Marziali, Quinto

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Johan Melle
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Marziali, Quinto

Post by Johan Melle » 28/08/2018, 18:57

Quinto Marziali.jpg
Quinto Marziali in a fotoromanzo of 1972
Quinto Marziali was a generico who was very prolific in the 60s and 70s, and who very frequently played roles as a crime scene or ceremony photographer. He was also active in fotoromanzi, in which he usually played thugs or henchmen. He was only occasionally credited in fotoromanzi.


  1. Ercole contro Moloch .... Citizen of Mycenae (uncredited)

  2. I due pericoli pubblici .... Man in line at the employment office (uncredited)
  3. Il Leone di Tebe .... Theban courtier / Guard with Tutmes (uncredited)
  4. La rivolta dei pretoriani .... Courtier (uncredited)

  5. Berlino: appuntamento per le spie .... East German soldier on train (uncredited)
  6. Casanova '70 .... Man in audience in the courtroom (uncredited)
  7. Oggi, domani, dopodomani - segment "L'ora di punta" .... Airplane passenger (uncredited)
  8. Operazione poker .... Police officer (uncredited)

  9. After the Fox / Caccia alla volpe .... Horse carriage passenger (uncredited)
  10. Cifrato speciale .... Henchman (uncredited)
  11. Djurado .... Saloon customer (uncredited)
  12. Furia a Marrakech .... M.P. (uncredited)
  13. James Tont operazione D.U.E. .... Man at the beat club (uncredited)
  14. Operazione paura .... Man at inn (uncredited)
  15. Password: uccidete agente Gordon .... Henchman at the nightclub (uncredited)
  16. Per un pugno di canzoni .... Little Europe citizen (uncredited)
  17. Tre notti violente .... Tourist friar at the Trevi fountain (uncredited)

  18. Come rubare la corona d'Inghilterra .... Officer at the embassy party (uncredited)
  19. Delitto a Posillipo - Londra chiama Napoli .... Thug (uncredited)

  20. I quattro dell'Ave Maria .... Casino player (uncredited)
  21. Sissignore .... Photographer at the wedding (uncredited)
  22. The Shoes of the Fisherman .... Footman carrying the gestatorial chair (uncredited)

  23. Colpo di stato .... Journalist (uncredited)
  24. Franco e Ciccio... ladro e guardia .... Jewelry shop employee (uncredited)
  25. Franco e Ciccio sul sentiero di guerra .... Soldier reading proclamation (uncredited)
  26. It Takes a Thief (TV series) - season 3, episode 9: "The King of Thieves" .... Journalist (uncredited)
  27. Metti una sera a cena .... Reporter (uncredited)
  28. Pensando a te …. Student at night school (uncredited)

  29. Dal nostro inviato a Copenaghen (credited) .... Dick's landlord (uncredited)
  30. Dramma della gelosia (tutti i particolari in cronaca) .... Restaurant waiter (uncredited)
  31. Mezzanotte d'amore .... Policeman (uncredited)
  32. The Adventurers .... Photographer at the wedding (uncredited)

  33. Arsenio Lupin (TV series) - episode "La femme aux deux sourires" .... Party guest (uncredited)
  34. 4 mosche di velluto grigio .... Funerary art exposition visitor (uncredited)
  35. Giornata nera per l'ariete .... Butler at Binni's home (uncredited)
  36. Il gatto a nove code .... Barman at the gay club (uncredited)
  37. Il provinciale .... Man in the reception desk of the Messaggero newspaper (uncredited)
  38. La supertestimone .... Carabiniere (nightmare) (uncredited)
  39. Lo chiamavano King .... Union captain (uncredited)

  40. Afyon Oppio .... Policeman (uncredited)
  41. La dama rossa uccide sette volte .... Policeman (uncredited)
  42. La polizia ringrazia .... Journalist (uncredited)
  43. L'udienza .... Swiss guard (uncredited)
  44. Perché quelle strane gocce di sangue sul corpo di Jennifer? .... Man at the café (uncredited)
  45. Poppea... una prostituta al servizio dell'impero .... Tavern customer (uncredited)
  46. Sette orchidee macchiate di rosso .... Man at the airport (uncredited)
  47. Valeria dentro e fuori .... Library employee moving books (uncredited)

