Pasquetto, Franco

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Pasquetto, Franco

Post by PeplumParadise » 19/04/2020, 14:39

Franco Pasquetto in È tornato Sabata... hai chiuso un'altra volta! (1971)

Franco Pasquetto was a stuntman, actor and, from the early 70's onwards, assistant director, active in Italian films from at least the start of the 60's until the late 80's. He appeared predominantly in the peplum and spaghetti western genres.

No biographical details are currently known about him. A number of his production credits list him as Gianfranco Pasquetto, so that may be his full name.

I have started his filmography only with roles found by myself, so there are plenty more to be added, particularly westerns and films from later in his career. It also looks like it is well worth searching for him in those films where he has director credits since he appears, missing from most websites, in the 4 I have seen so far.

Filmography as actor

  1. Morgan il pirata .... Pirate (uncredited)
  2. Revak, lo schiavo di Cartagine .... Rebel (uncredited)

  3. Romolo e Remo .... Contestant in horse race / Sabine guard / Follower of Remus (uncredited)

  4. Il dominatore dei 7 mari .... Guard (uncredited)
  5. Il segno del vendicatore .... role? (credited)
  6. Le sette spade del vendicatore .... Soldier (uncredited)
  7. Lo sparviero dei Caraibi .... Pirate (uncredited)

  8. Il pirata del diavolo .... role? (uncredited)
  9. L'eroe di Babilonia .... Guard / Conspirator (uncredited)
  10. Maciste, l'eroe più grande del mondo .... Gladiator from Nefer / Soldier on the Sacred Siren (uncredited)
  11. Oro per i Cesari .... Dam builder / Celt (uncredited)

  12. Gli invincibili fratelli Maciste .... One of Prince Akim's guards (uncredited as actor)
  13. I due gladiatori .... Praetorian / Gladiator / Rebel agitator at the arena (uncredited)
  14. Il colosso di Roma .... Assassin of the servant of Mucius (uncredited)
  15. Il dominatore del deserto .... Trainee fighter (uncredited)
  16. Il magnifico gladiatore .... Guard (uncredited)
  17. L'ultimo gladiatore .... Soldier (uncredited)
  18. La rivolta dei pretoriani .... Rebel / Praetorian (uncredited)
  19. Sandokan alla riscossa .... One of Sandokan's men (uncredited)
  20. Zorikan lo sterminatore .... Franco (credited)

  21. Adiós gringo .... Ranchester henchman (uncredited)
  22. Il vendicatore dei Mayas .... One of Gruno's tribe (uncredited)
  23. La rivincita di Ivanhoe .... Manuel (uncredited as actor)
  24. Sette contro tutti .... Guard (uncredited)
  25. Un dollaro bucato .... McCoy henchman (uncredited)

  26. Arizona Colt .... Townsman (uncredited)
  27. El Rojo .... Gunman (uncredited)
  28. Le colt cantarono la morte e tempo di massacro .... Scott henchman (uncredited)
  29. Thompson 1880 .... Brady gang member (uncredited)
  30. Tre franchi di pietà .... role? (poster credit as Francois Pasqu) - no pic
  31. Zorro il ribelle .... Fighter with Zorro (uncredited)

  32. 28 minuti per 3 milioni di dollari .... Traffic cop (uncredited as actor)
  33. Bill il taciturno .... Rosson wagon guard (uncredited as actor)
  34. Buckaroo (Il Winchester che non perdona) .... as Monteiro henchman (uncredited as actor)
  35. Dove si spara di più .... Campos gunman (uncredited as actor)
  36. Nato per uccidere .... Dodge henchman (uncredited)
  37. Requiescant .... Ferguson henchman (uncredited as actor)
  38. Silenzio: si uccide .... Thug at the shipyard (uncredited)

