Ferruccio Fregonese was a very active generico who appears in many movies and fotoromanzi from the 60s and 70s, and who nearly always wears dark glasses. He was credited a few times.
- Amanti senza amore .... Man at hospital concert (uncredited)
- Una lettera all'alba .... Court clerk (uncredited)
1949 - Il grido della terra .... Soldier at the execution (uncredited)
1950 - La strada buia .... Airplane passenger (uncredited)
1955 - L'intrusa .... Party guest (uncredited)
1958 - Capitan Fuoco .... role? (uncredited)
- La spada e la croce .... Courtier (uncredited)
- Nata di Marzo .... Dancing party guest (uncredited)
- Totò a Parigi .... Train passenger (uncredited)
- Totò nella luna .... Officer at top-secret Pentagon meeting (uncredited)
1959 - Audace colpo dei soliti ignoti .... Amedeo's colleague (uncredited)
- Caltiki il mostro immortale .... Journalist at the press conference (uncredited)
- Europa di notte .... Audience member (uncredited)
- Il moralista .... Nightclub client (uncredited)
- L'amico del giaguaro .... Train passenger (uncredited)
- Lui, lei e il nonno .... Nightclub customer (uncredited)
- Nel segno di Roma .... Senator (uncredited)
1960 - Caccia al marito .... Man in hotel lobby (uncredited)
- Crimen .... Servant questioned by the police (uncredited)
- Genitori in blue-jeans .... Bank customer (uncredited)
- Il mattatore .... Train passenger (uncredited)
- Risate di gioia .... Man at the New Year's Eve party (uncredited)
- Signori si nasce .... Member of the gentleman's club (uncredited)
1961 - Barabba .... Member of Rufio's entourage (uncredited)
- Francis of Assisi .... Courtier (uncredited)
- Gli invasori .... Viking (uncredited)
- Il relitto .... Party guest (uncredited)
- La vendetta di Ursus .... Courtier (uncredited)
- Lycanthropus .... Man at the funeral (uncredited)
- Romolo e Remo .... Spectator at the trial (uncredited)
- Scandali al mare .... Audience member at music recital (uncredited) / Board member at art presentation (uncredited)
- Vanina Vanini .... Tavern customer (uncredited)
1962 - Boccaccio '70 - segment "Le tentazioni del dottor Antonio" .... Commader secretary (uncredited)
- Dieci italiani per un tedesco (Via Rasella) .... The consul (uncredited)
- Giulio Cesare, il conquistatore delle Gallie .... Senator (uncredited)
- I motorizzati .... Man at the motor insurance office (uncredited)
- Il colpo segreto di D'Artagnan .... Conspirator (uncredited)
- L'attico .... Man outside the church (uncredited)
- Le sette folgori di Assur .... Man at Shammash's coronation (uncredited)
- Sodoma e Gomorra .... Guest at banquet (uncredited)
- Totò di notte n. 1 .... Nightclub client (uncredited)
- Twist, lolite e vitelloni .... Man at twist party (uncredited)
- Two Weeks in Another Town .... Man leaving the hotel (uncredited)
1963 - Cleopatra .... Senator/Conspirator (uncredited)
- Ercole contro Moloch .... Nobleman watching sacrifice (uncredited)
- Ercole sfida Sansone .... Councillor (uncredited)
- Golia e il cavaliere mascherato .... Courtier (uncredited)
- Il gattopardo .... Man at the ball (uncredited)
- Jason and the Argonauts .... Courtier of King Aeetes (uncredited)
- Le mani sulla città .... Member of parliament (uncredited)
- Le monachine .... Man on the film set (uncredited)
- Rocambole .... Maxim's patron (uncredited)
- The Cardinal .... Cardinal (uncredited)
- The Pink Panther .... Spectator at the trial (uncredited)
1964 - 3 notti d'amore - segment: "Fatebenefratelli" .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
- Coriolano, eroe senza patria .... Senator (uncredited)
- Ercole contro Roma .... Senator (uncredited)
- Ercole l'invincibile …. Courtier (uncredited)
- Gli schiavi più forti del mondo .... Spectator at the arena (uncredited)
- I due mafiosi .... Airplane passenger (uncredited)
- I due pericoli pubblici .... Party guest (uncredited)
- I pirati della Malesia .... Party guest (uncredited)
- I tre centurioni .... Courtier in Elagabalus' court (uncredited)
- I tre sergenti del Bengala .... Guest at the second wedding (uncredited)
- Il colosso di Roma .... Senator (uncredited)
- Il trionfo dei dieci gladiatori .... Advisor to Publio Rufo (uncredited)
- Intrigo a Los Angeles .... Man at the nightclub (uncredited)
- Panic Button .... Nightclub customer (uncredited - uncertain identification)
1965 - Agente S 03: Operazione Atlantide .... Plane passenger (uncredited)
- Con rispetto parlando .... Man at Tonino Pardi's wake and funeral (uncredited)
- Fantomas minaccia il mondo .... Cavalieri Hilton hotel guest (uncredited)
- I predoni del Sahara .... Guest at the ball (uncredited)
- Il compagno Don Camillo .... Priest at the airport (uncredited)
- Il gladiatore che sfidò l'impero .... Thracian nobleman (uncredited)
- Io uccido, tu uccidi - segment "La donna che viveva sola" .... Man at the ceremony (uncredited)
- L'avventuriero della Tortuga .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
