Osiride Pevarello was a stuntman and actor active in Italian films from 1949 until at least 2002.
His biographical details, found on IMDb, Wikipedia and many spaghetti western websites, are that he was born on July 26th 1920 in Padua, Italy. He was the brother of stuntman Renzo Pevarello. From the mid-60's onwards he kept a thick beard and longer hair, both dyed black, making him easily identifiable, however in earlier roles his look was more changeable and he could, on occasion, be confused for his brother.
From a 1966 short feature/interview entitled Osiride we learn some more biographical details. He came from a gypsy family with a father who was a farmer and magician and he had many brothers and sisters who were circus performers (one other source claims 19!). Osiride was himself married with 4 children, and at the time of the interview was living in a 2-room caravan close to the catacombs of Commodilla. He says he made his film debut in Il mulino del Po (1949) and also appeared in films for Fellini and Rosi (since he currently has no identified roles in films by these directors dating from before 1966 then these need looking into) and it also mentions him appearing in I grandi condottieri. In his time off he liked to fish in the Tiber.
In 1966 he appeared in the western Yankee, directed by Tinto Brass, with whom he formed a long-lasting friendship and would go on to play small roles in most of Brass' subsequent films until the early 2000s.
Osiride died in Rome on December 15th 2016, aged 96
There will probably also be some roles to be found from the 50's, given his supposed 1949 debut.
- La Maja desnuda .... Court notary (uncredited)
1959 - Ben-Hur .... Man listening to Jesus (uncredited)
1960 - Messalina Venere imperatrice .... Soldier in tavern fight (uncredited)
- Morgan il pirata .... Pirate (uncredited)
- Revak, lo schiavo di Cartagine .... Rebel (uncredited)
- Teseo contro il minotauro .... role? (uncredited)
1961 - Ercole al centro della Terra .... Assassin (uncredited)
- Ercole alla conquista di Atlantide .... Tavern brawler (uncredited)
- Il conquistatore di Corinto .... Corinthian soldier (uncredited)
- Orazi e Curiazi .... Fire eater (uncredited)
- Pugni pupe e marinai .... Henchman of the Dons (uncredited)
- Una spada nell'ombra .... Fighter (uncredited)
1962 - Arrivano i titani .... City guard chasing Krios / Merchant (uncredited)
- I sette gladiatori .... Fire eater (uncredited)
- I moschettieri del mare .... Pirate (uncredited)
- Odio mortale .... Pirate (uncredited)
1963 - Finché dura la tempesta .... Starter of the brawl (uncredited)
- Goliath e la schiava ribelle .... Palace guard (uncredited)
- L'eroe di Babilonia .... Guard (uncredited)
- Perseo l'invincibile .... Ambush soldier (uncredited)
1964 - Buffalo Bill, l'eroe del far west .... Townsman (uncredited)
- Cyrano et D'Artagnan .... Fighter (uncredited)
- I due gladiatori .... Rebel (uncredited)
- I miserabili (TV series) - episode 9: "Ponine" .... Revolutionary (uncredited)
- Il magnifico gladiatore .... Guard / Dacian (uncredited)
- Il trionfo di Ercole .... Guard / Citizen (uncredited)
- La rivolta dei pretoriani .... Fire eater (uncredited)
- La rivolta dei sette .... Guard / Gladiator (uncredited)
- Una spada per l'impero .... Christian (uncredited)
1965 - Adios gringo .... One of Ranchester's men (uncredited)
- Agente 077 dall'oriente con furore .... Nightclub brawler (uncredited)
- Giulio Cesare (TV movie) .... Soldier (credited as "il Team di Musumeci Greco")
- Gli eroi di Fort Worth .... Brawling card player (uncredited)
- I due sergenti del generale Custer .... Saloon brawler (uncredited)
- I grandi condottieri .... Fire-eater in the temple (uncredited)
- Il gladiatore che sfidò l'impero .... Rebel fighter (uncredited)
- Letti sbagliati - segment: "Il complicato" .... Man with dog on the train (uncredited)
- Scaramouche (TV mini-series) - episode 2 .... Gypsy (uncredited)
- Un dollaro bucato .... Gunman in the street (uncredited)
1966 - A 077, sfida ai killers .... Brawler in bar fight (uncredited)
- After the Fox .... Ship crew member (uncredited)
- Arizona Colt .... Watch henchman (uncredited)
- Django spara per primo .... Barroom brawler (uncredited)
- Password: uccidete agente Gordon .... Sailor thug (uncredited)
- Sugar Colt .... Saloon customer (uncredited)
- Thompson 1880 .... Augustine (credited as "Osiride Peverello")
- Un fiume di dollari .... Mendez henchman (uncredited)
