audience member at the awards show (uncredited)
  207. Un povero ricco .... Man at Cesare Morbelli's funeral (uncredited)

  208. A tu per tu .... Man who pushes Gino down the stairs (uncredited)
  209. Cento giorni a Palermo .... Journalist at Palazzo Montecitorio (uncredited)
  210. I due carabinieri .... Man at Glauco's wedding (uncredited)
  211. L'allenatore nel pallone .... Man in Hotel lobby (uncredited)
  212. La bella Otero (TV mini series) .... Man at the casino (uncredited)
  213. La piovra (TV series) - ep. 6 .... Party guest (uncredited)
  214. Progetto Atlantide (TV mini series) .... Journalist (uncredited)
  215. Se tutto va bene siamo rovinati .... Train passenger (uncredited)
  216. Tutti dentro .... Guest at dinner of Minister Euclide (uncredited)

  217. È arrivato mio fratello .... Waiter at the "Pavone Blu" (uncredited)
  218. European Vacation .... Hotel concierge (uncredited)
  219. Joan Lui - Ma un giorno nel paese arrivo io di lunedì .... Singing army officer (uncredited)
  220. Mezzo destro mezzo sinistro - 2 calciatori senza pallone .... Falcao fan at the airport (uncredited)

  221. Detective School Dropouts (Asilo di polizia) .... Airline passenger at customs (uncredited)
  222. Giovanni Senzapensieri .... Priest (uncredited)
  223. Il camorrista .... Secret Service agent (uncredited)
  224. Il ragazzo del pony express .... Party guest (uncredited)
  225. Momo .... Citizen petrified after the stop of time (uncredited)
  226. Naso di cane (TV mini series) .... Doctor (uncredited)
  227. Quando arriva il giudice (TV series) - ep. 3: "Siamo a cavallo" .... Waiter (uncredited)
  228. Quando arriva il giudice (TV series) - ep. 5: "Le notte delle stelle" .... Guest at the costume party (uncredited)

  229. Il giorno prima .... Journalist at press conference (uncredited)
  230. Rent-a-Cop .... Party guest (uncredited)
  231. Roba da ricchi .... Princess Topazia's friend (uncredited)
  232. Ternosecco .... Casino player (uncredited)

  233. 32 dicembre (segment La gialla farfalla (uncredited)) .... Man at the dance hall (uncredited)
  234. Big Man: 395 dollari l'oncia .... Lloyd's of London board member (uncredited)
  235. Blu elettrico .... Man at funeral (uncredited)
  236. I ragazzi della 3 C (TV series) Ep.: "Il professore cerca casa" .... Landlord (uncredited)
  237. The adventures of Baron Munchausen .... Man in crowd (uncredited)
  238. Un delitto poco comune .... Man at Robert's piano concert (uncredited)

  239. La moglie ingenua e il marito malato (TV movie) .... Arturo (uncredited)

  240. Il giudice istruttore (TV series) - ep. 5: "Suicidio d'amore" .... Waiter (uncredited)
  241. Stasera a casa di Alice .... Priest (uncredited)

  242. L'avvoltoio sa attendere (TV mini-series) - ep. 1 .... The prince's butler (uncredited)
  243. La condanna .... Party guest (uncredited)

  244. Mutande pazze .... Man at the exhibition opening (uncredited)
  245. Once Upon a Crime .... Café customer (uncredited)
  246. Ricky e Barabba .... Restaurant customer (uncredited)

  247. La scalata (TV mini-series) .... Restaurant customer (uncredited)

  248. Il grande fuoco (TV mini series) .... Priest (uncredited)

  249. La signora della città (TV) .... Party guest (uncredited)

  250. L'odore della notte .... Bar customer (uncredited)

  251. GialloParma .... A "shadow man" (uncredited)
  252. Il pesce innamorato .... Party guest (uncredited)
  253. Titus .... Senator (uncredited)
  254. Ultimo - La sfida (TV mini-series) - ep. 1 .... Carabinieri colonel Migliavacca (uncredited)

  255. Al momento giusto .... RAI executive (uncredited)

Additional credits
  • Domenica in (TV variety show, 1977) .... Passer-by looking upwards (uncredited)
  • La sberla (TV variety show, 1978) - ep. 4, sketch "Atletica leggera" .... Man presenting the sports trophy / Man at the bus stop (uncredited)
  • A tutto gag (TV variety show, 1980) - ep. 4, toothpaste commerical sketch .... Party guest (uncredited)
  • Drim (TV variety show, 1980) - ep. 7 .... John Griffin (uncredited)

Titles to check
  • Circuito Chiuso (1978) .... Cinemagoer
  • L'occhio di giuda (1982)
  • Storia senza parole (1981)