- La guerra segreta .... Pathologist (uncredited)
- La rivincita di Ivanhoe .... Spectator at tournament (uncredited)
- La sfida dei giganti .... Agesilaos, Prince of Segunto (uncredited)
- Sette contro tutti .... Chaldean dignity (uncredited)
- Sette uomini d'oro .... Priest (uncredited)
1966 - After the Fox .... Hotel receptionist (uncredited)
- Agente Logan - missione Ypotron .... Visitor at the missile plant (uncredited)
- Cifrato speciale .... KGB boss (uncredited)
- Duello sul mondo .... Man on the murder scene (uncredited)
- Fai in fretta ad uccidermi... ho freddo! .... Passerby (credited)
- I nostri mariti - segment "Il marito di Roberta" .... Doctor (uncredited)
- Il pianeta errante .... Passerby during the earthquake on Earth (uncredited)
- Il vostro super agente Flit .... International diplomat (uncredited)
- Io, io, io.... e gli altri .... Man at the awards ceremony (uncredited)
- Le fate .... Man at the airport (uncredited)
- New York chiama Superdrago .... Masked bad guy (uncredited)
- Perry Grant, agente di ferro .... Customer in the nightclub (uncredited)
- Ray Master, l'inafferrabile .... Bar customer (uncredited)
- Se tutte le donne del mondo... .... Guest at the ball (uncredited)
- Superargo contro Diabolikus .... Secret Service agent (uncredited)
- Uccellacci e uccellini .... Party guest (uncredited)
- Zorro il ribelle .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
1967 - C'era una volta .... Nobleman at the tournament (uncredited)
- Cuore matto... matto da legare .... Tourist (uncredited)
- Da uomo a uomo .... Saloon patron (uncredited)
- Dick Smart 2.007 .... Mr. Brown (uncredited)
- Il padre di famiglia .... Officer at the funeral (uncredited)
- La morte viene dal pianeta Aytin .... Officer at UDSCO headquarters (uncredited)
- Operazione San Pietro .... Tourist in the Vatican City (uncredited)
- Segretisssimo .... Restaurant diner (uncredited)
- The Taming of the Shrew .... Man at mass (uncredited)
- Ti ho sposato per allegria .... Man asking for the keys of his car (uncredited)
1968 - Buona Sera, Mrs. Campbell .... Man at the reunion party for the 293rd Squadron (uncredited)
- Candy .... Man at the post-op party (uncredited)
- La pecora nera .... Party guest (uncredited)
- Le petit baigneur / Si salvi chi può .... Man at the regatta (uncredited)
- Rose rosse per il führer .... Party guest (uncredited)
- Tenderly .... Surgeon (uncredited)
- Tre supermen a Tokyo .... Embassy official (uncredited)
1969 - Camille 2000 .... Man at the opera and later at party (uncredited)
- Giocando a golf una mattina (TV mini-series) .... Man at the club (uncredited)
- Häschen in der grube .... Maestro (credit unknown)
- L'alibi .... Party guest (uncredited)
- La battaglia di El Alamein .... British officer (uncredited)
- La porta del cannone .... Nazi agent (uncredited)
- Le calde notti di Poppea .... Advisor to Nero (uncredited)
- Zenabel .... One of Don Alonso's men (uncredited)
- Zorro alla corte d'Inghilterra .... Guest at the piano recital (uncredited)
1970 - Amore formula 2 .... Englishman (uncredited)
- Ciao Gulliver .... Guest at the party (uncredited)
- Fermate il mondo... voglio scendere ! .... Homosexual (uncredited)
- I racconti di Padre Brown (TV series) - episode 2: "Il duello del dottor Hirsch" .... Police agent (uncredited)
- Il dio chiamato Dorian ...Party Guest (uncredited)
- Il sasso in bocca .... Admiral Foster (uncredited)
- Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto .... Man at the inspector's speech (uncredited)
- Lacrime d'amore .... Hotel porter (uncredited)
- Le tue mani sul mio corpo .... Party guest (uncredited)
- Mezzanotte d'amore .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
- Ninì Tirabusciò la donna che inventò la mossa .... Cardinal at the Countess's party (uncredited)
- Un amore oggi .... Nazi officer (credited)
1971 - Confessione di un Commissario di Polizia al Procuratore della Repubblica .... The attorney general's man (uncredited)
- I due della F.1 alla corsa più pazza, pazza del mondo .... Man at the airfield (uncredited)
- Il gatto a nove code .... Client at the gay bar (uncredited)
- Il provinciale .... Man at the restaurant (uncredited)
- Il vichingo venuto dal sud (credited but unidentifiable)
- Io non spezzo... rompo .... Man in police HQ (uncredited)
- Lady Frankenstein .... The priest at the execution (uncredited)
- La tarantola dal ventre nero .... Policeman at the film projection (uncredited)
- K2 + 1 (TV series) episode 1: "La gardenia misteriosa" .... Man at the casino (uncredited)
- K2 + 1 (TV series) episode 7: "10° marito" .... Notary supposed to marry Alberto and Lucille (uncredited)
- Maddalena .... Priest at the mass (uncredited)
- Scipione detto anche l'Africano .... Senator (uncredited)
- Siamo tutti in libertà provvisoria .... Parliament member (uncredited)
- Storie Italiane (TV series) - ep.: "Diversa dagli altri", (credited on Radiocorriere TV) .... role?
