Ginesi, Veriano

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Johan Melle
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Ginesi, Veriano

Post by Johan Melle » 28/08/2018, 21:54

Satiricosissimo - Veriano Ginesi.jpg
Veriano Ginesi in Satiricosissimo (1970)

Veriano Ginesi is one of the most recognizable generici in the history of Italian cinema due to his big, hulking build and bald head. Active since the 1940s, he initially appeared in numerous peplum and swashbuckler films - often playing torturers, executioners, pirates etc. His career, however, continued until the end of the 1970s and includes appearances in pretty much every genre of Italian cinema, and also several films for Fellini. He also appeared in some fotoromanzi. He's very similar in appearance to another generico, Amerigo Santarelli.


  1. Come persi la guerra .... German soldier in the mine (uncredited)

  2. Anni difficili .... Fascist in training (uncredited)
  3. La Certosa di Parma .... Man in angry mob (uncredited)
  4. Ladri di biciclette .... Man in the crowd (uncredited)

  5. Black Magic .... Trouble maker at the fair (uncredited)

  6. Amor non ho! Però, però... .... One of Maurizio's henchmen (uncredited)
  7. Io sono il Capataz .... Parazuelan revolutionary (uncredited)

  8. Era lei che lo voleva .... Walter's friend (uncredited)
  9. Serenata amara .... Mario's cornerman (uncredited)
  10. Totò e le donne .... Soldier on train platform (uncredited)

  11. Ai margini della metropoli .... Man at the trial (uncredited)
  12. Anni facili .... Fascist (uncredited)
  13. Capitan Fantasma .... Ship crew member (uncredited)
  14. Frine, cortigiana d'oriente .... Arab slave trader (uncredited)
  15. I sette dell'orsa maggiore .... Man at the nightclub (uncredited)
  16. Il sacco di Roma .... Citizen (uncredited)
  17. La nave delle donne maledette .... Officer on the prison ship (uncredited)
  18. Nerone e Messalina .... Man throwing rocks at the Christians (uncredited)

  19. Un americano a Roma .... German soldier (uncredited)
  20. Canzone d'amore .... Worker at the amusement park (uncredited)
  21. Due notti con Cleopatra .... Roman soldier (uncredited)
  22. I tre ladri .... Prisoner (uncredited)

  23. Il bidone .... Shanty dweller (uncredited)

  24. Helen of Troy .... Greek overseer (uncredited)
  25. Il ferroviere .... Man at the union meeting (uncredited)
  26. Peccato di castità .... Man at the station (uncredited)
  27. Una pelliccia di visone .... Man leaving bus (uncredited)
  28. Una voce una chitarra un po' di luna .... Inmate (uncredited)

  29. Belle ma povere .... Student (uncredited)
  30. Femmine tre volte .... Soviet agent (uncredited)
  31. I fidanzati della morte .... Race officer in Germany (uncredited)
  32. Il corsaro della mezza luna .... Pirate (uncredited)
  33. Interpol .... Plane passenger departing for Naples (uncredited)
  34. La ragazza del palio .... Athlete at street fight (uncredited)
  35. Le notti bianche .... Man involved in the fight (uncredited)
  36. Kean: Genio e sregolatezza .... Man at the tavern (uncredited)
  37. Ladro lui, ladra lei .... Prison inmate (uncredited)

  38. Afrodite dea dell'amore .... Slave guardian (uncredited)
  39. Fortunella .... Wrestling cornerman (uncredited)
  40. I soliti ignoti .... Prisoner (uncredited)
  41. Il conte di Matera .... Spectator at the final fight (uncredited)
  42. Il pirata dello Sparviero Nero .... Torturer (uncredited)

  43. Ferdinando I° re di Napoli .... Prison guard (uncredited)
  44. I reali di Francia .... Citizen (uncredited)
  45. Il generale Della Rovere .... Fascist (uncredited)
  46. Il terrore dei barbari .... Barbarian warrior (uncredited)
  47. L'arciere Nero .... Torturer (uncredited)
  48. L'assedio di Siracusa .... Drummer on slave ship (uncredited)
  49. La cento chilometri .... One of the men who take away Cesare and Angela's bed (uncredited)
  50. La scimitarra del saraceno .... Pirate (uncredited)
  51. Noi siamo due evasi .... Prisoner (uncredited)
  52. Poveri milionari .... Train passenger (uncredited)
  53. Tutti innamorati .... Man attending political meeting (uncredited)
  54. Un uomo facile .... Ginesi, ex boxer (uncredited)

