Fregonese, Ferruccio

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Fregonese, Ferruccio

Post by Ciavazzaro » 28/08/2018, 0:16

La poliziotta fa carriera (1976).jpg
Ferruccio Fregonese in La poliziotta fa carriera (1976)

Ferruccio Fregonese was a very active generico who appears in many movies and fotoromanzi from the 60s and 70s, and who nearly always wears dark glasses. He was credited a few times.


  1. Amanti senza amore .... Man at hospital concert (uncredited)
  2. Una lettera all'alba .... Court clerk (uncredited)

  3. Il grido della terra .... Soldier at the execution (uncredited)

  4. La strada buia .... Airplane passenger (uncredited)

  5. L'intrusa .... Party guest (uncredited)

  6. Capitan Fuoco .... role? (uncredited)
  7. La spada e la croce .... Courtier (uncredited)
  8. Nata di Marzo .... Dancing party guest (uncredited)
  9. Totò a Parigi .... Train passenger (uncredited)
  10. Totò nella luna .... Officer at top-secret Pentagon meeting (uncredited)

  11. Audace colpo dei soliti ignoti .... Amedeo's colleague (uncredited)
  12. Caltiki il mostro immortale .... Journalist at the press conference (uncredited)
  13. Europa di notte .... Audience member (uncredited)
  14. Il moralista .... Nightclub client (uncredited)
  15. L'amico del giaguaro .... Train passenger (uncredited)
  16. Lui, lei e il nonno .... Nightclub customer (uncredited)
  17. Nel segno di Roma .... Senator (uncredited)

  18. Caccia al marito .... Man in hotel lobby (uncredited)
  19. Crimen .... Servant questioned by the police (uncredited)
  20. Genitori in blue-jeans .... Bank customer (uncredited)
  21. Il mattatore .... Train passenger (uncredited)
  22. Risate di gioia .... Man at the New Year's Eve party (uncredited)
  23. Signori si nasce .... Member of the gentleman's club (uncredited)

  24. Barabba .... Member of Rufio's entourage (uncredited)
  25. Francis of Assisi .... Courtier (uncredited)
  26. Gli invasori .... Viking (uncredited)
  27. Il relitto .... Party guest (uncredited)
  28. La vendetta di Ursus .... Courtier (uncredited)
  29. Lycanthropus .... Man at the funeral (uncredited)
  30. Romolo e Remo .... Spectator at the trial (uncredited)
  31. Scandali al mare .... Audience member at music recital (uncredited) / Board member at art presentation (uncredited)
  32. Vanina Vanini .... Tavern customer (uncredited)

  33. Boccaccio '70 - segment "Le tentazioni del dottor Antonio" .... Commader secretary (uncredited)
  34. Dieci italiani per un tedesco (Via Rasella) .... The consul (uncredited)
  35. Giulio Cesare, il conquistatore delle Gallie .... Senator (uncredited)
  36. I motorizzati .... Man at the motor insurance office (uncredited)
  37. Il colpo segreto di D'Artagnan .... Conspirator (uncredited)
  38. L'attico .... Man outside the church (uncredited)
  39. Le sette folgori di Assur .... Man at Shammash's coronation (uncredited)
  40. Sodoma e Gomorra .... Guest at banquet (uncredited)
  41. Totò di notte n. 1 .... Nightclub client (uncredited)
  42. Twist, lolite e vitelloni .... Man at twist party (uncredited)
  43. Two Weeks in Another Town .... Man leaving the hotel (uncredited)

  44. Cleopatra .... Senator/Conspirator (uncredited)
  45. Ercole contro Moloch .... Nobleman watching sacrifice (uncredited)
  46. Ercole sfida Sansone .... Councillor (uncredited)
  47. Golia e il cavaliere mascherato .... Courtier (uncredited)
  48. Il gattopardo .... Man at the ball (uncredited)
  49. Jason and the Argonauts .... Courtier of King Aeetes (uncredited)
  50. Le mani sulla città .... Member of parliament (uncredited)
  51. Le monachine .... Man on the film set (uncredited)
  52. Rocambole .... Maxim's patron (uncredited)
  53. The Cardinal .... Cardinal (uncredited)
  54. The Pink Panther .... Spectator at the trial (uncredited)