  48. Anastasia mio fratello .... Photographer (uncredited)
  49. All'ultimo minuto (TV series) - episode 13: "Scala reale" .... Party guest playing cards (uncredited)
  50. Bisturi la mafia bianca .... News photographer (uncredited)
  51. Giovannona Coscialunga disonorata con onore .... News photographer (uncredited)
  52. La polizia è al servizio del cittadino .... Photographer at the private clinic (uncredited)
  53. La porta sul buio (TV mini series) - episode 2: "Il tram" .... Police photographer (uncredited)
  54. Madigan (TV series) - Ep.: "The Naples beat" .... A photographer (uncredited)
  55. Milano trema - la polizia vuole giustizia .... Policeman (uncredited)
  56. Mordi e fuggi .... News photographer following the hostage car (uncredited)
  57. Zanna Bianca .... Saloon patron (uncredited)

  58. A pugni nudi .... Photographer at boxing match (uncredited)
  59. Il cittadino si ribella .... News photographer (uncredited)
  60. Il domestico .... Photographer witnessing the arrest of Rosario Cavatunni (uncredited)
  61. Il poliziotto è marcio .... Photographer at the art gallery (uncredited)
  62. L'arbitro .... Press photographer (uncredited)
  63. Mio Dio, come sono caduta in basso! .... Officer at the commemoration (uncredited)
  64. Processo per direttissima .... Photographer (uncredited)
  65. Xiangang xiao jiao fu .... Paparazzo (uncredited)

  66. A mezzanotte va la ronda del piacere .... Photographer (uncredited)
  67. Attenti al buffone .... Cameraman at the wedding (uncredited)
  68. Il gatto mammone .... Photographer (uncredited)
  69. L'anatra all'arancia .... Member of the "Mamma mia" wine commission (uncredited)
  70. La polizia interviene: ordine di uccidere! .... Man at the airport (uncredited)
  71. La pupa del gangster .... Nightclub client (uncredited)
  72. Macchie solari .... Priest who helps Father Paul after his epileptic attack (uncredited)
  73. Mahogany .... News photographer (uncredited)
  74. Morte sospetta di una minorenne .... News photographer (uncredited)
  75. Un urlo dalle tenebre (credited as Quinto Marziale) .... Monk (uncredited)
  76. Vai Gorilla .... Photographer (uncredited)

  77. A Matter of Time .... Photographer (uncredited)
  78. Bluff - Storia di truffe e di imbroglioni .... Man at the auction (uncredited)
  79. Colpita da improvviso benessere .... Sanity inspector (uncredited)
  80. Eva nera .... Party guest (uncredited)
  81. Gli amici di Nick Hezard .... Insurance Company Officer (uncredited)
  82. Il comune senso del pudore .... Photographer at editorial office / Still photographer at movie set (uncredited)
  83. Il secondo tragico Fantozzi .... Man at the casino (uncredited)
  84. L'affittacamere .... Man in the courtroom (uncredited)
  85. La dottoressa del distretto militare .... Military doctor (uncredited)
  86. Maestro di violino .... Photographer (uncredited)
  87. Paura in città .... Photographer (uncredited)
  88. Quelli della calibro 38 .... Man at the casino (uncredited)
  89. San sha ben tan xiao fu xing / Kidnap in Rome .... Reporter (uncredited)

  90. Charleston .... Sound engineer (uncredited)
  91. Corleone .... Photographer at tribunal (uncredited)
  92. Il marito in collegio .... Swiss policeman arresting Baron Filippo Pancaldi (uncredited)
  93. Io ho paura .... News photographer (uncredited)
  94. Italia: ultimo atto? .... Man in bar with gun (uncredited)
  95. Kleinhoff Hotel .... Policeman (uncredited)
  96. La banda del trucido .... Photographer (uncredited)
  97. Le notti porno nel mondo .... Man at the nightclub (uncredited)
  98. Napoli si ribella .... Photographer at crime scene (uncredited)

