Tedeschi, Alessandro

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Johan Melle
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Tedeschi, Alessandro

Post by Johan Melle » 27/08/2018, 16:37

tedeschi 002.jpg
Alessandro Tedeschi in 00-2 agenti segretissimi (1964)

One of the most peculiar of all Italian generici, Alessandro Tedeschi is instantly recognizable due to his bald head and very thick glasses. He bears a strong physical resemblance to the well-known generica Maria Tedeschi, who as confirmed by director Enzo G. Castellari, was Alessandro's sister, and who often appeared together with him.

In keeping with his peculiar appearance, Alessandro was frequently cast as oddball or sinister characters, and his specialty was to portray German characters, and particularly Nazis. He began to portray Nazis in the immediate post-war era and would go on to do so frequently throughout the rest of his career. His proclivity for playing Germans is quite ironic when one considers that his last name Tedeschi when translated into English means Germans!

Unlike his sister Maria, whose career lasted until the early 1990s, Alessandro seems to have vanished from Italian movie screens around 1979, having possibly died around that time. Unfortunately, no biographical details are available for him.


  1. Due lettere anonime .... SS Official (uncredited)

  2. Il bandito .... Stefano Albertini (uncredited)

  3. Natale al campo 119 .... American soldier (uncredited)

  4. L'uomo dal guanto grigio .... Man at the art show (uncredited)

  5. Adamo ed Eva .... German survivor in the future (uncredited)
  6. L'imperatore di Capri .... Hotel guest (uncredited)
  7. La città dolente .... Yugoslavian officer (uncredited)
  8. Fiamma che non si spegne .... German switchboard operator (uncredited)
  9. Marechiaro .... Ship's passenger playing cards (uncredited)
  10. Monastero di Santa Chiara .... SS officer (uncredited)
  11. Totò cerca casa .... Mayor's entourage man (uncredited)
  12. Totò le Mokò .... Grand Hotel manager (uncredited)

  13. Alina .... Man in casino (uncredited)
  14. Donne senza nome .... Nazi doctor (uncredited)
  15. L'inafferrabile 12 .... Hotel concierge (uncredited)
  16. Totò cerca moglie .... Guest at embassy party of papillonia (uncredited)

  17. Anna .... Doctor (uncredited)
  18. Bellezze a Capri .... Nightclub customer (uncredited)
  19. Il caimano del Piave .... Austrian officer (uncredited)
  20. Lebbra bianca .... Night club customer (uncredited)
  21. Una bruna indiavolata .... unknown role (uncredited)

  22. Carica eroica .... German officer (uncredited)
  23. Fratelli d'Italia .... Austrian soldier (uncredited)
  24. Il lupo della frontiera .... Policeman (uncredited)
  25. Il romanzo della mia vita .... Diner in restaurant (uncredited)
  26. Il tallone di Achille .... English representative (uncredited)
  27. La famiglia Passaguai fa fortuna .... Journalist (uncredited)
  28. Roma ore 11 .... Onlooker (uncredited)
  29. Tre storie proibite .... Man in the theater foyer (uncredited) / Train passenger (uncredited)
  30. Una madre ritorna .... Passenger going to the morgue (uncredited)

  31. Anni facili .... Man leaving the ministry building (uncredited)
  32. Canzone appassionata .... Officer in night club (uncredited)
  33. Febbre di vivere .... Man in betting shop (uncredited)
  34. Napoletani a Milano .... Industrialist (uncredited)
  35. Roman Holiday .... Man watching the fight on the barge (uncredited)
  36. The Man From Cairo / Dramma nella Kasbah .... Man at the roulette table (uncredited)
  37. Un turco napoletano .... Bather (uncredited)
  38. Vacanze romane .... Man at the gala (uncredited)

