Montalbano, Renato

Actors graduated at Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
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Montalbano, Renato

Post by PeplumParadise » 05/05/2020, 17:38

Renato Montalbano in Il pianeta errante (1966)

Renato Montalbano is an actor who matriculated at Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in 1956. He worked steadily in small roles until the early 90’s and from the mid-70’s onwards worked pretty much exclusively in television.

He was born on May 17th 1931 in Catania, Italy. Before deciding to take up acting he had been studying medicine at university.[1]

Like fellow C.S.C. alumnus Renato Terra Caizzi, Montalbano’s early filmography is a big muddle, with him being credited in many films where he does not appear and uncredited in just as many where he does. Hopefully we can play our part in sorting it out. His distinctive "widows peak" hairline is an obvious aid to identification (at least until he went bald in the 70's!).

I have been informed in my peplum group on Facebook that he died in 2019, but I have been unable to confirm this.


  1. Amaramente .... Party guest (uncredited)
  2. Ci sposeremo a Capri .... Army lieutenant (uncredited)
  3. Maruzzella .... Party guest (uncredited)
  4. Totò, Peppino e i fuorilegge .... Nightclub customer (credited)
  5. Totò, Peppino e la malafemmina .... Party guest at Remo's (uncredited)

  6. Arrivano i dollari! .... One of Ernesto's friends (uncredited)
  7. I colpevoli .... Party guest (credited)
  8. I misteri di Parigi .... Murphy (credited)
  9. Il diavolo nero (credit only)
  10. Il ricatto di un padre .... Engineer (credited)
  11. Le belle dell'aria .... Alitalia desk employee (credit unknown)
  12. La verde età .... Carabinieri Marshal (poster credit)
  13. Primo applauso .... Actor (credited)

  14. Afrodite, dea dell'amore .... Christian (uncredited)
  15. È arrivata la parigina …. (credit only)
  16. L'uomo di paglia .... Rita's fiance (uncredited)
  17. La rivolta dei gladiatori .... Fabrizio (credited)
  18. La zia d'America va a sciare .... Young man in hotel nightclub (credited)
  19. Le dritte .... The purse thief (credited)
  20. Quando gli angeli piangono .... role unknown (credited)
  21. Via col para...vento .... role unknown (poster credit)

  22. Erode il grande .... Man on the cross (credited)
  23. Fantasmi e ladri …. (credit only)
  24. Fuenteovejuna (TV movie) .... Don Manrique (credited)
  25. Il padrone delle ferriere …. (credit only)
  26. L'isola del tesoro (TV mini-series) - eps. 2, 3 .... Rolf (credited)
  27. La nipote Sabella .... Doctor (credited)
  28. Le fric / La grana .... Inspector's assistant (uncredited)
  29. Totò, Eva e il pennello proibito .... Man on art gallery tour (uncredited)
  30. Un canto nel deserto .... unknown role (credited)

  31. A noi piace freddo…! .... Radiologist (credited)
  32. Adunanza di condominio (TV movie) .... the Receiver (credited on Radiocorriere TV) - no role pic
  33. Tu che ne dici? .... Nightclub manager (credited)
  34. Un amore a Roma .... Party guest (credited)

  35. Cronache del '22 - segment "Giorno di paga" .... Luigi, a Fascist (credited)
  36. I fratelli corsi …. (credit only)
  37. I Giacobini (TV mini-series) - ep. 1 .... Abate Sieyes (credited)
  38. Il caso Maurizius (TV mini-series) - ep. 3 .... Schulbach (credited on Radiocorriere TV)
  39. L'ammutinamento .... Griffin (no credit info)
  40. Psycosissimo .... Doctor (credited)
  41. Vanina Vanini .... Man telling the story at the ball (uncredited)
  42. Viva l'Italia .... Captain Annibale Lapini (credited)

