Terra Caizzi, Renato


Actors graduated at Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia
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Terra Caizzi, Renato

Post by PeplumParadise » 29/01/2020, 12:51

Renato Terra Caizzi in Violentata sulla sabbia (1971)
Renato Terra 1961.jpg
In Cineguida 1961
Renato Terra Caizzi was an actor who starts his acting studies at C.S.C. in 1952.[1]

His earlist known role was when he was still a child, when he appeared in the 1936 production Il corsaro nero (like most 1930’s Italian films this one is impossible to find and may no longer exist). His next known role came some 13 years later in 1949, from which point he worked steadily until the late 70’s. According to various sources, he retired in 1977 (barring one role in 1981 and one in 2000) to pursue a career in poetry and published volumes titled “Che strano Paese” and "Amori di latta". If he had actually appeared in half the films he was credited for he would have a very impressive C.V., but more of that below.

He was also frequently credited by shorter variations of his name, either as Renato Terra or Renato Caizzi, and on various occasions pretty much any configuration of his names - Renato Caizzi Terra, Terra Caizzi Renato - would turn up in credits.

He has 2 possible dates of birth, 6 years apart. July 26th 1922 in Naples, cited by English and German Wikipedia, the c.s.c. website and IMDb (who just give the year) or April 1st 1928 in Rome, listed by Italian Wikipedia, Dizionario del cinema italiano and Tototruffa - take your pick. They all seem agreed that his date of death was November 28th 2010 in Rome, concurred by online obituaries. Here's a News Report confirming his death, which repeats biographical details found on the official c.s.c. website.

Trying to compile an accurate list of the films Renato appeared in (and didn’t appear in) is something of a nightmare. Even by the standards of c.s.c. actors his credits are a mess and make little sense. As was fairly common for c.s.c. actors, Caizzi did not appear in many of the productions for which he is credited, and in his case that is a lot of titles. More unusually for a c.s.c. actor he actually did appear in many other films where he is uncredited. Also rather odd is that he was still recieving c.s.c. credits in films in which he didn’t appear as late as 1966, a full 14 years after his c.s.c. graduation. All of this combines to mean that any filmography you find of him is innaccurate regarding the films in which he actually appears. Credit searches for him are further confounded by there being a popular singer by the name of Renato Terra. I’ve also found many false credits for him where people seem to have been desperate to identify this mysterious credited actor, so have ascribed him any likely looking unidentified role without paying much attention to appearance. Given the unavailability of many films he is credited in, a completely accurate filmography may well be an impossibility, but I can say with some certainty that our filmography here is the most accurate to be found online or elsewhere.

Biographical note[2]

  • Instruction: University, Faculty of Engineering.
  • Foreign languages: knowledge of French, English.
  • Abode: Rome, via S. Tarcisio, 69/b.

  1. Il cammino della speranza .... Mommino (credited as "Renato Terra")

  2. Il brigante di Tacca del Lupo .... Messenger Lieutenant of the Bourbon army (credited as "Renato Terra")

  3. Un marito per Anna Zaccheo .... Naval sentry (credited as "Renato Terra")

  4. Proibito .... Friend of Antonio (uncredited)

  5. Il principe dalla maschera rossa .... Gypsy (uncredited)
  6. Lo scapolo .... Tiberio (uncredited)

  7. Il bigamo .... Prisoner (uncredited)
  8. Il ferroviere .... Colleague of Andrea and Gigi (uncredited)
  9. Mio figlio Nerone .... Courtier (uncredited)

  10. Le notti bianche .... Man involved in the fight (credited as "Renato Terra")
  11. Peppino, le modelle e chella là .... Waiter (credited as "Terra Caizzi Renato")
  12. Un angel pasó por Brooklyn …. (credit only as "Renato Terra")
  13. Uomini e lupi .... Man at the barn door (uncredited)

  14. Caporale di giornata .... Army secretary (uncredited)
  15. Carmela è una bambola .... Court room aide (credited as "Renato Terra")
  16. È arrivata la parigina .... Man at the market (uncredited)
  17. I soliti ignoti .... Eladio (credited as "Renato Terra")
  18. La sfida .... Farmer (credited as "Renato Terra")
  19. La legge è legge .... Decorator (credited as "Renato Terra")
  20. La spada e la croce .... Man inciting citizens to rebel (uncredited)
  21. Ragazzi della marina .... An immigrant (credited as "Renato Terra")
  22. Ricordati di Napoli .... Man dancing in Taxi Girls nightclub (uncredited)
  23. Totò e Marcellino .... Store keeper (credited as "Renato Terra")
  24. Tuppe tuppe, Marescià! .... Carabiniere (credited as "Renato Terra")