  39. Canzone d'amore .... German tourist (uncredited)
  40. Carosello napoletano .... Nazi soldier (uncredited)
  41. Casa Ricordi .... Opera audience member (uncredited)
  42. Disonorata (senza colpa) .... Drunken allied soldier (uncredited)
  43. L'arte di arrangiarsi .... Journalist (uncredited)
  44. Lettera napoletana .... Man at the airport (uncredited)
  45. La Luciana .... Man at garden party (uncredited)
  46. Papà Pacifico .... American tourist (uncredited)
  47. Torna! .... Casino player (uncredited)
  48. Totò cerca pace .... Tourist (uncredited)
  49. Tradita .... Officer at the nightclub (uncredited)
  50. Un americano a Roma .... German officer at prison camp (uncredited)
  51. Uomini ombra .... Security guard at Secret Service HQ (uncredited)

  52. I due compari .... Spectator at college (uncredited)
  53. Il coraggio .... Airport passenger (uncredited)
  54. La ladra .... Priest (uncredited)
  55. I pinguini ci guardano .... German tourist (uncredited)
  56. Prigionieri del male .... German airplane passenger (uncredited)
  57. Siamo uomini o caporali .... Nazi doctor (uncredited)
  58. Vous pigez? .... Man at the airport (uncredited)

  59. War and Peace .... Man at the recital (uncredited)

  60. I fidanzati della morte .... Tourist at the Eiffel tower (uncredited)
  61. La canzone del destino .... Blind soldier (uncredited)
  62. C'è un sentiero nel cielo .... Aircraft passenger (uncredited)
  63. I misteri di Parigi .... Man at tavern (uncredited)
  64. El Alamein .... Man at the briefing (uncredited)
  65. Il conte Max .... Newspaper buyer at Via Veneto (uncredited)
  66. Orizzonte infuocato .... unknown role (uncredited - uncertain identification)
  67. Primo applauso .... Man dancing in night club (uncredited)
  68. Rascel Fi-fì .... Man at the wedding party (uncredited)

  69. Adorabili e bugiarde .... Passerby on the street (uncredited)
  70. Camping .... Tourist (uncredited)
  71. Il conte di Matera .... Nobleman (uncredited)
  72. La ragazza di Piazza San Pietro .... German tourist at the souvenir kiosk (uncredited)
  73. La zia d'America va a sciare .... Man at the airport in Napoli (uncredited - still no pic)
  74. Mia nonna poliziotto .... Officer at the ceremony (uncredited)
  75. Ragazzi della marina .... Spectator at stadium (uncredited)
  76. Totò a Parigi .... Museum visitor (uncredited)

  77. Audace colpo dei soliti ignoti .... Man on train platform watching football supporters (uncredited)
  78. Il generale Della Rovere .... Nazi soldier in San Vittore prison (uncredited)
  79. Il mondo dei miracoli .... Man at nightclub (uncredited)
  80. La Grande Guerra .... Austrian soldier in marching column (uncredited)
  81. Nel blu dipinto di blu (Volare) .... Startled man i the commander's reception room (uncredited)
  82. Quanto sei bella Roma .... Gas station customer (uncredited)
  83. Vento di primavera .... Airplane passenger (uncredited - uncertain identification)

  84. A noi piace freddo...!! .... Nazi officer (uncredited)
  85. I pirati della costa .... Sir Frederick Henderson, ambassador of the King of England (uncredited)
  86. Il mattatore .... Train passenger (uncredited)

  87. Come September .... Man in the street (uncredited)
  88. Don Camillo monsignore... ma non troppo .... Member of the PC in the parliament (uncredited)
  89. Il federale .... German officer (uncredited)
  90. Il mantenuto .... Priest (uncredited)
  91. Il pianeta degli uomini spenti .... Scientist (uncredited)
  92. Il segreto dello sparviero nero .... Government member (uncredited)
  93. Le magnifiche 7 .... Man in the hotel nightclub (uncredited)
  94. Psycosissimo .... Spectator (uncredited)
  95. Romanoff and Juliet .... Member of U.N. Russian delegation (uncredited)
  96. Vanina Vanini .... Cardinal in the procession (uncredited)

