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Pelegatti, Attilio

Posted: 27/08/2018, 23:35
by Johan Melle
pelegatti idiio.jpg
Attilio Pelegatti in the fotoromanzo Idillio N. 90: "Le ombre fuggono all'alba" (published June 1970).
Attilio Pelegatti was a generico very active in films and in fotoromanzi in the 1960s and 70s. Sometimes credited but very often uncredited.


  1. Londra chiama Polo Nord .... Officer at military trial (uncredited)
  2. Totò, Peppino e i fuorilegge .... Nightclub customer (uncredited)

  3. Carosello di canzoni .... Nightclub client (uncredited)
  4. La zia d'America va a sciare .... Man dancing in hotel nightclub (uncredited)
  5. Ricordati di Napoli .... Dancing man at the nightclub (uncredited)
  6. The Quiet American .... Dancing man at the 'Rendez-Vous' club (uncredited)

  7. Audace colpo dei soliti ignoti .... Nightclub customer (uncredited)
  8. Caterina Sforza, la leonessa di Romagna .... One of Medici's men (uncredited)
  9. Fantasmi e ladri .... Policeman in the quiz show (uncredited)
  10. I sicari di Hitler .... Priest (uncredited)
  11. Il cavaliere del castello maledetto .... Courtier (uncredited)
  12. Il mondo dei miracoli .... Reporter (uncredited)
  13. Le notti di Lucrezia Borgia .... Man in tavern (uncredited)
  14. Nel blu dipinto di blu (Volare) .... Man in the commander's office (uncredited)
  15. Nel segno di Roma .... Priest (uncredited)
  16. Totò, Eva e il pennello proibito .... Nightclub client (uncredited)

  17. A qualcuna piace calvo .... Dancing man at the Sing Sing nightclub (uncredited)
  18. Adua e le compagne .... Tavern diner (uncredited)
  19. Apocalisse sul fiume giallo .... Nightclub customer (uncredited)
  20. Caccia al marito .... Hotel guest (uncredited)
  21. Crimen .... Policeman (uncredited)
  22. Delitto in pieno sole .... Priest (uncredited)
  23. Genitori in blue-jeans .... Man watching striptease (uncredited)
  24. Il gobbo .... Officer watching the investigation (uncredited)
  25. Il mattatore .... Train passenger / Nightclub customer (uncredited)
  26. La vendetta di Ercole .... Councillor (uncredited)
  27. Letto a tre piazze .... Dancing customer in the hotel (uncredited)
  28. Madri pericolose .... Party guest (uncredited)
  29. Noi duri .... Nightclub client (uncredited)
  30. The Angel Wore Red .... Nightclub customer (uncredited)
  31. Tu che ne dici? .... Officer on the airplane (uncredited)

  32. A porte chiuse .... Jury member (uncredited)
  33. Fantasmi a Roma .... Customer at 'City Song' nightclub (uncredited)
  34. Francis of Assisi .... Courtier (uncredited)
  35. Il giudizio universale .... German officer (uncredited)
  36. Il mantenuto .... Man in the funeral procession (uncredited)
  37. Il pianeta degli uomini spenti .... Space crew (uncredited)
  38. Il relitto .... Party guest (uncredited)
  39. L'oro di Roma .... SS soldier (uncredited)
  40. La moglie di mio marito .... Man in the studio lobby (uncredited)
  41. Nefertite, regina del Nilo .... Courtier (uncredited)
  42. Orazi e Curiazi .... Man at wolf pit (uncredited)
  43. Pugni pupe e marinai .... TV studio workman (uncredited)
  44. Romolo e Remo .... Advisor to Amulius (uncredited)
  45. Una vita difficile .... Nightclub customer (uncredited)

  46. Cronaca familiare .... Doctor (uncredited)
  47. I motorizzati .... Man outside the motor insurance office / Man in the motor insurance office (uncredited)
  48. Il colpo segreto di D'Artagnan .... Conspirator (uncredited)
  49. Il criminale .... Train passenger (uncredited)
  50. Le sette folgori di Assur .... Courtier (uncredited)
  51. Maciste, il gladiatore più forte del mondo .... Spectator at the gladiator sale (uncredited)
  52. Zorro alla corte di Spagna .... Soldier (uncredited)