1972 - Avanti! / Che cosa è successo tra mia padre e tua madre? .... Passenger at airport (uncredited)
- Fratello Sole, Sorella Luna .... Priest (uncredited)
- Il vero e il falso.... Jury member (uncredited)
- La violenza: quinto potere .... Lawyer (uncredited)
- Ludwig .... Monsignor (uncredited)
- Meo Patacca .... role? (uncredited)
- Roma .... Priest at the fashion show (uncredited)
1973 - Amore e ginnastica .... Priest at the conference (uncredited)
- Bisturi, la mafia bianca .... Visitor at Professor Vallotti's clinic (uncredited)
- Come fu che Masuccio Salernitano fuggendo con le le brache in mano .... Monk (credited as Ferruccio Fragonese)
- Crash! Che botte... strippo strappo stroppio .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
- Il boss .... Medical examiner (uncredited)
- La proprietà non è più un furto .... Man at the security equipment demonstration (uncredited)
- La schiava io ce l'ho e tu no .... Concert spectator (uncredited)
- La torta in cielo .... Army officer at rocket launch (uncredited)
- Milano trema: la polizia vuole giustizia .... Butler of Salussoglia (uncredited)
- Nessuno deve sapere (TV mini-series) Ep. 3 .... role unknown (uncredited)
- Qui squadra mobile (TV series) S. 1, Ep. 2: "Rapina a mano armata" .... Bank employee (uncredited)
- Storie scellerate .... Man listening to the street musician (uncredited)
- Un ufficiale non si arrende mai nemmeno di fronte all'evidenza, firmato Colonnello Buttiglione .... General (uncredited)
- Vogliamo i colonelli .... Parliament member (uncredited) / Party guest (uncredited)
1974 - ...altrimenti ci arrabbiamo! .... Restaurant client (uncredited)
- Amore amaro .... Man in the street (uncredited)
- Anche gli angeli tirano di destro .... Restaurant customer (uncredited)
- C'eravamo tanto amati .... TV gameshow juror (uncredited)
- Commissariato di notturna .... Café customer (uncredited)
- Daisy Miller .... Spectactor of the puppet theater (uncredited)
- Identikit .... Passenger boarding the plane (uncredited)
- Il cittadino si ribella .... Man at the casino (uncredited)
- Il domestico .... Army officer (uncredited)
- Il lumacone .... Man at the restaurant (uncredited)
- Il saprofita .... Hotel guest (uncredited)
- Il testimone deve tacere .... Guest (uncredited)
- La poliziotta .... Man in the ministry palace (uncredited)
- Milano: il clan dei calabresi .... Man at the casino (uncredited)
- Mio Dio, come sono caduta in basso! .... Prosecutor at the trial against Silvano Pennacchini (uncredited)
- Pane e cioccolata(uncredited) .... Restaurant guest (uncredited)
- Paolo il freddo .... Party guest (uncredited)
- Piedino il questurino .... C.I.A. Chief (uncredited)
- Sesso in testa .... Voyeur (uncredited)
1975 - Ah si?.. E io lo dico a Zzzorro! .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
- Corruzione al palazzo di giustizia .... Man in meeting with the minister (uncredited)
- Fantozzi .... French minister (uncredited)
- Fermi tutti, è una rapina! .... Jeweler (uncredited)
- La pupa del gangster .... Waiter (uncredited)
- Mahogany .... Man at fashion show (uncredited)
- Roma violenta .... Man robbed at the restaurant (uncredited)
- The Count of Monte-Cristo .... Cardinal at the ball / Guest at the ball (uncredited)
1976 - I prosseneti .... Man at Countess Gilda's birthday party (uncredited)
- Il secondo tragico Fantozzi .... Guest at the Countess' dinner (uncredited)
- La poliziotta fa carriera .... Man at the ceremony (uncredited)
- Poliziotti violenti .... Man in gay bar (uncredited)
- Quelle strane occasioni - segment "Italian superman" .... Spectator of the porn show (uncredited)
1977 - Goodbye & Amen .... Hilton International Hotel guest (uncredited)
- Nerone .... Feminine man suspected of being Nero in disguise (uncredited)
- Tre tigri contro tre tigri .... Bar customer (uncredited) (third segment)
1978 - Follie di notte .... African dance show spectator (uncredited)
- Il furto della Gioconda (TV mini-series) .... Museum visitor (uncredited)
- Poliziotto senza paura .... Restaurant customer (uncredited)
- Quando c'èra lui caro lei .... Priest in Rome (uncredited)
- Scherzi da prete …. Man at press conference (uncredited)
1979 - Immagini di un convento .... Cardinal Del Lario (credited)