- Yankee.... Guard of the mine (credited)
1967 - 7 donne per i MacGregor .... Mexican in the shop (uncredited)
- 7 pistole per un massacro .... Saloon brawler (uncredited)
- Bandidos .... Saloon patron (uncredited)
- Due rrringos nel Texas.... Sentenza Jane henchman (uncredited)
- El desperado .... Piano player (uncredited)
- Faccia a faccia .... Blacksmith of Willow Creek (uncredited)
- Il figlio di Django .... Saloon gunman (uncredited)
- Il magnifico Texano .... Stark henchman (uncredited)
- L'indomabile Angelica .... Rebelling rower (uncredited)
- L'uomo del colpo perfetto .... Henchman (uncredited)
- Le due facce del dollaro .... Mexican bandit (uncredited)
- Marinai in coperta .... Man in bar (uncredited)
- Per 100.000 dollari t'ammazzo .... Jurado gang member (uncredited)
- Per amore... per magia... .... Man in Jo Baba's / Guard (uncredited)
- Professionisti per un massacro .... Mexican bandit in tavern (uncredited)
- Un minuto per pregare, un istante per morire .... Fuzzy (credited as "Osiride Peverello")
- Vado...l'ammazzo e torno .... Monetero gang member (uncredited)
- Wanted .... Saloon customer (uncredited)
- Wanted Johnny Texas .... O'Connor henchman (uncredited)
1968 - Ammazzali tutti e torna solo.... Soldier(s) (uncredited)
- Corri uomo corri .... Blacksmith of Burton City (uncredited)
- Il suo nome gridava vendetta .... Thomas (uncredited)
- L'incoronazione di Carlo Magno (TV movie) .... Soldier (credited as "Il Team di Enzo Musumeci Greco")
- L'urlo .... Cannibal philosopher (credited)
- La freccia nera (TV mini-series) - episode 6 .... Assailant (uncredited)
- La vendetta è il mio perdono .... Juan (uncredited)
- Non cantare spara (TV mini-series) - episodes 1-4 ... Saloon patron(credited as "Il team di Musumeci Greco")
- Odia il prossimo tuo .... Malone henchman (uncredited)
- Spara, Gringo, spara .... One of Hernando's men (uncredited)
1969 - Agguato sul Bosforo .... Brawler (uncredited)
- Dio perdoni la mia pistola .... Clanton henchman (uncredited)
- Django il bastardo .... Nick/Fuzzy (uncredited)
- Fellini Satyricon .... Soldier (uncredited)
- Il pistolero dell'Ave Maria .... Tomas henchman (uncredited)
- La collina degli stivali .... Barroom brawler (uncredited)
- Un esercito di 5 uomini .... Mexican (uncredited)
- Una lunga fila di croci .... Gunman getting shot (uncredited)
1970 - Ciakmull - l'uomo della vendetta .... Flaming Bill (uncredited)
- E Dio disse a Caino... .... Pedro (uncredited)
- I clowns .... Master of Ceremonies (credited as "Peverello")
- I vendicatori dell'Ave Maria .... Barroom brawler (uncredited)
- Il corsaro .... Pirate (uncredited - re-used footage)
- L'oro dei bravados .... José (credited as "Osiride Peverello")
- La colomba non deve volare .... Bomb thrower (uncredited)
- Lo chiamavano Trinità... .... Gioele (uncredited)
- Roy Colt & Winchester Jack .... Reverend henchman (uncredited)
- Shango, la pistola infallibile .... Bandit(s) (uncredited)
- The Adventures of Gerard .... Spaniard who fights the French (uncredited)
1971 - Continuavano a chiamarlo Trinità .... Monastery attack henchman (uncredited)
- Il venditore di morte .... Gold seeker (uncredited)
- L'arciere di fuoco .... Man at the wedding ceremony (uncredited)
- La vacanza .... Landlord (uncredited)
- Le calde notti di Don Giovanni .... One of Aiscia's wardens (uncredited)
- Lo chiamavano King .... Benson gunman (uncredited)
- Riuscirà l'avvocato Franco Benenato a sconfiggere il suo acerrimo nemico il pretore Ciccio De Ingras? .... Gambler in western film shoot (uncredited)
1972 - ...E alla fine lo chiamarono Jerusalem l'implacabile (Padella calibro 38) .... Joe henchman (credited)
- ...E poi lo chiamarono il magnifico .... Barroom brawler (uncredited)
- Alleluja e Sartana figli di...dio .... Wolf henchman (uncredited)
- Amico, stammi lontano almeno un palmo .... Fire eater (uncredited)
- I due figli di Trinità .... Chun Chin Champa henchman (uncredited)
- I Nicotera (TV mini-series) - episode 3 .... Fire-eater (credited as "Osiride Peverello")
- Jesse & Lester - Due fratelli in un posto chiamato Trinità! .... Wayne (uncredited)
- Joe Petrosino (TV mini-series) .... Salvatore Ciaravello (uncredited)
- La pietra di luna (TV mini-series) - episodes 1-6 .... First Brahmin (credited)
- La vita, a volte, è molto dura, vero Provvidenza? .... James henchman (uncredited)
- Trinità e Sartana figli di... .... Mexican in soldier disguise (uncredited)