  53. 8½ .... Passerby (uncredited)
  54. Caterina di Russia .... Officer (uncredited)
  55. D'Artagnan contro i tre Moschettieri .... English nobleman's companion (uncredited)
  56. Gidget Goes to Rome .... Hotel waiter / Hotel guest (uncredited)
  57. I mostri .... Cinema patron (uncredited)
  58. Il boom .... Restaurant customer (uncredited)
  59. Il comandante .... Officer (uncredited)
  60. L'invincibile cavaliere mascherato .... Party guest (uncredited)
  61. La noia .... Party guest (uncredited)
  62. Le monachine .... Office worker (uncredited)
  63. Tempo di Roma .... Tourist (uncredited)
  64. The Pink Panther .... Holiday guest at Cortina d'Ampezzo (uncredited)
  65. Una storia moderna - L'ape regina .... Man in priest class (uncredited)

  66. Bianco, rosso, giallo, rosa .... Man in funeral procession (uncredited)
  67. I marziani hanno 12 mani .... Man at party (uncredited)
  68. I pirati della Malesia .... Officer at the party (uncredited)
  69. I tre sergenti del Bengala .... Party guest (uncredited)
  70. L'ora di uccidere .... Man at night club (uncredited)
  71. La congiuntura ..... Swiss Guard (uncredited)
  72. La mia signora - segment "Eritrea" .... Cards player (uncredited)
  73. Queste pazze, pazze donne .... Nightclub client (uncredited)
  74. Sandok, il Maciste della giungla .... Party guest (uncredited)
  75. Sedotti e bidonati .... Croupier (uncredited)
  76. Un mostro e mezzo .... Man in the funeral procession (uncredited)

  77. Come inguaiammo l'esercito .... Army officer (uncredited)
  78. Gli amanti latini - segment "Amore e morte" .... Gargiulo's colleague (uncredited)
  79. I complessi - segment "Una giornata decisiva" .... Party guest (uncredited)
  80. I predoni del Sahara .... General at the ball (uncredited)
  81. Il gladiatore che sfidò l'impero .... Senator (uncredited)
  82. La ragazzola .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  83. La vendetta di Spartacus .... Senator (uncredited)
  84. Password uccidete agente Gordon .... Casino player (uncredited)
  85. SuperSeven chiama Cairo .... Technician measuring radioactivity (uncredited)
  86. Veneri al sole - segment "Intrigo al mare" .... Man at the 'Chez Vous' nightclub (uncredited)

  87. 2 mafiosi contro Al Capone .... Night club customer (uncredited)
  88. Adulterio all'italiana .... Restaurant customer (uncredited)
  89. Come imparai ad amare le donne .... Wedding guest (uncredited)
  90. Delitto quasi perfetto .... Ship's officer (uncredited)
  91. Duello nel mondo .... role? (uncredited)
  92. I criminali della galassia .... Plainclothes cop (uncredited)
  93. Il gioco delle spie .... The general, a party guest (uncredited)
  94. Il grande colpo dei 7 uomini d'oro .... Bank clerk (uncredited)
  95. Il terzo occhio .... Man at nightclub (uncredited)
  96. Io, io, io... e gli altri .... Waiter (uncredited)
  97. Le spie amano i fiori .... Uniformed officer in HQ (uncredited)
  98. New York chiama Superdrago .... Masked bad guy (uncredited)
  99. Se tutte le donne del mondo... .... Guest at the ball (uncredited)
  100. Tecnica di una spia .... Make-up technician (uncredited)
  101. Zorro il ribelle .... Wedding guest (uncredited)