  39. Il figlio di Aquila Nera .... Ivan (credited)
  40. La vendetta è il mio perdono .... Gunman on stagecoach (credited)
  41. Rose rosse per il führer .... French resistance fighter (uncredited)
  42. Sentenza di morte .... Rider bringing message to Cash (uncredited)
  43. Ti daro un posto all'inferno .... role? (poster credit) - no pic
  44. Tre croci per non morire .... Rod henchman (uncredited)

  45. 5 figli di cane .... Passafini henchman at brothel (uncredited)
  46. Ehi amico... c'è Sabata. Hai chiuso! .... Clayton brother (uncredited)
  47. I quattro del pater noster .... Casino brawler (uncredited)
  48. L'odio è il mio dio .... Frank (uncredited)
  49. La collina degli stivali .... Miner (uncredited)
  50. Le calde notti di Poppea .... Leander (credited)
  51. Tre supermen a Tokyo .... Gunman at the beach (uncredited)
  52. Un corpo caldo per l'inferno (credited) .... Michel
  53. Un esercito di 5 uomini .... Soldier (uncredited)
  54. Una lunga fila di croci .... Luca Klimosky, Smart henchman (uncredited)
  55. Zenabel .... One of Gennaro's men (uncredited)
  56. Zorro marchese di Navarra .... French guard (uncredited)

  57. Ciakmull - L'uomo della vendetta .... Barroom brawler (uncredited)
  58. I vendicatori dell'ave maria .... Parker henchman (uncredited)
  59. Indio Black sai che ti dico: sei un gran figlio di... .... Brawler (uncredited)
  60. Pussycat, Pussycat, I Love You .... Swordsman on film set (uncredited)
  61. Quando suono il campana .... Countryman in hideout (uncredited)
  62. Quel maledetto giorno d'inverno... Django e Sartana all'ultimo sangue .... Peter Sturges (credited)
  63. Wanted Sabata .... Bill (uncredited)

  64. Arriva Durango... paga o muori .... Arenaja henchman (credited)
  65. È tornato Sabata... hai chiuso un'altra volta! .... O'Brian (uncredited)
  66. Giù le mani... carogna .... Murray (uncredited)
  67. Il corsaro nero .... Officer of the "Victoria" (uncredited)
  68. Il ritorno del gladiatore più forte del mondo .... Soldier (uncredited)
  69. Quel maledetto giorno della resa dei conti .... Barroom brawler (uncredited)
  70. Se t'incontro t'ammazzo .... Badman after Couple's Money (uncredited)

  71. I pugni di Rocco .... Henchman doing the beating (uncredited as actor)
  72. I senza dio .... El Paso deputy (uncredited as actor)
  73. Seminò morte... lo chiamavano il Castigo di Dio! .... Miller henchman (credited)
  74. Sotto a chi tocca! .... Palace guard (uncredited)

  75. Da Scaramouche or se vuoi l'assoluzione baciar devi sto... cordone! .... Swordsman in tavern chasing a fly (uncredited)
  76. ...E il terzo giorno arrivò il corvo .... Gunman (uncredited)
  77. Il boss .... Cocchi's sleeping henchman (uncredited)
  78. Il consigliori .... Gunman in warehouse (uncredited)
  79. Le Amazzoni - Donne d'amore e di guerra .... Portio (uncredited as actor)
  80. Le favolose notti d'oriente .... Palace brawler (uncredited)
  81. Mi chiamavano 'Requiescat'... ma avevano sbagliato .... Yankee soldier (uncredited)
  82. Piazza pulita .... Bruno henchman (uncredited)
  83. Piedone lo sbirro .... Tunis fighter (uncredited)
  84. Tutti figli di mammasantissima .... Member of Reverendo's gang (uncredited)

  85. ...altrimenti ci arrabbiamo! .... Gymnast (uncredited)
  86. Anche gli angeli tirano di destro .... Restaurant customer / Gangster in street fight (uncredited)
  87. Il Cittadino Si Ribella .... Burglar (uncredited)
  88. Piedino il questurino .... Warehouse thug (uncredited)
  89. Quelli che contano .... Attacker in bar (uncredited as actor)
  90. The Arena (La rivolta delle gladiatrici) .... Gladiator (uncredited)