  97. Carmen di Trastevere .... Restaurant customer (uncredited)
  98. Gli eroi del doppio gioco .... Nazi officer (credited)
  99. I pianeti contro di noi .... Russian general (uncredited)
  100. I tre nemici .... Member of the Secret Service (uncredited)
  101. Le quattro giornate di Napoli .... Nazi officer (uncredited)
  102. Light in the piazza a.k.a. Luce nella piazza .... Traveler at the airport (uncredited)
  103. Sfida nella città dell'oro .... Nightclub guest (uncredited)

  104. Assassinio made in Italy .... Party guest (uncredited)
  105. Caterina di Russia .... Officer (uncredited)
  106. Cleopatra .... Dignitary (uncredited)
  107. Gidget Goes to Rome .... Hotel guest (uncredited)
  108. I tre volti della paura .... Coroner (uncredited)
  109. Ieri oggi domani - segment "Mara" .... Man inside religious items shop (uncredited)
  110. Le mani sulla città .... Member of parliament (uncredited)
  111. Mondo cane 2 .... Cover model for violent pulp novels (uncredited)
  112. The Cardinal .... Priest in the cathedral (uncredited)

  113. 00-2 agenti segretissimi .... Russian killer (credited)
  114. Il Leone di Tebe .... Theban senator (uncredited)
  115. Il trionfo dei dieci gladiatori .... Spectator at the arena (uncredited)
  116. La vendetta della signora .... Villager (uncredited)
  117. Omicron .... Gala guest who is stripped by Omicron's powers (uncredited)
  118. The Last Man on Earth .... Laboratory assistant (uncredited)

  119. Casanova '70 .... Man at the auction (uncredited)
  120. David Copperfield (TV mini series) .... Man at the engagement party (uncredited)
  121. Due mafiosi contro Goldginger .... Encapsulated (uncredited)
  122. Due marines e un generale .... Nazi officer committing suicide (uncredited)
  123. Io uccido, tu uccidi .... Cardinal (uncredited)
  124. Il gladiatore che sfidò l'impero .... Guest at the banquet (uncredited)
  125. La rivincita di Ivanhoe .... Nobleman (uncredited)
  126. Le inchieste del commissario Maigret (TV series) - episode "Una vita in gioco" .... Bar customer (uncredited) and "L'affare Picpus" .... Doctor (uncredited)
  127. Letti sbagliati - segment: "Il complicato" .... Train passenger (uncredited)
  128. Squillo .... Night club customer (uncredited)

  129. After the Fox .... Restaurant diner (uncredited)
  130. Amore all'Italiana - segment "L'esame" .... Teacher (uncredited)
  131. Cifrato speciale .... KGB officer (uncredited)
  132. Come svaligiammo la Banca d'Italia .... Policeman in civilian clothes (uncredited - unsure identification)
  133. Kriminal .... Representative from Lloyd's of London (uncredited)
  134. Il vostro super agente Flit .... International dipolomat (uncredited)
  135. Mano di velluto .... Passerby at the train station (uncredited)
  136. Uccellacci e uccellini .... Party guest (uncredited)

  137. ...4 ...3 ...2 ...1 ...morte .... Control room technician (uncredited)
  138. Arriva Dorellik .... Man at the nightclub (uncredited)
  139. Come rubammo la bomba atomica .... Spectrales member (uncredited)
  140. Flashman .... Bank of Ireland employee (uncredited)
  141. Il complotto di Luglio (TV) .... Nazi officer (uncredited)
  142. Il lungo, il corto, il gatto .... Party guest (uncredited)
  143. Il padre di famiglia .... Officier at funeral (uncredited)
  144. Il raggio infernale Commission member (uncredited)
  145. La cintura di castità .... Sultan's priest (uncredited)
  146. La feldmarescialla .... Nazi officer (uncredited)
  147. Le streghe .... Suicide spectator (uncredited)
  148. Operazione San Pietro .... Tourist in the Vatican City (uncredited)
  149. The Taming of the Shrew .... Man at Bianca's wedding (uncredited)
  150. Tutto Totò (TV series) - episode "Premio Nobel" .... Nobel commission member (uncredited)
  151. Vita di Cavour (TV mini series) .... Politician (uncredited)