  102. ...4 ...3 ...2 ...1 ...morte .... Journalist (uncredited)
  103. A suon di lupara .... Man at the trial (uncredited)
  104. Addio mamma .... Antonio, the waiter (uncredited)
  105. Arriva Dorellik .... Man at the nightclub (uncredited)
  106. Come rubare un quintale di diamanti in Russia .... English journalist (uncredited)
  107. Cuore matto... matto da legare .... Arriving plane passenger (uncredited)
  108. Devilman story .... One of Devilman's assistants (uncredited)
  109. Il fischio al naso .... Aviation officer on the armchair (uncredited)
  110. Il lungo, il corto, il gatto .... Man in billiard room (uncredited)
  111. Il raggio infernale .... Video technician (uncredited)
  112. Il triangolo rosso (TV series) - season 1, ep. 3: “Corte d’Assise" .... Judge Stefanutti (credited as "Attilio Pellegatti")
  113. Mister X .... Journalist (uncredited)
  114. Non stuzzicate la zanzara .... Nightclub customer (uncredited)
  115. OK Connery .... Attendee at plastic surgery congress (uncredited)
  116. Operazione San Pietro .... Tourist in the Vatican City (uncredited)
  117. Requiescant .... Ferguson's guest (uncredited)
  118. Si muore solo una volta .... Guest at the prize ceremony (uncredited)
  119. Tutto Totò (TV series) E. 9: "Premio Nobel" .... Man at the Nobel ceremony (uncredited)
  120. Wanted .... Bank employee (uncredited)

  121. Diabolik .... Bank messenger (uncredited)
  122. Gangsters '70 .... Man in airport telegraph room (uncredited)
  123. L'oro di Londra .... Coast guard officer (uncredited)
  124. La famiglia Benvenuti (First Series) .... Man in ballroom (uncredited)
  125. La morte ha fatto l'uovo .... Trader / Party guest / Participant at conference (uncredited)
  126. La morte non ha sesso .... Man in hallway at Interpol (uncredited)
  127. Le dolci signore .... Party guest (uncredited)
  128. Rose rosse per il führer .... Nazi officer (uncredited)
  129. Satanik .... Nightclub client (uncredited)
  130. Straziami ma di baci saziami .... Passenger of the train by which Marino and Marisa want to be run over (uncredited)
  131. The Shoes of the Fisherman .... Member of Soviet Council (uncredited)
  132. Tre passi nel delirio .... Officer playing cards (uncredited)
  133. Tutto sul rosso .... Nightclub customer (uncredited)

  134. Agguato sul Bosforo .... Casino player (uncredited)
  135. I 2 magnifici fresconi .... Strip club customer (uncredited) (re-used footage)
  136. Indovina chi viene a merenda? .... Nazi Officer (uncredited)
  137. La famiglia Benvenuti (TV series) - season 2 .... Industrial from Milan (uncredited)
  138. La matriarca .... Waiter (uncredited)
  139. Sette volte sette .... Prison officer (uncredited)
  140. The Appointment .... Man at fashion show (uncredited)
  141. Una su 13 .... Arriving airplane passenger (uncredited)

  142. Angeli senza paradiso .... Celebrant (uncredited)
  143. Belle d'amore .... Tax collector of Frankfurt (uncredited)
  144. Ciao Gulliver .... Guest at the party (uncredited)
  145. Dal nostro inviato a Copenaghen .... Man of the Organization (uncredited)
  146. I cannibali .... Asylum employee (uncredited)
  147. Il rosso segno della follia .... Policeman (uncredited)
  148. Il sasso in bocca .... Policeman (uncredited)
  149. Il trapianto .... Weiss Kreuz Clinic agent (uncredited)
  150. La califfa .... Member of the industrialists committee (uncredited)
  151. Un caso di coscienza .... Guest at the wedding reception (uncredited)

  152. All'ultimo minuto (TV series) - episode 4: "La scelta" .... Anesthetist (uncredited)
  153. Arriva Durango, paga o muori .... Robbed cash courier (uncredited)
  154. È tornato Sabata... hai chiuso un'altra volta .... Roulette player (uncredited)
  155. I due assi del guantone .... Foreign tourist on bus (uncredited)
  156. Il provinciale .... Man in restaurant (uncredited)
  157. In nome del padre, del figlio e della Colt .... Jury foreman (credited)
  158. La coda dello scorpione .... Mr. Brenton's secretary (uncredited)
  159. La tarantola dal ventre nero .... Man in road of the furrier's murder (uncredited)
  160. Le belve - segment: "Il cincillà" .... Restaurant customer (uncredited)
  161. Roma bene .... Butler (uncredited)
  162. Un posto ideale per uccidere .... Customs officer (uncredited)