  91. Carambola, filotto... tutti in buca .... Soldier (uncredited)
  92. Che botte ragazzi! .... Barnes henchman (uncredited)
  93. Colpo in canna .... Don Calo henchman (credited)
  94. Il torcinaso .... Henchman on the boat (uncredited)
  95. La spacconata .... Guitar-playing Taft henchman (uncredited as actor)
  96. Zanna Bianca e il cacciatore solitario .... Hunter (uncredited as actor)

  97. L'adolescente .... Hotel guest (uncredited)
  98. Roma A Mano Armata .... Man trying to stop escape (uncredited)
  99. Sangue di sbirro .... Johnny (uncredited as actor)

  100. I contrabbandieri di Santa Lucia .... Ship's captain (uncredited as actor)
  101. camorra sfida, la città risponde .... Francois (uncredited as actor)

  102. Napoli, Palermo, New York - Il triangolo della camorra .... Henchman (uncredited as actor)

  103. Uno scugnizzo a New York .... Boxing manager (uncredited as actor)
Franco as staff member

  1. Gli invincibili fratelli Maciste .... credited as "Master of Arms"
  2. Zorikan lo sterminatore .... credited as "Fencing Master"

  3. La rivincita di Ivanhoe .... credited as Master of Arms

  4. 28 minuti per 3 milioni di dollari .... credited as "Stunt consultant"
  5. Bill il taciturno .... credited as "Stunt men supervisor"
  6. Buckaroo (Il Winchester che non perdona) .... credited as "Master of Arms"
  7. Dove si spara di più .... credited as "Master of Arms"
  8. Requiescant .... credited as "Master of Arms"

  9. La vendetta è il mio perdono .... credited as "Maestro d'armi"

  10. Quelle sporche anime dannate.... credited as "Master of Arms", as Gianfranco Pasquetti

  11. Al di là dell'odio .... credited as "Master of Arms"
  12. I pugni di Rocco .... credited as "Assistant Director"
  13. I senza Dio .... credited as "Maestro d'armi"

  14. Blu Gang e vissero per sempre felici e ammazzati .... credited as "Stunt director"
  15. Elena sì... ma di Troia .... credited as "Assistant director", as Gianfranco Pasquetto
  16. Le Amazzoni - Donne d'amore e di guerra .... credited as "Assistant director"

  17. Quelli che contano .... credited as "Master of Arms", as Gianfranco Pasquetto
  18. Superuomini, superdonne, superbotte .... credited as "Stunt co-ordinator"

  19. Amori, letti e tradimenti .... credited as "aiuto regista"
  20. La spacconata .... credited as "First assistant director"
  21. Zanna Bianca e il cacciatore solitario .... credited as "Assistant director"

  22. Sangue di sbirro.... credited as "Assistant director"

  23. Anno zero - Guerra nello spazio .... credited as "maestro d'armi"

  24. Battaglie negli spazi stellari .... credited as "Master of arms"
  25. Napoli serenata calibro 9 .... credited as "Aiuto Regista"

  26. I contrabbandieri di Santa Lucia .... credited as "Assistant director"
  27. Il mammasantissima .... credited as "Aiuto Regista"
  28. Lo scugnizzo ..... credited as ´aiuto regista`
  29. camorra sfida, la città risponde .... credited as "Assistant director"
  30. Sette uomini d'oro nello spazio .... credited as "2nd unit director and stunt director" as "Frank O'Conner".