  55. 3 notti d'amore - segment: "Fatebenefratelli" .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  56. Coriolano, eroe senza patria .... Senator (uncredited)
  57. Ercole contro Roma .... Senator (uncredited)
  58. Ercole l'invincibile …. Courtier (uncredited)
  59. Gli schiavi più forti del mondo .... Spectator at the arena (uncredited)
  60. I due mafiosi .... Airplane passenger (uncredited)
  61. I due pericoli pubblici .... Party guest (uncredited)
  62. I pirati della Malesia .... Party guest (uncredited)
  63. I tre centurioni .... Courtier in Elagabalus' court (uncredited)
  64. I tre sergenti del Bengala .... Guest at the second wedding (uncredited)
  65. Il colosso di Roma .... Senator (uncredited)
  66. Il trionfo dei dieci gladiatori .... Advisor to Publio Rufo (uncredited)
  67. Intrigo a Los Angeles .... Man at the nightclub (uncredited)
  68. Panic Button .... Nightclub customer (uncredited - uncertain identification)

  69. Agente S 03: Operazione Atlantide .... Plane passenger (uncredited)
  70. Con rispetto parlando .... Man at Tonino Pardi's wake and funeral (uncredited)
  71. Fantomas minaccia il mondo .... Cavalieri Hilton hotel guest (uncredited)
  72. I predoni del Sahara .... Guest at the ball (uncredited)
  73. Il compagno Don Camillo .... Priest at the airport (uncredited)
  74. Il gladiatore che sfidò l'impero .... Thracian nobleman (uncredited)
  75. Io uccido, tu uccidi - segment "La donna che viveva sola" .... Man at the ceremony (uncredited)
  76. L'avventuriero della Tortuga .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  77. La guerra segreta .... Pathologist (uncredited)
  78. La rivincita di Ivanhoe .... Spectator at tournament (uncredited)
  79. La sfida dei giganti .... Agesilaos, Prince of Segunto (uncredited)
  80. Sette contro tutti .... Chaldean dignity (uncredited)
  81. Sette uomini d'oro .... Priest (uncredited)

  82. After the Fox .... Hotel receptionist (uncredited)
  83. Agente Logan - missione Ypotron .... Visitor at the missile plant (uncredited)
  84. Cifrato speciale .... KGB boss (uncredited)
  85. Duello sul mondo .... Man on the murder scene (uncredited)
  86. Fai in fretta ad uccidermi... ho freddo! .... Passerby (credited)
  87. I nostri mariti - segment "Il marito di Roberta" .... Doctor (uncredited)
  88. Il pianeta errante .... Passerby during the earthquake on Earth (uncredited)
  89. Il vostro super agente Flit .... International diplomat (uncredited)
  90. Io, io, io.... e gli altri .... Man at the awards ceremony (uncredited)
  91. Le fate .... Man at the airport (uncredited)
  92. New York chiama Superdrago .... Masked bad guy (uncredited)
  93. Perry Grant, agente di ferro .... Customer in the nightclub (uncredited)
  94. Ray Master, l'inafferrabile .... Bar customer (uncredited)
  95. Se tutte le donne del mondo... .... Guest at the ball (uncredited)
  96. Superargo contro Diabolikus .... Secret Service agent (uncredited)
  97. Uccellacci e uccellini .... Party guest (uncredited)
  98. Zorro il ribelle .... Wedding guest (uncredited)

  99. C'era una volta .... Nobleman at the tournament (uncredited)
  100. Cuore matto... matto da legare .... Tourist (uncredited)
  101. Da uomo a uomo .... Saloon patron (uncredited)
  102. Dick Smart 2.007 .... Mr. Brown (uncredited)
  103. Il padre di famiglia .... Officer at the funeral (uncredited)
  104. La morte viene dal pianeta Aytin .... Officer at UDSCO headquarters (uncredited)
  105. Operazione San Pietro .... Tourist in the Vatican City (uncredited)
  106. Segretisssimo .... Restaurant diner (uncredited)
  107. The Taming of the Shrew .... Man at mass (uncredited)
  108. Ti ho sposato per allegria .... Man asking for the keys of his car (uncredited)

  109. Buona Sera, Mrs. Campbell .... Man at the reunion party for the 293rd Squadron (uncredited)
  110. Candy .... Man at the post-op party (uncredited)
  111. La pecora nera .... Party guest (uncredited)
  112. Le petit baigneur / Si salvi chi può .... Man at the regatta (uncredited)
  113. Rose rosse per il führer .... Party guest (uncredited)
  114. Tenderly .... Surgeon (uncredited)
  115. Tre supermen a Tokyo .... Embassy official (uncredited)