  163. Amico, stammi lontano almeno un palmo .... Croupier (uncredited)
  164. Bada alla tua pelle, spirito santo! .... Fort Commander (uncredited)
  165. Correva l'anno di grazia (TV movie) .... Patriot (uncredited)
  166. Hai sbagliato... dovevi uccidermi subito! .... Saloon guest (uncredited)
  167. L'arma, l'ora, il movente .... Plainclothes policeman at the scene of Aristide's murder (uncredited)
  168. Ludwig .... Officer (uncredited)
  169. L'udienza (credited as Attilio Pellegatti but unidentifiable)
  170. La mano lunga del padrino .... Airplane passenger (credited)
  171. Mimì metallurgico ferito nell'onore .... Man at the assembly (uncredited)
  172. Tutti fratelli nel West... per parte di padre .... Saloon waiter (uncredited)
  173. Un uomo da rispettare .... Insurance company employee (uncredited)

  174. Bisturi, la mafia bianca .... Doctor waiting to donate blood (uncredited)
  175. Ci risiamo, vero Provvidenza? .... Casino waiter (uncredited)
  176. Crash! Che botte... strippo strappo stroppio .... Man at secret service meeting (uncredited)
  177. Eroi all'inferno .... Nazi officer (uncredited)
  178. Giovannona Coscialunga disonorata con onore .... Doctor (uncredited)
  179. Il consigliori .... Restaurant customer (uncredited)
  180. Il magnate .... Manager (uncredited)
  181. Partirono preti, tornarono... curati .... Officer at the governor's bally (uncredited)
  182. Studio legale per una rapina .... Man at the fashion show (uncredited)
  183. Tutti figli di mammasantissima .... Man at the nightclub (uncredited)
  184. Ultimo tango a Zagarol .... Man at the dance hall (uncredited)

  185. Anche gli angeli tirano di destro .... Restaurant customer (uncredited)
  186. Commissariato di notturna .... Spectator at crime scene (uncredited)
  187. Farfallon .... Swiss guard (uncredited)
  188. Il bacio di una morta .... Court official (uncredited)
  189. I figli di Zanna Bianca .... Butler (uncredited)
  190. Il poliziotto è marcio .... Slain jeweller (uncredited)
  191. La casa della paura .... Member of the sect (uncredited)
  192. La mafia mi fa un baffo .... Card player (uncredited)
  193. Madeleine, anatomia di un incubo .... Party guest (uncredited)
  194. Paolo il freddo .... Party guest (uncredited)
  195. Quelli che contano .... Coroner (uncredited)
  196. Un certo Marconi (TV movie) .... Man at the meeting with the judge (uncredited)

  197. Corruzione al palazzo di giustizia .... Man in meeting with the minister (uncredited)
  198. Due cuori, una cappella .... Passerby at the cemetery (uncredited)
  199. Fantozzi .... Manager who gives panettone to employees' children (uncredited)
  200. La città gioca d'azzardo .... Casino player (uncredited)
  201. La polizia accusa: il servizio segreto uccide .... Attilio, crime scene investigator (uncredited)
  202. La supplente .... Diner at the restaurant (uncredited)
  203. Lady Barbara .... Party guest (uncredited)
  204. L'ambizioso .... Gambler in bookmakers (uncredited)
  205. Le orme .... Audience member at the international conference (uncredited)
  206. L'ultimo treno della notte .... Train passenger (uncredited)
  207. Mahogany .... Man at fashion show (uncredited)
  208. Malía (Vergine, e di nome Maria) .... Employee of the Melchiorri company (uncredited)
  209. Morte sospetta di una minorenne .... Journalist (uncredited)
  210. The Count of Monte-Cristo (TV) .... Mondego's man (uncredited)