  31. La bestia nello spazio .... credited as "Maestro d'armi"
  32. Zappatore .... credited as "aiuto regista"

  33. I figli... so' pezzi 'e core .... credited as "Aiuto regista"
  34. Lacrime napulitane .... credited as "aiuto regista" as "Gianfranco Pasquetto"
  35. Napoli, Palermo, New York - Il triangolo della camorra .... credited as "Assistant director"

  36. Tradimento .... credited as "aiuto regista" as "Gianfranco Pasquetto"

  37. Arrapaho .... credited as "Assistant director" and "General organiser"
  38. Uno scugnizzo a New York .... credited as "Assistant director"

More Franco!
Further titles where Franco should appear or have production credits (or both).
  • Per una manciata d'oro (1966) ANICA
  • Sono Sartana, il vostro becchino (1969) uncredited as Bank Robber (FatmanDan database)
  • ...continuavano a chiamarlo Trinità (1971) uncredited as Monk (FatmanDan database)
  • Quando gli uomini armarono la clava e... con le donne fecero din-don (1971) IMDb
  • The Arena (1974) already in filmography, check for stunt coordinator credit as Gianfranco Pasquetto
  • L'adolescente (1976) IMDb credited as Assistant director (may not appear)
  • Roma a mano armata (1976) in filmography, IMDb says he has a Second unit director credit as Frank Parsons
  • L'ultimo guappo (1978) IMDb credited as Assistant director as Gianfranco Pasquetto (may not appear)
  • La guerra dei robot (1978) IMDb credited as Stunt coordinator as Frank Parsons (may not appear)
  • La tua vita per mio figlio (1980) IMDb credited as Assistant director as Gianfranco Pasquetto (may not appear)
  • Carcerato (1981) IMDb credited as Assistant director as Gianfranco Pasquetto (may not appear)
  • Giuramento (1982) IMDb credited as Assistant director as Gianfranco Pasquetto (may not appear)
  • Zampognaro innamorato (1983) IMDb credited as Assistant director as Gianfranco Pasquetto (may not appear)
  • Fotoromanzo (1986) IMDb credited as Assistant director as Gianfranco Pasquetto (may not appear)
  • Mercenari dell'apocalisse (1987) IMDb credited as Stunt coordinator and Assistant director (may not appear)

No Pasquetto!
Films where Franco does not appear
  • La cieca di Sorrento (1964) There is an actor who we previously had identified as Pasquetto as an Aniante henchman, but it was decided that it is actually similar-looking Gaetano Scala
  • Gli fumavano le colt... lo chiamavano Camposanto (1971). There is a Brawler with "Pasquetto hair", but it isn't him.
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Re: Franco Pasquetto

Post by PeplumParadise » 19/04/2020, 14:41

Morgan il pirata (1960) as Pirate

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Re: Franco Pasquetto

Post by PeplumParadise » 19/04/2020, 14:43

Revak, lo schiavo di Cartagine (1960) as Rebel
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Re: Franco Pasquetto

Post by PeplumParadise » 19/04/2020, 14:44

Il segno del vendicatore (1962) credited, role uncertain
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Re: Franco Pasquetto

Post by PeplumParadise » 19/04/2020, 14:47

Le sette spade del vendicatore (1962) as Soldier

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Re: Franco Pasquetto

Post by PeplumParadise » 19/04/2020, 14:49

Il pirata del diavolo (1963) role uncertain

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Re: Franco Pasquetto

Post by PeplumParadise » 19/04/2020, 14:51

I due gladiatori (1964) in multiple roles as a Praetorian, a Gladiator and a Rebel agitator at the arena
Images upgraded, additional roles added
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Re: Franco Pasquetto

Post by PeplumParadise » 19/04/2020, 14:52

Il colosso di Roma (1964) as Assassin of the servant of Mucius

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Re: Franco Pasquetto

Post by PeplumParadise » 19/04/2020, 14:54

Il magnifico gladiatore (1964) as Guard

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Re: Franco Pasquetto

Post by PeplumParadise » 19/04/2020, 14:56

Sandokan alla riscossa (1964) as One of Sandokan's men
Images upgraded, role added

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