  25. Ben-Hur .... Man listening to Jesus (uncredited)
  26. Caltiki il mostro immortale .... Police investigator (uncredited)
  27. Cartagine in fiamme .... One of Phegor's crew (uncredited)
  28. Destinazione Sanremo …. (credit only as "Renato Terra")
  29. Estate violenta .... Martino (uncredited)
  30. Il mondo dei miracoli .... Man closing theatre curtain (uncredited)
  31. Il terrore dei barbari …. (credit only as "Renato Terra")
  32. Le cameriere .... Michelin garage janitor (credited as "Renato Terra")
  33. Le legioni di Cleopatra …. (credit only as "Stefano Terra")
  34. Lupi nell'abisso .... Submarine crew member (uncredited)
  35. Un maledetto imbroglio (credit only as "Renato Terra")
  36. Un uomo facile .... role unknown (credited?)

  37. David e Golia .... (credit only, as "Renato Terra")
  38. La maschera del demonio .... Villager (credited as "Renato Terra")
  39. La vendetta di Ercole .... Dinner guest of Ercole (credited as "Renato Caizzi Terra")
  40. Le sette sfide …. (credit only)
  41. Robin Hood e i pirati .... Barbanera (credited as "Renato Terra")
  42. Rocco e i suoi fratelli .... Boxing match spectator (credited as "Renato Terra")
  43. The Angel Wore Red (La sposa bella) .... Man rousing the crowd to attack the church (uncredited)
  44. Ti aspetterò all'inferno …. (credit only as "Renato Terra")

  45. Accattone .... Man asking for a prostitute (credited as "Renato Terra")
  46. Costantino il Grande .... Armodius (credited as "Renato Terra")
  47. I briganti italiani .... Chichi (credited as "Renato Terra")
  48. I due marescialli …. (credit only as "Renato Terra")
  49. I tartari …. (credit only as "Renato Terra")
  50. Il brigante …. (credit only, as "Renato Terra")
  51. Il gigante di Metropolis …. (credit only as "Renato Terra")
  52. Il Re di Poggioreale …. (credit only as "Renato Terra")
  53. Maciste contro Ercole nella valle dei guai …. (credit only as "Renato Terra")
  54. Maciste contro il Vampiro .... (credit only)
  55. Madame Sans-Gêne .... Officer in red (uncredited)

  56. Agostino …. (credited only, as "Renato Caizzi")
  57. Carmen di Trastevere .... Member of Vincenzo's gang (credited as "Renato Terra")
  58. I 4 Monaci …. (credit only as "Renato Caizzi")
  59. Il disordine .... Chef (credited as "Renato Terra")
  60. Il mare …. (credit only as "Renato Caizzi")
  61. La monaca di Monza .... Man starting fight in tavern (uncredited)
  62. Le quattro giornate di Napoli .... Resistance fighter (uncredited)
  63. Le sette fatiche di Alì Babà …. (credit only as" Renato Terra")
  64. Solo contro Roma …. (credit only as "Renato Terra")
  65. Totò e Peppino divisi a Berlino …. (credit only as "Renato Terra")

  66. Gli imbroglioni .... Angry car owner (uncredited)
  67. Horror .... Gamekeeper (credited as "Harry Winter")
  68. I 4 tassisti .... Taxi mechanic (credited as "Renato Terra")
  69. Il crollo di Roma …. (credit only as "Renato Terra")
  70. Il fornaretto di Venezia …. (credit only as "Renato Terra")
  71. Il monaco di Monza …. (credit only as "Renato Terra")
  72. Il processo di Verona …. (credit only as "Renato Terra")
  73. Le mani sulla città .... Journalist (uncredited)
  74. Maciste contro i Mongoli .... Mongol (credited as "Renato Terra")
  75. Uno strano tipo .... The bridegroom (credited as "Renato Terra")

  76. Amore in 4 dimensioni …. (credit only)
  77. Bianco, rosso, giallo, rosa .... Citizen who applauds Apollodoro (credited as "Renato Terra")
  78. FBI chiama Istanbul .... Police officer (poster credit as "Rene Terra")
  79. I due evasi di Sing Sing .... Man telling Franco to be strong (credited as "Renato Terra")
  80. Il castello dei morti vivi .... Policeman (credited)
  81. Il vangelo secondo Matteo …. (credit only as "Renato Terra")
  82. Il vendicatore mascherato .... credit only
  83. Intrigo a Los Angeles .... Elston (credited as "R.T. Caizzi")
  84. La vita agra …. (credit only as "Renato Terra")
  85. Liolà .... role unknown (poster credit)
  86. Maciste nell'inferno di Gengis Khan .... Angry villager (credited as "Renato Terra")
  87. Massacro al Grande Canyon …. (credit only)
  88. Sette contro la morte .... Partisan who fetches the gun (uncredited)
  89. Tre dollari di piombo .... Farm hand (uncredited)
  90. Un mostro... e mezzo .... role unknown (credited as "Renato Terra")
  91. Una storia di notte .... role unknown (credited)