  99. Candido erotico .... Spectator at sex show (uncredited)
  100. Indagine su un delitto perfetto .... Waiter (uncredited)
  101. La cage aux folles / Il vizietto .... Photographer at the nightclub (uncredited)
  102. La mazzetta .... Photographer (uncredited)
  103. La soldatessa alle grandi manovre .... Train ticket agent (uncredited)
  104. Le témoin / Il testimone .... Maurisson's butler (uncredited)
  105. Lo chiamavano Bulldozer .... Man in bar watching arm wrestling match (uncredited)
  106. Scherzi da prete …. Photographer (uncredited)
  107. Squadra antimafia .... Journalist attending the execution (uncredited)
  108. Tutto suo padre .... Photographer at Adolfo Capecchi's speech (uncredited)
  109. Un poliziotto scomodo .... News photographer (uncredited)

  110. Bloodline .... News photographer at the airport (uncredited)
  111. Caro papà .... News photographer at the airport (uncredited)
  112. Dottor Jekyll e gentile signora .... One of Pretorius' men (uncredited)
  113. La poliziotta della squadra del buon costume .... Man at the final ceremony (uncredited)
  114. Return of the Saint (TV series) - episode 19: "Murder Cartel" .... News photographer (uncredited)
  115. Zombi 2 .... Newspaper office employee (uncredited)

  116. Ciao marziano .... Photographer (uncredited)
  117. L'avvertimento .... News photographer (uncredited)
  118. Luca il contrabbandiere .... Police photographer (uncredited)
  119. Sono fotogenico .... Photographer (uncredited)
  120. Zucchero, miele e peperoncino .... Spectator at Valerio Milanese's trial (uncredited)

  121. La cage aux folles II / Il vizietto II .... News photographer at hospital (uncredited)
  122. Mia moglie torna a scuola .... Photographer (uncredited)

  1. Idillio N. 69: "L'uomo che amo adesso è tuo" (Ed. Lancio - Published August 1968)
  2. Darling N. 21: "E in mezzo a noi la notte" (Ed. Lancio - Published November 1968) - credited
  3. Le avventure di Lucky Martin N. 2: "Rosso di sera domani si spara" (Ed. Lancio - Published November 1968)
  4. Idillio N. 73: "Sarò soltanto la tua donna" (Ed. Lancio - Published January 1969) - credited
  5. Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 45: "La ballata della gelosia" (Ed. Lancio - Published June 1969)
  6. Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 48: "Lontano qualcuno mi chiama" (Ed. Lancio - Published September 1969)
  7. Le avventure di Lucky Martin N. 13: "La trappola dagli occhi verdi" (Ed. Lancio - Published October 1969)
  8. Le avventure di Kolman N. 12: "Due ragazze d'oro" (Ed. Edistar - Published September 1970)
  9. Monica N. 47: "Il passato che ritorna" (Ed. M.B.R. & C. - Published January 1972)
  10. Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 79: "La ladra che mi ama" (Ed. Lancio - Published April 1972)
  11. Le avventure di Ray Kolman N. 34: "Un'orchidea rossa di sangue" (Ed. Edistar - Published September 1972)
  12. Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 97: "Bella e immortale" (Ed. Lancio - Published October 1973)
  13. Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 106: "Quando i sogni fanno il girotondo" (Ed. Lancio - Published July 1974)
  14. Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 115: "Ken e Susan... L'inferno e il paradiso" (Ed. Lancio - Published April 1975)
Last edited by Cinema Italiano on 17/06/2024, 15:31, edited 39 times in total.

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Johan Melle
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Re: Quinto Marziali

Post by Johan Melle » 09/09/2018, 6:05

Although he appeared a long line of fotoromanzi (particularly for famed publisher Lancio), Quinto Marziali was rarely credited.