  116. Camille 2000 .... Man at the opera and later at party (uncredited)
  117. Giocando a golf una mattina (TV mini-series) .... Man at the club (uncredited)
  118. Häschen in der grube .... Maestro (credit unknown)
  119. L'alibi .... Party guest (uncredited)
  120. La battaglia di El Alamein .... British officer (uncredited)
  121. La porta del cannone .... Nazi agent (uncredited)
  122. Le calde notti di Poppea .... Advisor to Nero (uncredited)
  123. Zenabel .... One of Don Alonso's men (uncredited)
  124. Zorro alla corte d'Inghilterra .... Guest at the piano recital (uncredited)

  125. Amore formula 2 .... Englishman (uncredited)
  126. Ciao Gulliver .... Guest at the party (uncredited)
  127. Fermate il mondo... voglio scendere ! .... Homosexual (uncredited)
  128. I racconti di Padre Brown (TV series) - episode 2: "Il duello del dottor Hirsch" .... Police agent (uncredited)
  129. Il dio chiamato Dorian ...Party Guest (uncredited)
  130. Il sasso in bocca .... Admiral Foster (uncredited)
  131. Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto .... Man at the inspector's speech (uncredited)
  132. Lacrime d'amore .... Hotel porter (uncredited)
  133. Le tue mani sul mio corpo .... Party guest (uncredited)
  134. Mezzanotte d'amore .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  135. Ninì Tirabusciò la donna che inventò la mossa .... Cardinal at the Countess's party (uncredited)
  136. Un amore oggi .... Nazi officer (credited)

  137. Confessione di un Commissario di Polizia al Procuratore della Repubblica .... The attorney general's man (uncredited)
  138. I due della F.1 alla corsa più pazza, pazza del mondo .... Man at the airfield (uncredited)
  139. Il gatto a nove code .... Client at the gay bar (uncredited)
  140. Il provinciale .... Man at the restaurant (uncredited)
  141. Il vichingo venuto dal sud (credited but unidentifiable)
  142. Io non spezzo... rompo .... Man in police HQ (uncredited)
  143. Lady Frankenstein .... The priest at the execution (uncredited)
  144. La tarantola dal ventre nero .... Policeman at the film projection (uncredited)
  145. K2 + 1 (TV series) episode 1: "La gardenia misteriosa" .... Man at the casino (uncredited)
  146. K2 + 1 (TV series) episode 7: "10° marito" .... Notary supposed to marry Alberto and Lucille (uncredited)
  147. Maddalena .... Priest at the mass (uncredited)
  148. Scipione detto anche l'Africano .... Senator (uncredited)
  149. Siamo tutti in libertà provvisoria .... Parliament member (uncredited)
  150. Storie Italiane (TV series) - ep.: "Diversa dagli altri", (credited on Radiocorriere TV) .... role?

  151. Avanti! / Che cosa è successo tra mia padre e tua madre? .... Passenger at airport (uncredited)
  152. Fratello Sole, Sorella Luna .... Priest (uncredited)
  153. Il vero e il falso.... Jury member (uncredited)
  154. La violenza: quinto potere .... Lawyer (uncredited)
  155. Ludwig .... Monsignor (uncredited)
  156. Meo Patacca .... role? (uncredited)
  157. Roma .... Priest at the fashion show (uncredited)

  158. Amore e ginnastica .... Priest at the conference (uncredited)
  159. Bisturi, la mafia bianca .... Visitor at Professor Vallotti's clinic (uncredited)
  160. Come fu che Masuccio Salernitano fuggendo con le le brache in mano .... Monk (credited as Ferruccio Fragonese)
  161. Crash! Che botte... strippo strappo stroppio .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  162. Il boss .... Medical examiner (uncredited)
  163. La proprietà non è più un furto .... Man at the security equipment demonstration (uncredited)
  164. La schiava io ce l'ho e tu no .... Concert spectator (uncredited)
  165. La torta in cielo .... Army officer at rocket launch (uncredited)
  166. Milano trema: la polizia vuole giustizia .... Butler of Salussoglia (uncredited)
  167. Nessuno deve sapere (TV mini-series) Ep. 3 .... role unknown (uncredited)
  168. Qui squadra mobile (TV series) S. 1, Ep. 2: "Rapina a mano armata" .... Bank employee (uncredited)
  169. Storie scellerate .... Man listening to the street musician (uncredited)
  170. Un ufficiale non si arrende mai nemmeno di fronte all'evidenza, firmato Colonnello Buttiglione .... General (uncredited)
  171. Vogliamo i colonelli .... Parliament member (uncredited) / Party guest (uncredited)