  43. L'arciere delle mille e una notte (credit only as "Renato Montalban")
  44. La cuccagna .... Party guest (credited)
  45. Mamma Roma …. (credit only)
  46. Un uomo da bruciare .... Chairman of the farmer's association (credited)
  47. Più rosa che giallo (TV series) - ep. 3: "Sangue sui Campi Elisi" .... Duval (credited)
  48. Sfida nella città dell'oro .... Professor's henchman (credited)
  49. Tempo in prestito (TV movie) .... Worker - no pic, Radiocorriere listing only
  50. Una tragedia americana (TV mini-series) - ep. 1 .... Assistant concierge (credited)

  51. Gli invincibili sette .... Advisor to Rabirio (credited - uncertain identification)
  52. La bella di Lodi …. (credit only)
  53. La corruzione …. (credit only)
  54. Le verdi bandiere di Allah …. (credit only)
  55. Ritorna il tenente Sheridan (TV series) Ep. 3: "Un testimone per uccidere" .... role unknown (credited)
  56. Ro.Go.Pa.G. .... Man at the crucifixion shoot (uncredited)
  57. Una storia moderna - L'ape regina .... Car salesman (uncredited)

  58. Che disgrazia l'ingegno (TV movie) .... Mr. N. (credited in Radiocorriere TV)
  59. Che fine ha fatto Totò Baby? .... Postman (credited)
  60. I due gladiatori .... Leto's man (credited)
  61. I due toreri .... Policeman (credited)
  62. I giganti di Roma .... Senator with Pompey at the arena (credited)
  63. Il magnifico gladiatore .... Dacian (credited)
  64. Il mostro dell'opera …. (credit only)
  65. La rivolta dei pretoriani .... Solero (credited)
  66. La Sfinge sorride prima di morire - Stop Londra.... Ship's second officer (uncredited)
  67. Los dinamiteros .... Vargas (uncredited)

  68. Fantomas minaccia il mondo .... Journalist (uncredited)
  69. La congiuntura …. (credit only)
  70. Le bambole - segment "Monsignor Cupido" .... Hotel employee (credited)
  71. Le inchieste del commissario Maigret (TV series) Ep.: "Una vita in gioco" .... One of Crosby's friends (credited)
  72. Resurrezione (TV mini-series) Ep. 4 .... Ex-soldier (credited)

  73. 2+5: Missione Hydra .... Doctor (uncredited)
  74. Adulterio all'italiana .... Board member-Bar customer (uncredited)
  75. Duello nel mondo .... Mrs. McMurray's Majordomo (uncredited)
  76. I criminali della galassia .... Space detective (credited)
  77. I diafanoidi vengono da Marte …. (credit only)
  78. Il grande colpo dei 7 uomini d'oro .... One of the general's soldiers (credited as "Riccardo Montalbano")
  79. Il pianeta errante .... Joe (credited)
  80. Il terzo occhio .... Doctor (credited as "Richard Hillock"?)
  81. James Tont operazione D.U.E. .... Von Bergen (credited)
  82. Le avventure di Laura Storm (TV series) S. 2, ep. 4: "Rapina in Francobolli" .... unknown role (credited on Radiocorriere TV)
  83. Non faccio la guerra, faccio l'amore .... Doctor (credited)
  84. Operazione Goldman... .... Hotel receptionist (credited)
  85. Testadirapa .... Prosecutor (credited)
  86. Uccellacci e uccellini… …. (credit only)
  87. Un milione di dollari per sette assassini .... Ali (credited)
  88. Upperseven, l'uomo da uccidere .... US embassy representative (uncredited)

  89. 10.000 dollari per un massacro (credited) .... Poker player
  90. Assalto al tesoro di stato (credited) .... Ben Aisham
  91. Cuore matto... matto da legare (credited) .... Butcher shop customer
  92. La morte viene dal pianeta Aytin …. (credit only)
  93. Vita di Cavour (TV mini-series) Ep. 1 (credited) .... Sauli

  94. Il dolce corpo di Deborah .... Telephone repairman (credited)
  95. Romeo and Juliet .... Nobleman with the prince (uncredited)