  55. A noi piace freddo…! .... German soldier (uncredited)
  56. I pirati della costa .... Officer at the prisoner ship (uncredited)
  57. Il mattatore .... Prison inmate (uncredited)
  58. Il sepolcro dei re .... Egyptian embalmer (uncredited)
  59. La dolce vita .... Man in crowd at the miracle (uncredited)
  60. Morgan il pirata .... Pirate (uncredited)
  61. Noi duri .... Gangster (uncredited)
  62. Revak, lo schiavo di Cartagine .... Rebel (uncredited)
  63. Risate di gioia .... Actor in the peplum movie (uncredited)
  64. Robin Hood e i pirati .... Pirate (uncredited)
  65. Rocco e i suoi fratelli .... Audience member at boxing match (uncredited)
  66. Teseo contro il minotauro .... Prisoner guard (uncredited)
  67. The Angel Wore Red .... Man listening to speeches (uncredited)

  68. Barabba .... Guard in the sulphur mines (uncredited)
  69. Che femmina!! e... che dollari! .... Tattoed thug (uncredited)
  70. Costantino il grande .... Torturer (uncredited)
  71. Gli invasori .... Viking (uncredited)
  72. I Masnadieri .... Grain guard whose ear gets bitten (uncredited)
  73. La vendetta di Ursus .... Spectator at Ursus's trials (uncredited)
  74. L'ultimo dei Vikinghi .... Viking (uncredited)
  75. Le ambiziose .... Whistling man at beauty contest finale (uncredited)
  76. Maciste alla corte del Gran Khan .... Overseer of the prisoners (uncredited)
  77. Mina... fuori la guardia .... Postman (uncredited)
  78. Romanoff and Juliet .... Russian officer (uncredited)
  79. Ursus e la ragazza tartara .... Leader of the horses (uncredited)

  80. Boccaccio '70 - segment "Le tentazioni del dottor Antonio" .... Waiter (uncredited)
  81. Il mio amico Benito ...Man waiting for Mussolini (uncredited)
  82. L'arciere delle mille e una notte .... Bandit with his head on fire (uncredited)
  83. Sodoma e Gomorra .... Man watching the Hebrews leaving (uncredited)
  84. Totò contro Maciste .... Soldier in Thebes (uncredited)
  85. Totò diabolicus .... Nando "Bellicapelli", an inmate (uncredited)

  86. Ercole contro Moloch .... Prison guard (uncredited)
  87. I dieci gladiatori .... Roman ship's drummer (uncredited)
  88. I mostri - segment "Presa dalla vita" .... Kidnapper of Ms. Ceccarelli (uncredited)
  89. Il processo di Verona .... Spectator in the court (uncredited)
  90. Le monachine .... Man on the film set (uncredited)
  91. Maciste contro i mongoli .... Prison guard (uncredited)

  92. Due mafiosi nel Far West .... Prisoner (uncredited)
  93. Gli schiavi più forti del mondo .... Man at the market (uncredited)
  94. I due mafiosi .... Man fighting in a club (uncredited)
  95. La guerra dei topless .... Bartender (uncredited)
  96. Sandokan alla riscossa .... Executioner (uncredited)
  97. Totò contro il Pirata Nero .... Pirate (uncredited)
  98. Veneri al sole .... Trainer of Andreucci (uncredited)

  99. Due marines e un generale .... Bald stage worker (uncredited)
  100. La magnifica sfida .... Torturer (uncredited)
  101. Le bambole .... Regibar (uncredited)
  102. La meravigliosa Angelica .... Member of Rodogone's band (uncredited)
  103. Lo scippo .... Man at the funeral (uncredited)
  104. Sette contro tutti .... Innkeeper (uncredited)
  105. The Agony and the Ecstasy .... Man in tavern (uncredited)

  106. Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo .... Onlooker at first Tuco hanging (uncredited)
  107. Io, io, io.... e gli altri .... Fat passenger on the train (uncredited)
  108. L'armata Brancaleone .... Resting soldier (uncredited)
  109. La Bibbia .... Sinful man (uncredited)
  110. Le spie vengono dal semifreddo .... Goldfoot's henchman (uncredited)
  111. Superargo contro Diabolikus .... Cornerman at the wrestling match (uncredited)
  112. Una questione d'onore .... Head-butting challenger (uncredited)