  211. Cassandra Crossing .... Train passenger (uncredited)
  212. Emanuelle nera n. 2 .... Party guest (uncredited)
  213. Gli amici di Nick Hezard .... Diner at the restaurant (uncredited)
  214. Il grande racket .... Lawyer at the police station (uncredited)
  215. Il secondo tragico Fantozzi .... Croupier (uncredited)
  216. Il trucido e lo sbirro .... Café waiter (uncredited)
  217. I soliti ignoti colpiscono ancora .... Car driver at film studio (uncredited)
  218. La poliziotta fa carriera .... Servant with dogs outside Gianna's home (uncredited)
  219. Liberi armati pericolosi .... Man at the bank robbery (uncredited)
  220. Milano violenta .... Police officer (uncredited)
  221. Natale in casa d'appuntamento .... Porter (uncredited)
  222. Per amore di Cesarina .... Guest in the inn "Il passatore" (uncredited)
  223. Quelle strane occasioni - segment "Italian superman" .... Spectator of the porn show (uncredited)
  224. Roma a mano armata .... Croupier at the clandestine gambling den (uncredited)
  225. The Opening of Misty Beethoven .... Man interviewed in Piazza del Popolo (uncredited)
  226. Uomini si nasce poliziotti si muore .... Major of the Carabinieri (uncredited)

  227. Al di là del bene e del male .... Brothel client (uncredited)

  228. Come perdere una moglie e trovare un'amante... .... Tour guide (uncredited)
  229. Eutanasia di un amore .... Book presentation attendant (uncredited)
  230. Il commissario Verrazzano .... Card player at gambling house (uncredited)
  231. Indagine su un delitto perfetto .... Policeman (uncredited)
  232. Io tigro, tu tigri, egli tigra - third segment .... Swiss officer (uncredited)
  233. L'inquilina del piano di sopra .... Professor, colleague of Arturo Canestrari (uncredited)
  234. La cage aux folles / Il vizietto .... Nightclub client (uncredited)
  235. Le témoin / Il testimone .... Maurisson's assistant (uncredited)
  236. Poliziotto senza paura .... Restaurant customer (uncredited)
  237. Pugni dollari e spinaci .... Bank director (uncredited)
  238. Quel maledetto treno blindato .... German officer on train (uncredited)
  239. Scherzi da prete …. Hotel Receptionist (uncredited)
  240. Un poliziotto scomodo .... Reporter (uncredited)

  241. Caro papà .... Party guest (uncredited)
  242. Il giocattolo .... Man at the shooting range (uncredited)
  243. Letti selvaggi - segment "Attenzione a quei due" .... Croupier (uncredited)
  244. I contrabbandieri di Santa Lucia .... Guest at wedding party (uncredited)
  245. Il mammasantissima .... Tavern diner (uncredited)
  246. La poliziotta della squadra del buon costume .... Nightclub customer (uncredited)
  247. Lo scugnizzo .... Man in the hospital (uncredited)
  248. Squadra antigangsters .... Mafia thug (uncredited)
  249. Tutti a squola .... Teacher (uncredited)

  250. Il bandito dagli occhi azzurri .... "Barone" (uncredited)
  251. Il casinista .... Extra at Cinecittà (uncredited)
  252. Incubo sulla città contaminata .... Officer at military headquarters (uncredited)
  253. La cicala .... Restaurant customer (uncredited)
  254. L'avvertimento .... Coroner (uncredited)
  255. La dottoressa ci sta col colonnello .... Anaesthetist (uncredited)
  256. Luca il contrabbandiere .... Butler of the Perlante House (uncredited)
  257. Odio le bionde .... Party guest (uncredited)
  258. Razza selvaggia .... Croupier (uncredited)
  259. Si salvi chi vuole .... Bar customer (uncredited)
  260. Speed Cross .... Member of the motocross committee (uncredited)
  261. Virus .... Man in the bar (uncredited)
  262. Voltati Eugenio .... Wedding guest (uncredited)

  263. Fregoli (TV mini-series) .... Tavern customer (uncredited)
  264. I carabbimatti .... Invited to the clinic party (uncredited)
  265. Illa: Punto di osservazione (TV mini-series) - ep.1 .... Bank employee (uncredited)
  266. Inchon .... Officer at meeting with MacArthur (uncredited)
  267. La nouvelle malle des indes (TV mini-series) - ep. 1 .... Member of the East India Company (uncredited)
  268. Napoli, Palermo, New York - Il triangolo della camorra .... Party guest (uncredited)
  269. Pierino contro tutti .... Diner at Aristide's restaurant (uncredited)
  270. Ricomincio da tre .... Bar customer (uncredited)
  271. The Salamander .... Party guest (uncredited)