Fortunately, he is credited in the fotoromanzo Idillio N. 73: "Sarò soltanto la tua donna" (Published January 1969), which is how I was able to identify him
Idillio 73 - Quinto Marziali.jpg
Idillio 73 - Credits.jpg

And here's selection of Quinto's other memorable fotoromanzo roles - most of them bad guy roles and all of them uncredited:

Idillio N. 69: "L'uomo che amo adesso è tuo" (August 1968) - with Peter Lee Lawrence
Idillio 69 - Quinto Marziali1.jpg
Idillio 69 - Quinto Marziali2.jpg

Le avventure di Lucky Martin N. 2: "Rosso di sera domani si spara" (November 1968)
Lucky Martin 2 - Quinto Marziali.jpg

Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 45: "La ballata della gelosia" (June 1969)
Jacques Douglas 45 - Quinto Marziali.jpg

Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 48: "Lontano qualcuno mi chiama" (September 1969) - scanned from the French-language edition
Jacques Douglas 48 - Quinto Marziali.jpg

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Re: Quinto Marziali

Post by Johan Melle » 09/09/2018, 6:10

Le avventure di Lucky Martin N. 13: "La trappola dagli occhi verdi" (October 1969)
Lucky Martin 13 - Quinto Marziali.jpg

Le avventure di Kolman N. 12: "Due ragazze d'oro" (September 1970)
Kolman 12 - Quinto Marziali.jpg

Monica N. 47: "Il passato che ritorna" (January 1972)
Monica 47 - Quinto Marziali2.jpg

Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 79: "La ladra che mi ama" (April 1972)
Jacques Douglas 79 - Quinto Marziali.jpg

Le avventure di Ray Kolman N. 34: "Un'orchidea rossa di sangue" (September 1972)
Ray Kolman 34 - Quinto Marziali.jpg

Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 97: "Bella e immortale" (October 1973) - with Franco Gasparri
Jacques Douglas 97 - Quinto Marziali.jpg

Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 106: "Quando i sogni fanno il girotondo" (July 1974) - with our friend Raniero Dorascenzi
Jacques Douglas 106 - Quinto Marziali.jpg

Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 115: "Ken e Susan... L'inferno e il paradiso" (April 1975) - scanned from the French-language edition
Jacques Douglas 115 - Quinto Marziali2.jpg

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Re: Quinto Marziali

Post by Johan Melle » 09/09/2018, 6:29

And now his film roles.

The earliest role found for Quinto so far is as an East German soldier in the spy film Berlino: appuntamento per le spie (1965)
Berlino - Quinto Marziali.jpg

Typical henchman role in another spy film, Cifrato speciale (1966)
Cifrato Speciale - Quinto Marziali.jpg

And yet another spy film: Furia a Marrakech (1966) where Quinto can be spotted as an M.P.
Furia Marrakech - Quinto Marziali.jpg

Having a good time at the beat club in the spy spoof James Tont operazione D.U.E. (1966)
James Tont Operazione DUE - Quinto Marziali.jpg

Quinto is also present in the famed horror movie Operazione paura (1966) as a man at the inn
Operazione Paura - Quinto Marziali.jpg

And in the western spoof Franco e Ciccio sul sentiero di guerra (1969) - thanks to Carlos for the pic
Franco Ciccio Sentiero - Quinto Marziali.jpg

Quinto has a rare credited role as a landlord in the grim Alberto Cavallone oddity Dal nostro inviato a Copenaghen (1970)
Dal Nostro Inviato - Quinto Marziali1.jpg
Dal Nostro Inviato - Quinto Marziali2.jpg
Dal Nostro Inviato - Quinto Marziali Credit.jpg

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Re: Quinto Marziali

Post by Johan Melle » 09/09/2018, 17:30

Il gatto a nove code (1971), as Bartender at the gay club in Dario Argento's giallo
Gatto Nove Code - Quinto Marziali.jpg