  96. Giocando a golf una mattina (TV mini-series) Ep. 5 .... Dr. Friedman (credited)
  97. Indovina chi viene a merenda? .... Pilot who crashes (uncredited)
  98. La battaglia di El Alamein …. (credit only)
  99. Zorro marchese di Navarra .... Don Ruiz (credited)

  100. I giorni della storia: La rivolta dei decabristi (TV mini-series) Eps. 1, 2 .... General Miloradovic (credited)
  101. Satiricosissimo .... Prosecuting attorney (credited)

  102. La vita di Leonardo da Vinci (TV mini-series) Eps. 2, 4 .... Sangallo (credited)

  103. Joe Petrosino (TV mini-series) Ep. 1 .... Police captain (credited)
  104. Processo a un atto di valore (TV mini-series) Ep. 2 .... Medical Captain (credited on Radiocorriere TV)
  105. Quel gran pezzo dell' Ubalda, tutta nuda tutta calda .... Guard (credited)

  106. Il caso Lafarge (TV mini-series) Eps. 1, 4 .... Notary Arnoux (credited)
  107. Il delitto Matteotti .... Mussollini counselor (credited)

  108. Anno Uno .... Spataro (credited)
  109. Cartesius (TV) .... Constantin Huygens (credited)
  110. Una pistola nel cassetto (TV mini-series) .... The professor (credited on Radiocorriere TV)

  111. Il Messia (credited) .... Matthew the Apostle
  112. La contessa Lara (TV mini-serie) Ep. 1 .... Doctor Parboni (credited on Radiocorriere TV)
  113. Tommaso d'Aquino (TV movie) .... The Chancellor (credited)

  114. Dov'è Anna? (TV mini-series) Eps. 1, 2, 3 .... Marini, the accountant (credited)
  115. Sangue di sbirro .... Louis Toledo (credited)

  116. Il Fausto di Marlowe (TV mini-series) Ep. 2 .... Charles V (credited)
  117. Jesus of Nazareth (TV mini-series) Ep. 2 .... Jairus (credited - credit only in ep. 4)
  118. Lo scandalo della banca romana (TV mini-series) Eps. 1, 2 .... Bernardino Grimaldi (credited)
  119. Processo a Maria Tarnowska (TV mini-series) Eps. 1, 2, 3 .... Attorney Caratti (credited)

  120. Il delitto Paternò (TV mini-series) Ep. 3 (of 3) .... Doctor (credited on Radiocorriere TV)
  121. Madame Bovary (TV mini-series) Eps. 3, 6 .... Dr. Canivet (credited)
  122. Storie della Camorra (TV mini-series) Ep. 4: "L'onorevole" .... President of the chamber (credited)

  123. Con gli occhi dell'occidente (TV mini-series) Ep. 1 (of 3) .... Professor (credited on Radiocorriere)
  124. Racconti di fantascienza (TV mini-series) Ep.: "Un caso insoluto" .... The sergeant (credited)

  125. Fico d'India .... Doctor from the insurance company (credited)
  126. Fontamara .... Landlord (credited)
  127. Gelosia (TV mini-series) Ep. 2 .... Giorgi (credited)
  128. Giacinta (TV mini-series) Ep. 2 .... Notary (credited)
  129. L'enigma delle due sorelle (TV mini-series) Ep. 2 .... Bertoloni (credited)
  130. L'eredità della priora (TV mini-series) Ep. 3 .... CC.RR. lieutenant (credited)
  131. La donna in bianco (TV mini-series) Ep. 3 .... The doctor (credited)
  132. Panagulis vive (TV mini-series) - ep. 2 .... Panagoulis' defense lawyer (credited)
  133. Pronto emergenza (TV series) Eps. 1-12 .... Captain Moneta (credited)
  134. Semmelweis (TV movie) ....Profressor (credited)
  135. Tre operai (TV mini-series) Ep. 3: "Fare politica" .... Engineer (credited)
  136. Verso l'ora zero (TV movie) .... Superintendent Battle (credited)