1973 - Campa carogna... la taglia cresce .... Sergeant (uncredited)
- Dio, sei proprio un padreterno! .... Prisoner (uncredited)
- Il figlio di Zorro .... Mexican bandit (uncredited)
- Il mio nome è Shangai Joe .... Ranch hand (uncredited)
- La rappresentazione della terribile caccia alla balena bianca Moby Dick (TV mini-series) - ep. 1-4 .... Cabaco (credited)
- Piedone lo sbirro .... Tunis fighter (uncredited)
- Tutti per uno botte per tutti .... Fire eater (uncredited)
1974 - ...altrimenti ci arrabbiamo! .... Gymnast (uncredited)
- La mano che nutre la morte .... Inn keeper (credited)
- Le amanti del mostro .... Polanski (credited)
- Mosè (TV mini-series) - episode 1 .... Isreali tribesman (uncredited)
- Piedino il questurino .... Cowboy in nightclub brawl / Warehouse thug (uncredited)
- The Arena .... Fire eater (uncredited)
1975 - Carambola, filotto... tutti in buca .... Photographer (uncredited)
- Che botte ragazzi! .... Saloon customer (uncredited)
- Colpo in canna .... Henchman with firestick (uncredited)
- Il lupo dei mari .... Macedonian sailor (uncredited)
- Il sogno di Zorro .... Ruarte soldier (uncredited)
- L'esorciccio .... Man at Pasquale's garage (uncredited)
- La città sconvolta: caccia spietata ai rapinatori .... Fair booth owner (uncredited)
- Piedone in Hong Kong .... Nut seller (uncredited)
- Qui comincia l'avventura .... Gangster (uncredited)
1976 - Il grande racket .... Gate guard (uncredited)
- Il soldato di ventura .... French soldier (uncredited)
- Salon Kitty .... Salon Kitty client in Indian costume (uncredited)
1978 - Lo chiamavano Bulldozer .... Waiter (uncredited)
1979 - Caligola .... Giant (credited)
- Uno sceriffo extraterrestre... poco extra e molto terrestre .... Allen's friend in the ballroom (uncredited)
1980 - Action .... Inmate (uncredited)
- Piedone d'Egitto .... Temple guard (uncredited)
1981 - Occhio alla penna .... Trash (uncredited)
1982 - Ator 2: L'invincibile Orion .... Sandur (credited as "Hershel Curtis")
- Bomber .... Chef (uncredited)
1983 - La chiave .... Sailor (credited)
- Pappa e ciccia .... Head of the alpine group (uncredited)
- Rush .... Homer (credited)
1985 - Caccia al ladro d'autore (TV series) episode 5: “Addio Raffaello” .... Man in bar (uncredited)
- Miranda .... Bar customer (uncredited)
1986 - I giorni dell'inferno .... Kidnapped priest (uncredited)
1987 - Capriccio .... Coachman (credited)
- The Barbarians .... Fire eater (uncredited - uncertain identification)
- Warrior Queen .... Fire eater (uncredited)
1988 - Snack bar Budapest .... Monk (uncredited)
1989 - I promessi sposi (TV mini-series) - episode 2 .... Man in the angry crowd (uncredited)
1991 - Paprika .... Brothel gate-keeper (credited)
1992 - Così fan tutte .... Bus passenger (credited)
1998 - Monella .... The monk (credited)
2000 - Trasgredire .... Voyeur at the beach (uncredited)
2002 - Senso '45 .... Boat skipper (credited)
2003 - Fallo! .... Voyeur at the beach (uncredited)
- Osiride (short personal feature, 1966) .... himself
- Su e giù (TV game show, 1968) - episode 5 .... Fire eater in a circus number (credited)
- Non stop (TV show, 1977) .... Fire eater in a circus number (credited)
- Il mulino del Po (1949) from interview
- La strada (1954) from interview, maybe the unidentified Fellini film he mentions in another interview
- Helen of Troy (1956) from interview
- Circus World (1964) from interview - looked for but not found, Nick
- The Fall of the Roman Empire (1964) from interview
- Thor il conquistatore (1983) IMDb as Barbarian
- Unknown Francesco Rosi film, pre-1966, from interview
- I coltelli del vendicatore (1966) IMDb as Hagen's henchman. It looks like it is actually Renzo as multiple henchman and no Osiride.
- Pecos è qui: prega e muori! (1967) IMDb, searched for by Rudy but not found
- Così sia (1972) IMDb as Townsman during fire, The actor who resembles Osiride in this scene is actually our Bearded Balding Man.
- Il prode Anselmo e il suo scudiero (1972) as Spectator at the tournament. We previously had this title listed, but it was decided that it is not Osiride.
- Fra' Tazio da Velletri (1973) IMDb as Farmer. He appears to have been mistaken for our Balding Bearded Man - again!
- Sgarro alla camorra (1973) IMDb, searched for by Rudy, presumably mistaken for brother Renzo.
- I due superpiedi quasi piatti (1977) IMDb as Circus man. Rudy says "not found, the only ones i found were hippies, one with a beard, but it wasn't him"