  1. Luna Park N. 99: "Non ti abbandonerò" (August 1974)
  2. Femmina N. 10: "I sogni cominciano all'alba" (October 1974) - credited as Ettore Zanussi
  3. Femmina N. 11: "Occhi limpidi" (November 1974) - credited as Franco Zanussi
  4. Genny N. 31: "E poi... tutto finisce con un bacio" (December 1976)
  5. Genny N. 46: "Per amore e per magia" (February 1978)
  6. Katiuscia N. 10: "Un'estate per sempre" (November 1978)
  7. Gaia N. 40: "Una ragazza per Lefty" (April 1979)
Notes and sources
1. Info released by Stefano Raffaele on Nocturno forum (2008).
zanussi macchie.jpg
Luciano Zanussi in Macchie solari (1975)
Last edited by Cinema Italiano on 16/01/2025, 18:48, edited 99 times in total.

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Name: Emiliano

Re: Luciano Zanussi

Post by Emiliano » 14/09/2018, 9:17

La polizia chiede aiuto (1974)
La polizia chiede aiuto (1974).jpg
pic by Emiliano
Last edited by FatmanDan on 11/04/2023, 23:22, edited 1 time in total.

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Johan Melle
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Re: Luciano Zanussi

Post by Johan Melle » 14/09/2018, 9:20

I think this is the same man in a fotoromanzo from Condor. This is from Genny N. 31: "E poi... tutto finisce con un bacio" (published in December 1976):
Genny N. 31.jpg
Genny N. 31-2.jpg

Unfortunately, he wasn't credited but I am going to look at more fotoromanzi from Condor to try and maybe find him in a bigger role where he is credited.

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Johan Melle
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Re: Luciano Zanussi

Post by Johan Melle » 14/09/2018, 9:23

Small role in Verdi (1982):
Verdi (1982).jpg

And I found him in another fotoromanzi, Katiuscia N. 10: "Un'estate per sempre" (published November 1978) but, unfortunately, he was uncredited again:
Katiuscia N. 10.jpg
Katiuscia N. 10-2.jpg

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Johan Melle
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Re: Luciano Zanussi

Post by Johan Melle » 14/09/2018, 9:32

Endgame - Bronx Lotta finale (1983). We only see him from a distance or from behind but I am sure it is him. And Gennarino Pappagalli was in this scene too:
Endgame - Luciano Zanussi.jpg

Lion of the desert (1981)
Lion of the desert (1981).jpg
Last edited by FatmanDan on 18/08/2023, 22:49, edited 1 time in total.

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Johan Melle
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Re: Luciano Zanussi

Post by Johan Melle » 14/09/2018, 9:42

La locanda della maladolescenza (1980)
luciano zanussi la locanda della maladolescenza.jpg

Anno uno (1984)
Anno uno (1984).jpg

Napoli... la camorra sfida, la città risponde (1979) - pic by T.R.S.
Napoli sfida... la camorra risponde (1979).jpg
Roma a mano armata (1976).jpg
Last edited by vecchiaguardia on 05/09/2023, 11:40, edited 2 times in total.

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Johan Melle
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Re: Luciano Zanussi

Post by Johan Melle » 14/09/2018, 9:43

Another fotoromanzo where he plays a policeman - Luna Park N. 99: "Non ti abbandonerò" (published in August 1974):
luna park n99.jpg

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Name: Emiliano

Re: Luciano Zanussi

Post by Emiliano » 14/09/2018, 9:50

L'ossessa (1974)
L'Ossessa - Luciano Zanussi.jpg
Alla mia cara mamma nel giorno del suo compleanno (1974).JPG
Alla mia cara mamma nel giorno del suo compleanno (1974) 2.JPG
La soldatessa alle grandi manovre (1978).jpg
Last edited by Cinema Italiano on 30/08/2023, 9:39, edited 5 times in total.

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Name: Emiliano

Re: Luciano Zanussi

Post by Emiliano » 14/09/2018, 9:54

Il testimone deve tacere (1974) - originally discovered by Rogerio Ferraz, new pic by Ciavazzaro
Testimone Deve Tacere - Luciano Zanussi.jpg
Mezzo destro mezzo sinistro - 2 calciatori senza pallone (1985).JPG
Last edited by Cinema Italiano on 03/12/2024, 3:12, edited 4 times in total.

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Name: Emiliano

Re: Luciano Zanussi

Post by Emiliano » 14/09/2018, 10:19

Faccia di spia (1975) pic by Johan Melle
Faccia di spia (1975).jpg
Pappa e ciccia (1982) 2.JPG
Pappa e ciccia (1982) 1.JPG
Milano trema - La polizia vuole giustizia (1973).jpg
Napoli-Palermo-New York il triangolo della camorra (1981).jpg
Last edited by Cinema Italiano on 07/12/2024, 22:27, edited 4 times in total.

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