  137. Don Luigi Sturzo (TV mini-series) Ep. 2 .... Dr. Michele Sicca (credited)
  138. Il fascino dell'insolito (TV series) S. 2, ep. 3: "Impostore" .... Dr. Chamberlain (credited)
  139. Illa: Punto di osservazione (TV mini-series) Eps. 1, 2 .... Court clerk (credited)
  140. Quell'antico amore (TV mini-series) Eps. 4, 5 .... Magnani (credited)
  141. Turno di notte (TV mini-series) Eps. 1, 2 .... Commissioner Caterina (credited)

  142. Un eroe del nostro tempo (TV mini-series) Ep. 1 .... Confessor (credited)

  143. La freccia nel fianco (TV mini-series) Ep. 2 .... The notary Alamanni (credited)

  144. Piccolo mondo moderno (TV mini-series) Eps. 2, 3 .... Fusarin (credited)
  145. Quei trentasei gradini (TV mini-series) Eps. 1, 2, 6 .... The accountant (credited)

  146. L'ombra nera del Vesuvio (TV mini-series) Eps. 1, 3 .... Assistant district attorney (credited)
  147. La piovra 2 (TV series) Ep. 2 .... Prison warden (credited)

  148. Il generale (TV mini-series)Eps. 1, 2 …. (credit only)
  149. Secondo Ponzio Pilato .... Tiberius' right hand man (credited)

  150. Big Man: Polizza droga (TV movie) .... Doctor (credited)

  151. Il giudice istruttore (TV series) Ep. 2: "Un caso di sequestro" .... Conference speaker (credited)
  152. Pronto soccorso (TV series) S. 1, ep. 1 .... Doctor (credited)

  153. Senza fine (TV series) Eps. 31, 32, 33 .... Judge (credited)

Montalbano is credited...
...but we haven't found him, so far
  • La mandragola (1965)

Montalbano is missing!
There always has to be one!
  • Heisser Hafen Hongkong (1962) / Il segreto di Budda. There is a "R. Montalbano" on an Italian poster for the film, but is not listed in the on-screen credits of either the Italian nor the German version and does not appear in the film either. The allocation to Renato is a random one, therefore.
Notes and sources
1. Unconfirmed biographical details repeated by many sites across the internet.
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Re: Renato Montalbano

Post by PeplumParadise » 05/05/2020, 17:41

Ci sposeremo a Capri (1956) as Army lieutenant

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Re: Renato Montalbano

Post by PeplumParadise » 05/05/2020, 17:47

I colpevoli (1957) credited, as Party guest

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Re: Renato Montalbano

Post by PeplumParadise » 05/05/2020, 17:51

Il diavolo nero (1957) credited but not found. My copy isn't great so there's a small chance I may have missed him, but I think it's probably credit only.

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Re: Renato Montalbano

Post by PeplumParadise » 05/05/2020, 17:53

Afrodite, dea dell'amore (1958) as Christian

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Re: Renato Montalbano

Post by PeplumParadise » 05/05/2020, 17:59

L'uomo di paglia (1958) as Rita's fiance

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Re: Renato Montalbano

Post by PeplumParadise » 05/05/2020, 18:05

La rivolta dei gladiatori (1958) credited in the Italian version, as Fabrizio
LA RIVOLTA DEI GLADIATORI (1958) -- Vittorio Cottafavi2.jpg
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Re: Renato Montalbano

Post by PeplumParadise » 05/05/2020, 18:06

È arrivata la parigina (1958) credited but not found. This is almost certainly a credit only.
Snapshot-2020-03-01 at 03_01_24 PM-1608941226.png

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Re: Renato Montalbano

Post by PeplumParadise » 05/05/2020, 18:11

Erode il grande (1959) credited, as Man on the cross.

He is called either "Amir, son of Zachary" or (sounds like) "Socar, son of Yaysi", it is unclear which name refers to which of the 2 men being crucified.
Screenshot (2587).jpg
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Re: Renato Montalbano

Post by PeplumParadise » 05/05/2020, 18:16

Il padrone delle ferriere (1959) credited but not found. Once again my copy wasn't great so there's a slight chance I may have missed him, but I think it's probably another credit only.

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