Chili, Giorgio Walter

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Name: Emiliano

Chili, Giorgio Walter

Post by Emiliano » 01/03/2022, 23:07

Chili Giorgio W.jpg
Giorgio Walter Chili in Cineguida 1949
Biographical note[1]

  • Birthplace: Bologna.
  • Camera operator student at the C.S.C.
  • Assistant director.
  • Subject writer.
  • Scenarist.
  • Editor.
  • Founder, artistic and technical director of the Cine Club of Bologna.
  • Founder of the "R.W.C." S.r.l. for the production of color films.
  • From 1934 to 1946 he directed over 15 documentaries and short films in B/W, while since the establishment of the "R.W.C." he directed 9 short films (documentaries) in "Technicolor".
  • Abode: Rome, via Augusto Riboty, 22.

  • as Director
    • I dieci comandamenti (1945)
    • La valle di Giosafat (in progress - during 1949)
    • Giotto (Documentary)
    • Re dei Re (Documentary)
    • Botticelli (Documentary)
    • Beato Angelico (Documentary)
    • Fine del mondo (Documentary)
    • Tragedia dell'umanità (Documentary)
    • Maschere nel tempo (Documentary)
    • Gli eletti (Documentary)
    • Architettura (Documentary)
1. Dante Lazzaro. Cineguida 1949.

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