  92. Con rispetto parlando .... role unknown (credited as "Renato Terra")
  93. I complessi …. (credit only as "Renato Terra")
  94. Il morbidone .... Policeman (credited as "Renato Terra" - uncertain identification)
  95. Io la conoscevo bene …. (credit only)
  96. L'ombrellone …. (credit only)
  97. La guerra segreta .... Agent disguised as farmer (credited)
  98. La rivincita di Ivanhoe …. (credit only as "Renato Terra")
  99. La violenza e l'amore (Episode 1 : La violenza) .... role? (credited as "Renato Terra")
  100. Letti sbagliati …. (credit only)
  101. Made in Italy .... Badly behaved plane passenger (credited as "Renato Terra")
  102. Sette uomini d'oro …. (credit only as "Renato Terra")
  103. Thrilling .... Man with the bicycle (credited as "Renato Terra")

  104. 7 dollari sul rosso .... Manuelo (credited as "Renato Terra")
  105. Delitto quasi perfetto .... Police agent (uncredited)
  106. I coltelli del vendicatore (credit only as "Renato Terra")
  107. Il grande colpo dei 7 uomini d'oro (credit only as "Renato Terra")
  108. Il ladro della Gioconda .... Train conductor (credited as "Renato Terra")
  109. Io, io, io.... e gli altri (credit only as "Renato Caizzi Terra")
  110. La vergine di Samoa (Tabù) .... (credit only as "Renato Caizzi Terra")
  111. Missione sabbie roventi .... Tavern customer (uncredited)
  112. Ringo del Nebraska (credit only as "Renato Terra")
  113. Se tutte le donne del mondo... (credit only as "Renato Terra")
  114. Svegliati e uccidi .... Jewellery store thief (credited)
  115. Uccidi o muori .... Doctor (credited as "Renato Terra")

  116. Ballata da un miliardo .... role unknown (credited as "Renato Caizzi Terra")
  117. Delitto a Posillipo - Londra chiama Napoli .... Delivery man (credited)
  118. Gente d'onore .... Soldier watching sheep (credited as "Renato Terra")
  119. Requiescant .... Alonzo (credited as "Renato Terra")
  120. The Taming of the Shrew .... Spectator at Bianca's wedding (uncredited)

  121. El ''Che'' Guevara .... Sergeant (credited as "Renato Terra")
  122. Romeo and Juliet .... A Capulet (uncredited)

  123. Satyricon (Polidoro) .... Soldier (credited as "Renato Terra")

  124. Dal nostro inviato a Copenaghen .... Erik (uncredited)
  125. Ma chi t'ha dato la patente? .... Friar (credited as "Renato Caizzi")

  126. Fratello sole, sorella luna .... Peasant who shares food with Francis (credited as "Renato Terra")
  127. Violentata sulla sabbia .... Petrol station attendant (credited as "Renato Terra")

  128. L'arbitro .... Parise, the mechanic (credited)
  129. Paolo il freddo .... Monk (credited as "Renato Terra")

  130. La parola, il fatto (TV mini-series) Ep. 3: "Cafone" .... role unknown (credited)

  131. Jesus of Nazareth (TV mini-series) Ep. 1 .... Abel (credited as "Renato Terra")

  132. Episodi della vita di un uomo (TV movie) .... Peasant (credited as "Renato Terra")

  133. I ragazzi di celluloide (TV mini-series) Ep. 2 .... 2nd painter (credited as "Renato Terra")

  134. Padre Pio: Tra cielo e terra (TV movie) .... Padre Pio's father (credited as "Renato Terra")

Additional credits
  • Vivo di te (Short film, 1951) - role uncertain

More Renato!
There are still more titles in which Renato reportedly either appears or is credited, or both, so if anyone has shots of him in any of the titles below, you know what to do!
  • Il corsaro nero (1936) ANICA
  • Torna a Napoli (1949) ANICA. Not credited and I didn't recognise him, but if he's among the many young soldiers then I may have missed him
  • Cuori sul mare (1950) ANICA
  • Giovane canaglia (1958) ANICA as Accomplice of Daves
  • Gli italiani sono matti (1958) ANICA
  • Il romanzo di un giovane povero (1958) ANICA
  • La luce sul monte (1959) ANICA as Benedictine monk. This is a documentary film....
  • Il segugio (1961) IMDb
  • Gioventù di notte (1961) - ANICA as Brigadier
  • Canzoni a tempo di twist (1962) ANICA
  • Il criminale (1962) - ANICA as Non-commissioned police officer
  • L'ultima carica (1964) ANICA
  • Eroe vagabondo (1965) ANICA
  • Lo scippo (1966) ANICA
  • Le cinque giornate di Milano (1970) TV mini-series, mentioned in Renato's c.s.c. obituary
  • Sotto il placido Don (1974) IMDb, TV mini-series, episode 1, as Il piantone