  172. ...altrimenti ci arrabbiamo! .... Restaurant client (uncredited)
  173. Amore amaro .... Man in the street (uncredited)
  174. Anche gli angeli tirano di destro .... Restaurant customer (uncredited)
  175. C'eravamo tanto amati .... TV gameshow juror (uncredited)
  176. Commissariato di notturna .... Café customer (uncredited)
  177. Daisy Miller .... Spectactor of the puppet theater (uncredited)
  178. Identikit .... Passenger boarding the plane (uncredited)
  179. Il cittadino si ribella .... Man at the casino (uncredited)
  180. Il domestico .... Army officer (uncredited)
  181. Il lumacone .... Man at the restaurant (uncredited)
  182. Il saprofita .... Hotel guest (uncredited)
  183. Il testimone deve tacere .... Guest (uncredited)
  184. La poliziotta .... Man in the ministry palace (uncredited)
  185. Milano: il clan dei calabresi .... Man at the casino (uncredited)
  186. Mio Dio, come sono caduta in basso! .... Prosecutor at the trial against Silvano Pennacchini (uncredited)
  187. Pane e cioccolata(uncredited) .... Restaurant guest (uncredited)
  188. Paolo il freddo .... Party guest (uncredited)
  189. Piedino il questurino .... C.I.A. Chief (uncredited)
  190. Sesso in testa .... Voyeur (uncredited)

  191. Ah si?.. E io lo dico a Zzzorro! .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  192. Corruzione al palazzo di giustizia .... Man in meeting with the minister (uncredited)
  193. Fantozzi .... French minister (uncredited)
  194. Fermi tutti, è una rapina! .... Jeweler (uncredited)
  195. La pupa del gangster .... Waiter (uncredited)
  196. Mahogany .... Man at fashion show (uncredited)
  197. Roma violenta .... Man robbed at the restaurant (uncredited)
  198. The Count of Monte-Cristo .... Cardinal at the ball / Guest at the ball (uncredited)

  199. I prosseneti .... Man at Countess Gilda's birthday party (uncredited)
  200. Il secondo tragico Fantozzi .... Guest at the Countess' dinner (uncredited)
  201. La poliziotta fa carriera .... Man at the ceremony (uncredited)
  202. Poliziotti violenti .... Man in gay bar (uncredited)
  203. Quelle strane occasioni - segment "Italian superman" .... Spectator of the porn show (uncredited)

  204. Goodbye & Amen .... Hilton International Hotel guest (uncredited)
  205. Nerone .... Feminine man suspected of being Nero in disguise (uncredited)
  206. Tre tigri contro tre tigri .... Bar customer (uncredited) (third segment)

  207. Follie di notte .... African dance show spectator (uncredited)
  208. Il furto della Gioconda (TV mini-series) .... Museum visitor (uncredited)
  209. Poliziotto senza paura .... Restaurant customer (uncredited)
  210. Quando c'èra lui caro lei .... Priest in Rome (uncredited)
  211. Scherzi da prete …. Man at press conference (uncredited)

  212. Immagini di un convento .... Cardinal Del Lario (credited)

Filmography to check
Last edited by Cinema Italiano on 17/01/2025, 22:55, edited 75 times in total.

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Johan Melle
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Re: Ferruccio Fregonese

Post by Johan Melle » 07/09/2018, 0:48

Ferruccio Fregonese was very active in the 1960s and 70s but I've traced his career back all the way to 1949 when he appears to have enjoyed a certain success as a fotoromanzo actor under the pseudonyms Ferruccio Murer and Ferruccio Mürer.

The earliest fotoromanzo I've found him in is "Il bacio dell'aurora" (published in Sogno from April to September 1949)

Bacio Dell'Aurora - Credits.jpg

Bacio Dell'Aurora - Fregonese1.jpg

Bacio Dell'Aurora - Fregonese2.jpg

Another notable appearance is in the famous trilogy of Lalla Acquaviva, which is composed of 3 fotoromanzi: "Dormire e non sognare", "Lalla che torna" and "Il velo sulla fronte" - all based on the novels by Liala, and published consecutively in Sogno from October 1949 to June 1950.

Here are pics of the credits and of Ferruccio (with a toupee) in the first part of the trilogy, "Dormire e non sognare"

Trilogia Lalla Acquaviva - Credits.jpg

Trilogia Lalla Acquaviva - Fregonese1.jpg

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Johan Melle
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Re: Ferruccio Fregonese

Post by Johan Melle » 07/09/2018, 0:54

And then comes Ferruccio's biggest success: a very important role in the fotoromanzo "La maschera e il cuore" (published in Sogno from November 1950 to March 1951).