  272. Attenti a quei P2 .... Lodge member (uncredited)
  273. Inverno al mare (TV mini-series) .... Policeman (uncredited)
  274. La sconosciuta (TV mini-series) .... Magistrate's secretary (credited as Attilio Pelagatti)
  275. Monsignor .... Priest (uncredited)

  276. Quer pasticciaccio brutto di Via Merulana (TV mini-series) .... Tenant in the apartment building (uncredited)
  277. The Winds of War (TV mini-series) - ep, 7: "Into the Maelstrom" .... Man on the balcony with Mussolini (uncredited)

  278. La bella Otero (TV mini-series) .... Croupier (uncredited)

  279. Massimamente folle .... Club member (uncredited)

  280. Big Man: 395 dollari l'oncia (TV) .... Lloyd's of London board member (uncredited)

  281. Classe di ferro (TV series) - episode 10: "La vendetta" .... Croupier (uncredited)
  282. Il ricatto (TV mini-series) .... Croupier (uncredited)

  283. La scalata (TV mini-series) .... Man at the funeral of Alberto Ronconi (uncredited)

Filmography to check
  • Michelino Cucchiarella (1964)

  1. Genius N. 3: "Una bara per Sam" (April 1966) - credited as Tom Miller
  2. Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 7: "Bagliori di sangue a Montecarlo" (April 1966) - credited
  3. Mina N. 53: "Domani sarai di un altro" (August 1966)
  4. Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 15: "Nelle braccia delle morte" (December 1966) - credited
  5. Lunapark Mensile N. 9: "Prima che muoia l'amore" (February 1967)
  6. Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 23: "La morte canta, non ascoltare" (August 1967) - credited
  7. Sabrina N. 44: "Non ricordo di averti sposata" (November 1967) - credited
  8. I racconti di Sogno N. 31: "Fermata nella notte" (May 1968) - credited
  9. Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 32: "Quella ragazza stesa al mio fianco" (May 1968) - credited
  10. Le avventure di Lucky Martin N. 2: "Rosso di sera, domani si spara" (November 1968)
  11. Idillio N. 73: "Sarò soltanto la tua donna" (January 1969)
  12. Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 44: "La spia dagli occhi di strega" (May 1969) - credited
  13. Le avventure di Lucky Martin N. 14: "L'assassino ha due ombre" (November 1969) - credited
  14. Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 52: "Non piangerò nel dirti addio - H40: Codice indecifrabile" (January 1970)
  15. Idillio N. 90: "Le ombre fuggono all'alba" (June 1970)
  16. Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 58: "Il killer è tra noi" (July 1970)
  17. Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 60: "Vorrei ucciderti amore mio" (September 1970) - credited
  18. Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 80: "Angelo infernale" (May 1972)
  19. Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 99: "Amami solo un poco Ken" (December 1973)

Re: Attilio Pelegatti

Posted: 16/09/2018, 5:29
by Johan Melle
...4 ...3 ...2 ...1 ...morte (1967)
Pelegatti - ...4 ...3 ...2 ...1 ...morte.jpg

La coda dello scorpione (1971). Tiny, tiny role as Tom Felleghy's assistant
Pelegatti - La coda dello scorpione.jpg

The Count of Monte-Cristo (1975). Together with Tony Curtis.
Pelegatti - Count of Monte-Cristo.jpg

Re: Attilio Pelegatti

Posted: 16/09/2018, 5:44
by Johan Melle
Pelegatti did many fotoromanzi for Lancio, and here are a few scans I have made:

First an uncredited role in Mina N. 53: "Domani sarai di un altro" (published August 1966)
Pelegatti - Mina N. 53.jpg

And then a very nice credited role in Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 23: "La morte canta, non ascoltere" (August 1967)
Pelegatti - Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 23.jpg

Another credited role in Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 32: "Quella ragazza stesa al mio fianco" (May 1968)
Pelegatti - Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 32.jpg

And uncredited again as a poker player in Le avventure di Lucky Martin N. 2: "Rosso di sera, domani si spara" (November 1968) - together with Erna Schurer
Pelegatti - Le avventure di Lucky Martin N. 2.jpg