  152. Candy .... Man attending McPhisto's lecture (uncredited)
  153. Donne... botte e bersaglieri .... Movie theater spectator (uncredited)
  154. Fenomenal e il tesoro di Tutankamen .... Museum party guest (uncredited)
  155. Il circolo Pickwick (TV mini-series) .... Member of the Pickwick club (uncredited)
  156. La morte ha fatto l'uovo .... Party guest (uncredited)
  157. Rose rosse per il fuhrer .... Nazi officer (uncredited)
  158. Ruba al prossimo tuo .... Man waiting for the bathroom (credited)

  159. Così dolce... così perversa .... Member of the visit commission (uncredited)
  160. Femmine insaziabili .... Embalmer creating Giulio Lamberti's mask (uncredited)
  161. Gli intoccabili .... Casino gambler (uncredited)
  162. Uccidete Rommel .... Military commission judge (uncredited)

  163. Belle d'amore .... Eccellenza's friend (uncredited)
  164. Fermate il mondo... voglio scendere! .... Industrialist (credited)
  165. Il sasso in bocca .... Peter La Tempa (uncredited)
  166. Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto .... Man listening to the inspector's speech (uncredited)
  167. Splendori e miserie di Madame Royale .... Old homosexual at the Colosseum (uncredited)

  168. Homo Eroticus .... Doctor (uncredited)
  169. La notte dei dannati (credited) .... Professor Berry (uncredited)
  170. Trastevere .... German tourist (uncredited)
  171. Tre donne - 1943: un incontro (TV) .... Royalist (uncredited)

  172. Girolimoni, il mostro di Roma .... Fascist (uncredited)
  173. Incensurato, provata disonestà, carriera assicurata, cercasi (credited) .... Liselotte's father in Switzerland (uncredited)
  174. Milano calibro 9 .... German drug courier (credited)
  175. Sette orchidee macchiate di rosso .... Man at cemetery (uncredited)

  176. La ragazza di via Condotti .... Engineer (uncredited)
  177. La torta in cielo .... Rich man at the parade (uncredited)
  178. Polvere di stelle .... American major (uncredited)

  179. Anno Uno .... Politician at meeting (uncredited)
  180. Il saprofita .... Man complaining on the train (uncredited)

  181. Frankenstein all'italiana .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  182. La città gioca d'azzardo .... Boss (uncredited)

  183. Cuore di cane .... Street vendor (credited)
  184. Due sul pianerottolo .... Old dancing man (uncredited)
  185. Prima notte di nozze - segment "Rome" .... Monk (uncredited)
  186. Spogliamoci così senza pudor - segment "La visita" .... Friend of the Partibon family (uncredited)

  187. Il gatto .... Dead man (uncredited)
  188. La svastica nel ventre .... General at brothel (uncredited)
  189. Yeti - Il gigante del 20° secolo .... Board member (uncredited)

  190. Circuito chiuso (TV) .... Old man in the movie theater (uncredited)
  191. Eutanasia di un amore .... Book presentation attendant (uncredited)
  192. Tutto suo padre .... Old Nazi supporter (uncredited)

  193. Dottor Jekyll e gentile signora .... Professor that introduces Dr. Jekyll (uncredited)
  194. La luna .... One of Caterina's fans (uncredited)

Other works
  • L'ascensore (TV spot for Birra Wührer, 1967) .... Man in the elevator (uncredited)
  • La sberla (TV variety show, 1978) - ep. 1, sketch "Al ristorante" .... Restaurant diner (uncredited)

  1. Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 27: "Operazione Virginia" (Ed. Lancio - Published in December 1967) - credited
  2. Le avventure di Ray Kolman N. 31: "Champagne per chi uccide" (Ed. Edistar - Published June 1972) - credited as "Tedeschi"
  3. Le avventure di Ray Kolman N. 38: "Un modo di essere un altro" (Ed. Edistar - Published April 1973)
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Re: Alessandro Tedeschi