It's such a substantial role that he even got to grace the cover of Sogno together with the story's leading lady, Giuliana Gardini!

Maschera E Il Cuore - Fregonese Cover.jpg

Maschera E Il Cuore - Fregonese1.jpg

And here in a romantic scene with Giuliana Gardini, who had previously played his daughter is "Il bacio dell'aurora" (1949)!

Maschera E Il Cuore - Fregonese2.jpg
Maschera E Il Cuore - Fregonese3.jpg
Maschera E Il Cuore - Fregonese4.jpg

And here with Maresa Gallo in "Mavì, mia vita" (published in Sogno from October 1951 to March 1952)

Mavi Mia Vita - Credits.jpg

Mavi Mia Vita - Ferruccio Fregonese1b.jpg

Mavi Mia Vita - Ferruccio Fregonese2b.jpg

Mavi Mia Vita - Fregonese3.jpg

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Johan Melle
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Re: Ferruccio Fregonese

Post by Johan Melle » 07/09/2018, 1:11

Unfortunately, we have yet to dig up any film roles with Ferruccio from the 1950s, but we've discovered plenty of 1960s roles.

Ferruccio outside the church in the opening of L'attico (1962) - post by Ciavazzaro
L'attico - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg

Fairly large role for him as one of Gia Sandri's suitors in La sfida dei giganti (1965)
La Sfida Dei Giganti - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg

Also a nice role in the great Eurospy adventure Cifrato speciale (1966) as a KGB boss
Cifrato Speciale - Ferruccio Fregonese1.jpg
Cifrato Speciale - Ferruccio Fregonese2.jpg

And more Eurospy!
Ferruccio in Duello sul mondo (1966) - post by Ciavazzaro
Duello Sul Mondo - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg

As doctor in I nostri mariti (1966) - post by Ciavazzaro
Nostri Mariti - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg

Very strange credited role in Fai in fretta ad uccidermi che ho freddo (1966) - post by Ciavazzaro
Images upgraded here
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Johan Melle
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Re: Ferruccio Fregonese

Post by Johan Melle » 07/09/2018, 1:37

Dick Smart 2.007 (1967). Yet another Eurospy role (and great close-up).
Dick Smart - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg

Il padre di famiglia (1967), as Funeral attendant with Augusto Brenna and Ugo Tognazzi - post by Ciavazzaro
Padre Di Famiglia - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg

L'alibi (1969), as Party attendant - post by Ciavazzaro
Alibi - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg

Giocando a golf una mattina (1969) (TV film) - post by Ciavazzaro
Giocando A Golf - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg

Un amore oggi (1970), credited, as Nazi officer. A nice speaking role - post by Ciavazzaro
Un Amore Oggi - Ferruccio Fregonese1.jpg
Un Amore Oggi - Ferruccio Fregonese2.jpg

Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto (1970), as a Man who attends Gian Maria Volonte's speech - post by Ciavazzaro
Indagine Cittadino - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg

Lacrime d'amore (1970), as a Hotel porter in - pic by dusso
Lacrime D'Amore - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg

Il dio chiamato Dorian (1970) again with his glasses - post by Ciavazzaro
Dorian Gray - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg
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Johan Melle
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Re: Ferruccio Fregonese

Post by Johan Melle » 07/09/2018, 2:33

Party guest in Le tue mani sul mio corpo (1970) - post by Ciavazzaro
Tue Mani Sul Mio Corpo - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg

In Lady Frankenstein (1971) nice little speaking role as the priest at the execution - post by Ciavazzaro
Lady Frankenstein - Ferruccio Fregonese1.jpg
Lady Frankenstein - Ferruccio Fregonese2.jpg

As a man at the gay bar in Il gatto a nove code (1971) - post by Ciavazzaro
Gatto Nove Code - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg

Ferruccio in the casinò in the TV series K2 + 1 (1971) - episode 1: "La gardenia misteriosa" - post by Ciavazzaro
K2+1 Ep 1 - Fregonese.jpg

Ciavazzaro found Ferruccio in episode 1 of the TV series K 2 + 1 (1971), but he is also present in episode 7: "10° marito", as the notary who is supposed to marry Johnny Dorelli and Giuliana Rivera
K 2+1 Ep 7 - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg

