He had some degree of success in the eurospy genre in the mid-late 60's, but, strangely, he didn't manage to build on this in other genres. His thin lips, downturned at the sides and low, dark eyelids gave him a somewhat sinister appearance.
No biographical details are currently known.
I have uncovered a couple of undocumented early roles for Aldo, so it's probable that there could be more. He was obviously already in his 40's when his known film career commenced, so maybe there could be some 1950's roles to be found too.
He lived in Rome, in via Clemente X, 15.[1]
- Venere imperiale .... Man looking in the shop window (uncredited)
1963 - Cleopatra .... Senator (uncredited)
- I 4 tassisti .... Police officer (uncredited)
1964 - Crimine a due .... Thug who follows Paul from the nightclub (uncredited)
1965 - Agente X 1-7 operazione Oceano .... Russian henchman (credited)
- Operazione poker .... Russian agent (uncredited)
1966 - After the Fox .... Man at Kessler's bank hold-up (uncredited)
- Io, io, io.... e gli altri .... Cardinal (uncredited)
- James Tont operazione D.U.E. .... Russian agent (credited)
- L'affare Beckett .... Dr. Donyers (credited)
- Missione apocalisse .... Military commander (credited)
1967 - Ad ogni costo .... Mary Ann's boss (credited)
- Come rubare la corona d'Inghilterra .... Russian general (uncredited)
- Come rubare un quintale di diamanti in Russia .... Captain of the guards (uncredited)
- L'uomo del colpo perfetto .... Executive of the diamond company (credited)
- La mortale trappola di Belfagor .... Man helping with the police investigation (uncredited)
1968 - Colpo sensazionale al servizio del Sifar .... The general (uncredited)
- La donna, il sesso e il superuomo .... Russian ambassador (credited)
- La morte ha fatto l'uovo .... Police inspector (credited)
- Roma come Chicago (Banditi a Roma) .... Mr. Mariani (credited)
- The Shoes of the Fisherman .... Papal aide (uncredited)
- Una forca per un bastardo .... Rod, the undertaker (credited)
1969 - Agguato sul Bosforo .... Seth Connor (uncredited)
- Temptation .... unknown role (poster credit)
- Uccidete Rommel .... Westphal (credited as "Aldo Buonamano")
1970 - Il sasso in bocca .... Captain Malding (uncredited)
- Un giorno, una vita .... Annibale (credited)
1972 - Afyon oppio .... Mob boss (uncredited)
1973 - Anastasia mio fratello .... First witness giving evidence (no credit info)
- Il delitto Matteotti .... Man outside the courtroom (uncredited)
- Tutti figli di mammasantissima .... Priest (uncredited)
1974 - Lo sgarbo .... unknown role (no credit info)
- Macrò - Giuda uccide il venerdì .... Margherita's customer on the phone (uncredited)
1975 - A mezzanotte va la ronda del piacere .... Spectator at the trial (uncredited)
- Corruzione al palazzo di giustizia .... Police officer (credited)
- La nottata .... Ruggero (credited)
- Profondo rosso .... Carlo's father (credited)
1976 - Gli esecutori .... Mafia member (uncredited)
- La pretora .... Restaurant customer (uncredited)
1978 - Il furto della Gioconda (TV mini-series) - Ep. 3 .... Art expert (uncredited)
- Per una manciata d'oro (1965) - ANICA as Sergeant
1. Dante Lazzaro. Cineguida 1968-69. |