Where is Terra Caizzi?
As if his filmography wasn't already complicated enough, there are also a number of films where Renato is credited somewhere online (without a film credit), but still doesn't seem to appear. I have searched through all these films without success. A few of these could maybe be accounted for by my having only seen versions where his appearance had been cut, some are clearly misidentifications and it is possible I could have missed him in one or two, but then again some of them are just total mysteries. If anyone else wants to search for him in these films in the hope of finding him where I may have missed him I wish you good luck.
  • I falsari (1953) - Listed on ANICA with no role given.
  • Senso (1954) - Listed on ANICA with no role given.
  • Kean: Genio e sregolatezza (1956) - Listed on ANICA with no role given.
  • Pia de' Tolomei (1958) - Listed on ANICA with no role given. May be credited in the Italian version, but isn't in the English.
  • Un ettaro di cielo (1958) - Listed on ANICA with no role given.
  • L'uomo che viene da Canyon City (1965) - ANICA with no role, saying he should be credited as "Ryan Earthpick". This credit appears, but Renato does not, so with no evidence to support it being him it was presumably just a guess made by someone due to "Terra" meaning "Earth"
  • A Breath of Scandal (1960) - Listed on ANICA with no role given.
  • Sodoma e Gomorra (1962) ANICA with no role. These was a bearded banquet guest we thought may be him, but in HD it clearly isn't. Not found otherwise.
  • Il gattopardo (1963) - Mentioned in c.s.c. obituary with no role given.
  • Simbad contro i sette saraceni (1964) - Listed on ANICA with no role given. May be credited in the Italian version, but wasn't in the French version.
  • Agente S 03: operazione Atlantide (1965) - Listed on ANICA with no role given.
  • Banditi a Milano (1968) - Mentioned in c.s.c. obituary with no role given.
Notes and sources
1. Elenco degli ex allievi C.S.C. from Fondazione CSC.it.
2. Dante Lazzaro. Cineguida 1961.
Last edited by PeplumParadise on 20/07/2024, 11:02, edited 66 times in total.

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Re: Renato Terra Caizzi

Post by PeplumParadise » 29/01/2020, 12:55

Il cammino della speranza (1950) credited as Renato Terra, as Mommino.

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Re: Renato Terra Caizzi

Post by PeplumParadise » 29/01/2020, 13:02

Il brigante di Tacca del Lupo (1952) credited as Renato Terra, as Messenger Lieutenant of the Bourbon army
Il brigante tacca del lupo.jpg
Fist pic by Buono Legnani
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Re: Renato Terra Caizzi

Post by PeplumParadise » 29/01/2020, 13:13

Un marito per Anna Zaccheo (1953) credited as Renato Terra, as Naval sentry
naval sentry.jpg

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Re: Renato Terra Caizzi

Post by PeplumParadise » 29/01/2020, 13:16

Proibito (1955) as Friend of Antonio
friend of antonio.jpg

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Re: Renato Terra Caizzi

Post by PeplumParadise » 29/01/2020, 13:17

Il principe dalla maschera rossa (1955) as Gypsy

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Re: Renato Terra Caizzi

Post by PeplumParadise » 29/01/2020, 13:21

Lo scapolo (1955) as Tiberio
Images upgraded

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Re: Renato Terra Caizzi

Post by PeplumParadise » 29/01/2020, 13:24

Il bigamo (1956) as Prisoner

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Re: Renato Terra Caizzi

Post by PeplumParadise » 29/01/2020, 13:26

Il ferroviere (1956) as Colleague of Andrea and Gigi

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Re: Renato Terra Caizzi

Post by PeplumParadise » 29/01/2020, 13:35

Le notti bianche (1957) credited as Renato Terra, as Man involved in the fight. He is one of four thugs who start a fight with Marcello Mastroianni, however the fight is draped in shadows and the thugs are constantly moving, making him tough to recognize while watching in motion.
Notti Bianche - Renato Terra1.jpg
Notti Bianche - Renato Terra2.jpg
Notti Bianche - Renato Terra3.jpg
Notti Bianche - Renato Terra4.jpg
Notti Bianche - Renato Terra5.jpg

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