Ferruccio together with lots of generico colleagues at the film projection in La tarantola dal ventre nero (1971)
Tarantola - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg

I also checked the movie Il vichingo venuto dal sud (1971), but in the youtube copy he is not present. Maybe he was just credited, like raniero dorascenzi in another movie where he is credited but at the end doesn't appear - post by Ciavazzaro
Vichingo Venuto Sud - Fregonese Credit.jpg
Nini Tirabuscio - Ferruccio Fregonese2.jpg
Nini Tirabuscio - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg
Last edited by Cinema Italiano on 18/11/2023, 18:38, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Ferruccio Fregonese

Post by Johan Melle » 07/09/2018, 17:15

Amore e ginnastica (1973), as a Priest - post by Ciavazzaro
Amore Ginnastica - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg

Come fu che Masuccio Salernitano fuggendo con le le brache in mano, riuscì a conservarlo sano (1973), as "Ferruccio Fragonese". Very strange he was credited, because he appears just a few of seconds and don't speak a single word! - post by Ciavazzaro
Come Fu Masuccio - Ferruccio Fregonese1.jpg
Come Fu Masuccio - Ferruccio Fregonese2.jpg

Un ufficiale non si arrende mai nemmeno di fronte all'evidenza, firmato Colonnello Buttiglione (1973), as General at the ending - post by Ciavazzaro
Un Ufficiale Non Si Arrende - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg

Vogliamo i colonnelli (1973), as Parliament member, later at the party - post by Ciavazzaro
Vogliamo Colonnelli - Ferruccio Fregonese1.jpg
Vogliamo Colonnelli - Ferruccio Fregonese2.jpg

Daisy Miller (1974), as Puppet theatre spectator - post by Ciavazzaro
Daisy Miller - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg
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Re: Ferruccio Fregonese

Post by Ciavazzaro » 07/09/2018, 18:29

Il saprofita (1974), as a Man at the hotel
Saprofita - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg

Il testimone deve tacere (1974). Ferruccio talking with Luciano Zanussi.
Testimone Deve Tacere - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg

Milano: il clan dei calabresi (1974), as a Gambler
Clan Dei Calabresi - Fregonese1.jpg
Clan Dei Calabresi - Fregonese2.jpg

Pane e cioccolata (1974), as Restaurant client
Pane Cioccolata - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg

Piedino il questurino (1974), as a CIA member
Piedino Questurino - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg
Paolo Il Freddo - Ferruccio Fregonese3.jpg
Paolo Il Freddo - Ferruccio Fregonese2.jpg
Paolo Il Freddo - Ferruccio Fregonese1.jpg
Last edited by Cinema Italiano on 02/04/2024, 12:04, edited 2 times in total.

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Johan Melle
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Re: Ferruccio Fregonese

Post by Johan Melle » 07/09/2018, 20:35

La poliziotta (1974), as man at the ministery - post by Ciavazzaro
La Poliziotta - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg

Ah si?.. E io lo dico a Zzzorro! (1975), as a Wedding guest - pic originally posted by Rudy in Rossana Canghiari's topic
Zzzorro - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg

Fermi tutti! È una rapina (1975), as Jeweller who is robbed. Nice speaking role - post by Ciavazzaro
Fermi Tutti - Ferruccio Fregonese1.jpg
Fermi Tutti - Ferruccio Fregonese2.jpg
Fermi Tutti - Ferruccio Fregonese3.jpg
Secondo Tragico Fantozzi - Fregonese2.jpg
Secondo Tragico Fantozzi - Fregonese1.jpg
Fantozzi - Ferruccio Fregonese3.jpg
Fantozzi - Ferruccio Fregonese2.jpg
Fantozzi - Ferruccio Fregonese1.jpg
Last edited by FatmanDan on 03/02/2024, 2:03, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Ferruccio Fregonese

Post by Ciavazzaro » 07/09/2018, 20:44

Ferruccio plays again a gay man in Poliziotti violenti (1976)
Poliziotti Violenti - Ferruccio Fregonese1.jpg
Poliziotti Violenti - Ferruccio Fregonese2.jpg

As a museum visitor in the TV mini series Il furto della Gioconda (1978)
Furto Della Gioconda - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg

As priest in Quando c'èra lui caro lei (1978)
Quando C'Era Lui - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg

And finally the last known role with Ferruccio - a nice, credited part as a cardinal in Immagini di un convento (1979)
Immagini - Ferruccio Fregonese.jpg
pic by Johan

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