Post by Emiliano » 31/08/2018, 1:36

Così dolce... così perversa (1969) as Member of the visit commission

I tre volti della paura (1963) as Coroner
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Re: Alessandro Tedeschi

Post by vecchiaguardia » 31/08/2018, 1:41

This is from Milano Calibro 9 (1972), as German drug courier
Milano Calibro 9 - Alessandro Tedeschi1.jpg
Milano Calibro 9 - Alessandro Tedeschi2.jpg
Milano Calibro 9 - Cast.jpg
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Re: Alessandro Tedeschi

Post by Emiliano » 31/08/2018, 1:55

A latest movie of Tedeschi: La svastica nel ventre (1977) as General at brothel
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Re: Alessandro Tedeschi

Post by Johan Melle » 31/08/2018, 1:57

Alessandro Tedeschi plays the villain in the fotoromanzo Le avventure di Ray Kolman N. 31: "Champagne per chi uccide" (published 31 June 1972).
And he was credited too, but not as Alessandro Tedeschi - only as "Tedeschi".
Ray Kolman 31 - Alessandro Tedeschi1.jpg
Ray Kolman 31 - Alessandro Tedeschi2.jpg

Alessandro Tedeschi also appears in the fotoromanzo Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 27: "Operazione Virginia" (Published in December 1967) in which he has a nice credited villain role. It is also interesting to see that he's wearing an awful wig!
Jacques Douglas 27 - Alessandro Tedeschi1.jpg
Jacques Douglas 27 - Alessandro Tedeschi2.jpg
Jacques Douglas 27 - Alessandro Tedeschi3.jpg

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Re: Alessandro Tedeschi

Post by Emiliano » 31/08/2018, 2:06

La città gioca d'azzardo (1975), as Boss
Citta Gioca - Alessandro Tedeschi.jpg
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Re: Alessandro Tedeschi

Post by Johan Melle » 31/08/2018, 2:12

Kriminal (1966), as Representative from Lloyd's of London
Kriminal - Alessandro Tedeschi.jpg

The Last Man on Earth / L'ultimo uomo della terra (1964), as Scientist
Last Man - maybe Tedeschi1.jpg
Last Man - maybe Tedeschi2.jpg

...4 ...3 ...2 ...1 ...morte (1967), as Control room technician
4321 Morte - Alessandro Tedeschi.jpg

Il vostro super agente Flit (1966), as International dipolomat
vostro super agente flit.jpg
Insaziabili - Tedeschi2.jpg
Insaziabili - Tedeschi1.jpg
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Re: Alessandro Tedeschi

Post by carlos » 31/08/2018, 2:16

Alessandro is present in Amore all'italiana (1966), segment "L'esame" as Teacher
amore all'italiana.jpg
ID by Buono Legnani
Spogliamoci Cosi - Alessandro Tedeschi.jpg
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Re: Alessandro Tedeschi

Post by vecchiaguardia » 31/08/2018, 2:28

Fermate il mondo... voglio scendere! (1970), a credited role for our old man, as Industrialist

A good role in Il sasso in bocca (1970) as Peter La Tempa

Rose rosse per il fuhrer (1968) as Nazi officer
Probably he's the oldest nazi ever seen.

Anna (1951) as Doctor
In the same movie, stars Maria Tedeschi.

Napoletani a Milano (1953) as Industrialist

Il saprofita (1974) as Man complaining on the train
Saprofita - Alessandro Tedeschi.jpg
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Re: Alessandro Tedeschi

Post by Ciavazzaro » 31/08/2018, 2:39

Another role for Tedeschi with wig, in La morte ha fatto l'uovo (1968). He plays a party guest who is a little surprised by Jean Sobieski's game.
La morte ha fatto l'uovo (1968).jpg
Trastevere - Alessandro Tedeschi2.jpg
Trastevere - Alessandro Tedeschi1.jpg
Last edited by Cinema Italiano on 22/09/2023, 15:05, edited 2 times in total.

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