  113. Doctor Faustus .... Monk (uncredited)
  114. Indomptable Angélique / L'indomabile Angelica .... Guard on the ship (uncredited)
  115. La feldmarescialla .... German army drunk driver (uncredited)
  116. Le streghe .... Fan of Giovanna (uncredited)
  117. Pecos è qui: prega e muori .... Cantina proprietor (uncredited)

  118. Ammazzali tutti e torna solo .... Prisoner queueing for food (uncredited)
  119. Cin cin... cianuro .... Barman-Rubino henchman (uncredited)
  120. Colpo sensazionale al servizio del sifar .... Henchman (uncredited)
  121. Execution .... Member of circus (uncredited)
  122. I due crociati .... Outlaw (uncredited)
  123. I nipoti di Zorro .... Executioner (uncredited)
  124. Niente rose per OSS 117 .... Henchman at the concert (uncredited)
  125. Straziami ma di baci saziami .... Cleaning man in the gym (uncredited)

  126. Fellini Satyricon .... Man at the feast (uncredited)
  127. Häschen in der Grube .... Mr. Genese (credit unknown)

  128. Brancaleone alle crociate .... Follower of the pastor disciple of Pope Gregory (uncredited)
  129. I clowns .... Railway man (uncredited)
  130. Confessione di un Commissario di Polizia al Procuratore della Repubblica .... role unknown (uncredited)
  131. Satiricosissimo .... Executioner (uncredited)

  132. Il corsaro nero .... Pirate (uncredited)
  133. La corta notte delle bambole di vetro .... Dead girl's father (uncredited)
  134. Detenuto in attesa di giudizio .... Giacchesi, a prisoner (uncredited)
  135. Homo eroticus .... Man with three ears (uncredited)
  136. In nome del popolo italiano .... Court house usher (uncredited)
  137. Il ritorno del gladiatore più forte del mondo .... Guard (uncredited)
  138. Storie dell'anno mille (TV mini series) Ep. 1 .... Monk (credited)

  139. Decameron proibitissimo (Boccaccio mio statte zitto) .... Executioner (uncredited)
  140. Fiorina la vacca .... role unknown (uncredited)
  141. Roma .... Spectator in theater (uncredited)

  142. Amarcord .... Lifeguard (uncredited)
  143. Anche gli angeli mangiano fagioli .... Paymaster (uncredited)
  144. Ci risiamo, vero Provvidenza? .... Hospital patient (uncredited)
  145. Lucrezia giovane .... Cardinal (uncredited)
  146. La mano nera .... Don Gaetano's henchman (uncredited)
  147. Il mio nome è Shangai Joe .... Blacksmith (uncredited)
  148. Paolo il caldo .... Friend of motorcyclist (uncredited)

  149. Anche gli angeli tirano di destro .... Sleeping man in pub (uncredited)
  150. Di Tressette ce n'è uno, tutti gli altri son nessuno .... Tuttifrutti's sidekick (uncredited)
  151. La mafia mi fa un baffo .... Barile (credited as "Veriano Genesi")
  152. Paolo il freddo .... Bald friar (uncredited)

  153. Pasqualino Settebellezze .... Asylum patient (uncredited)
  154. Un sorriso, uno schiaffo, un bacio in bocca .... Masseur (uncredited)

  155. Basta che non si sappia in giro!.. .... Sailor in Amanda's fantasy (uncredited)
  156. Bluff - Storia di truffe e di imbroglioni .... Prisoner serving dinner (uncredited)
  157. Cuore di cane .... Cook (credited as "Veriano Genesi")

  158. Von Buttiglione Sturmtruppenführer .... Nazi surgeon (uncredited)

  159. Diario di un giudice (Tv miniseries) - ep.: 2 of 3 .... Man in nightmare sequence (uncredited)

  160. Assassinio sul Tevere .... Rincojo (uncredited)
  161. Caligola .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  162. Due pezzi di pane .... Inmate (uncredited)
  163. Giallo napoletano .... Asylum patient (uncredited)
  164. Sexual aberration .... Client at Singaporean brothel (uncredited)