4 mosche di velluto grigio (1971), as a Man at the coffin exhibit
4 Mosche - Quinto Marziali.jpg

La supertestimone (1971), as Carabiniere in the nightmare sequence
Supertestimone - Quinto Marziali.jpg

Perché quelle strane gocce di sangue sul corpo di Jennifer? (1972), as Café customer. A bearded Quinto sitting behind Paola Quattrini and Edwige Fenech
Jennifer - Quinto Marziali.jpg
Il Provinciale - Quinto Marziali.jpg
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Re: Quinto Marziali

Post by Johan Melle » 09/09/2018, 20:40

All'ultimo minuto (TV series,episode "Scala reale") (1973), as Card player - post by Ciavazzaro
All'Ultimo Minuto Scala Reale - Quinto Marziali.png

Milano trema - la polizia vuole giustizia (1973), as Policeman with moustache
Milano Trema - Quinto Marziali.jpg

Giovannona Coscialunga disonorata con onore (1973), as a Photographer, a role he'd go on to play in numerous films - identification by Ghibarian
Giovannona Coscialunga - Quinto Marziali.jpg

Zanna Bianca (1973), as Saloon guest
Zanna Bianca - Quinto Marziali.jpg
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Re: Quinto Marziali

Post by Johan Melle » 12/09/2018, 18:41

A mezzanotte va la ronda del piacere, (1975) as Photographer - post by Ghibarian
A mezzanotte va la ronda del piacere (1975).jpg

Il gatto mammone (1975), as Photographer - post by Ghibarian
Il gatto mammone (1975) 1.jpg
Il gatto mammone (1975) 2.jpg
Poliziotto E Marcio - Quinto Marziali.jpg
Last edited by Cinema Italiano on 09/06/2024, 21:10, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Quinto Marziali

Post by Johan Melle » 12/09/2018, 19:03

Maestro di violino (1976), as Photographer - post by Emiliano
Maestro Di Violino - Quinto Marziali.jpg

Il comune senso del pudore (1976), as Photographer at editorial office and later as Still photographer at movie set
Comune Senso Pudore - Quinto Marziali.jpg
Comune Senso Pudore - Quinto Marziali2.jpg

L'affittacamere (1976), as Man in the courtroom - post by Ghibarian
L'affittacamere (1976) 1.jpg
L'affittacamere (1976) 2.jpg

San sha ben tan xiao fu xing / Kidnap in Rome (1976), as Photographer - post by Ciavazzaro

Le Notti porno nel mondo (1977), as a Man at the nightclub who gets very excited by the sexy show he is watching
Notti Porno Nel Mondo - Quinto Marziali.jpg
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Re: Quinto Marziali

Post by Johan Melle » 12/09/2018, 23:25

La mazzetta (1978), as Photographer - post by Ghibarian
La mazzetta (1978).jpg

Bloodline (1979), as Photographer, taking pictures of Audrey Hepburn in the cult kolossal - post by Ciavazzaro
Bloodline - Quinto Marziali.jpg
Tutto Suo Padre - Quinto Marziali.jpg
Last edited by Cinema Italiano on 05/12/2023, 20:53, edited 4 times in total.

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Johan Melle
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Re: Quinto Marziali

Post by Johan Melle » 12/09/2018, 23:36

Quinto is nearly always a photographer!! This time he plays his favorite role in the TV series Return of the Saint - episode "Murder Cartel" (1979)
Saint - Quinto Marziali1.jpg
Saint - Quinto Marziali2.jpg

Quinto appears in a few scenes in L'avvertimento (1980) - as a news photographer, of course!
L'Avvertimento - Quinto Marziali1.jpg
L'Avvertimento - Quinto Marziali2.jpg
Ciao Marziano - Quinto Marziali.jpg
Zucchero Miele - Quinto Marziali.jpg
Sono Fotogenico - Quinto Marziali.jpg
Luca Il Contrabbandiere - Quinto Marziali.jpg
Last edited by Cinema Italiano on 17/06/2024, 15:30, edited 4 times in total.

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