  165. Ricomincio da zero .... Scagnozzo di Filicudi (uncredited)

  166. Se tutto va bene siamo rovinati .... Mental patient who bends machine gun (uncredited)

Filmography to check
  • Italiani è severamente proibito servirsi della toilette durante le fermate (1969) as Driver (uncredited) - this title was in the filmography, but we have no entry or image for it
  • Kakkientruppen (1977)
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Re: Veriano Ginesi

Post by Ciavazzaro » 04/10/2018, 5:30

La mafia mi fa un baffo (1974) as Barile (credited as Veriano Genesi)
Veriano Ginesi - La mafia mi fa un baffo.jpg
Straziami - Veriano Ginesi.jpg
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Re: Veriano Ginesi

Post by Ciavazzaro » 05/10/2018, 5:24

Two new roles for Veriano ! First the credited one in Cuore di cane (1976) very tiny, he hardly speaks two words as the cook
Cuore Di Cane - Veriano Ginesi1.jpg
Cuore Di Cane - Veriano Ginesi2.jpg

And then in the middle of this crowd in Il mio amico benito (1962), you can see him on the right, and in the second photo he is at the left of Ciccio Ingrassia as they wait for Mussolini
Veriano Ginesi - Il mio amico benito1.jpg
Veriano Ginesi - Il mio amico benito2.jpg
Veriano Ginesi - I mostri.jpg
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Re: Veriano Ginesi

Post by vecchiaguardia » 05/10/2018, 5:35

Assassinio sul Tevere (1979), as Rincojo
Veriano Ginesi - Assassinio sul Tevere.jpg

Come persi la guerra, as a German soldier in the mine. Veriano in 1947!
Veriano Ginesi - Come persi la guerra.jpg

I soliti ignoti (1958), as an Inmate
Veriano Ginesi - I soliti ignoti.jpg
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Re: Veriano Ginesi

Post by carlos » 05/10/2018, 5:48

Paolo il caldo (1973) as Friend of motorcyclist (uncredited) - pic by dusso
Veriano Ginesi - Paolo il caldo.jpg

Il buono il brutto e il cattivo (1966) Bald Onlooker at Tuco's 1st Hanging
actors (hanging 1 onlookers 1) GBU.jpg

Execution (1968) as a member of the circus
VerianoGenesi (circus member) Execution.jpg
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Re: Veriano Ginesi

Post by carlos » 05/10/2018, 5:56

Ci risiamo, vero Provvidenza? (1973) as retirement home patient where he mostly wanders around in the background
VerianoGinesi (hospice) Provvidenza2.jpg
actors (hospice) Provvidenza2.png

Il mio nome è Shangai Joe (1973) as blacksmith
VerianoGenesi (blacksmith) ShangaiJoe.jpg

a quite long nice speaking role (uncredited) as one of Riccardo Garrone's (Tutti Frutti) sidekicks called Goldilocks ;) (English version) in Di Tressette ce n'è uno, tutti gli altri son nessuno (1974)
Veriano Ginesi - Tresette2.jpg
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Re: Veriano Ginesi

Post by vecchiaguardia » 06/10/2018, 16:50

Un americano a Roma (1954), as German soldier
Veriano Ginesi - Un americano a Roma.jpg
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Re: Veriano Ginesi

Post by Ciavazzaro » 06/10/2018, 17:01

Le spie vengono dal semifreddo (1966), as Goldfoot's henchman
Veriano Ginesi - Le spie vengono dal semifreddo.jpg
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Re: Veriano Ginesi

Post by vecchiaguardia » 06/10/2018, 17:08

Fellini's Roma (1972), as a Theatre spectator
Veriano Ginesi - Fellini's Roma.jpg
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Johan Melle
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Re: Veriano Ginesi

Post by Johan Melle » 06/10/2018, 17:21

Fellini Satyricon (1969) Man at the feast. Yet another Fellini role
Veriano Ginesi - Fellini Satyricon.jpg

In Cine Illustrato N. 36 (published 7 September 1952), there's an article about the film Serenata amara (1952) and a few pictures from the film, including this one. I wasn't able to get a good screenshot of him from that scuzzy-looking old (YouTube) print so I think that picture from Cine Illustrato will do nicely as Mario's cornerman.
Veriano Ginesi - Serenata amara.jpg
Last edited by FatmanDan on 24/06/2023, 18:16, edited 3 times in total.

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