Another uncredited role in Idillio N. 73: "Sarò soltanto la tua donna" (January 1969)
Pelegatti - Idillio N. 73.jpg

Credited bad guy role in Le avventure di Lucky Martin N. 14: "L'assassino ha due ombre" (November 1969)
Pelegatti - Le avventure di Lucky Martin N. 14.jpg

And finally an important but uncredited role in Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 52: "Non piangerò nel dirti addio - H40: Codice indecifrabile" (January 1970)
Pelegatti - Le avventure di Jacques Douglas N. 52.jpg

Re: Attilio Pelegatti

Posted: 16/09/2018, 5:58
by Ghibarian
I due assi del guantone (1971) as Foreign tourist on bus - pic by vecchiaguardia
Pelegatti - I due assi del guantone.jpg

Re: Attilio Pelegatti

Posted: 16/09/2018, 17:08
by Johan Melle
And here is a more recent role for him as a croupier in the TV series Classe di ferro - episode 10: "La vendetta" (1989)
Pelegatti - Classe di ferro, E.10.jpg

IMDb is correct, Pelegatti is indeed credited in La mano lunga del padrino (1972) - as you can see in this screenshot. But Pelegatti's role in this film is ULTRA-SMALL! He is only seen extremely quickly as an airplane passenger who walks out of the plane.
Pelegatti - La mano lunga del padrino1.jpg
Pelegatti - La mano lunga del padrino2.jpg
I don't understand why he is credited for this super-small role. It does not make any sense. But maybe the English version is cut?? Maybe there is a scene onboard the airplane in the Italian version? I don't know... Does anyone have the Italian version of La mano lunga!?

No, there's no airplane-scene in the italian version...
Italian opening credits are the same, but in red! Almost impossible to read...! - vecchiaguardia

Re: Attilio Pelegatti

Posted: 16/09/2018, 17:39
by Ghibarian
from Micalizzi's cousin thread
Johan Melle,July 05, 2009 02:38 pm wrote:Found him again in Genius N. 3: "Una bara per Sam" (April 1966)
Genius N. 3 Una bara per Sam  (April 1966).jpg
He plays a bad guy named Tony and this is the biggest fotoromanzo role I have found for him. Anyway, I have some good news and some bad news about this discovery. The good news is that he was actually credited! The bad news is that he was credited only under a pseudonym: "Mark Spencer". Not really surprising because the majority of the actors who appeared in the Genius fotoromanzi used stupid americanized pseudonyms. Here is the cast list for Genius N. 3:
Genius N. 3 Una bara per Sam  (April 1966) 2.jpg
it seems there is also Pelegatti… I'm curious to know, if he is credited, his pseudonym :D

You're right! I had forgotten about this but Pelegatti does indeed have a little role Genius N. 3. He was credited under the pseudonym "Tom Miller". - Johan Melle

Ludwig (1972) - pic by Johan Melle
Pelegatti - Ludwig.jpg

Mimì metallurgico ferito nell'onore (1972) (uncredited) .... Man at the assembly
Mimì metallurgico ferito nell'onore (1972).jpg

Re: Attilio Pelegatti

Posted: 16/09/2018, 17:51
by Johan Melle
Here is Pelegatti as a party guest in The Salamander (1981). The first man from the left in first row
Pelegatti - The Salamander.jpg

Pelegatti together with Christopher Reeve in Monsignor (1982)!
Monsignor - Attilio Pelegatti1.jpg
Monsignor - Attilio Pelegatti2.jpg

Here is Pelegatti as one of the tenants in the apartment building in the TV mini series Quer pasticciaccio brutto di Via Merulana (1983)
Pelegatti - Quer pasticciaccio brutto di Via Merulana.jpg

Re: Attilio Pelegatti

Posted: 16/09/2018, 17:55
by carlos
Bada alla tua pelle Spirito Santo! (1972) - post by TRS
AttilioPelegatti (Commandant) ReturnHG.jpg

Eroi all'inferno (1973) - pic by TRS
Pelegatti - Eroi all'inferno.jpg

Re: Attilio Pelegatti

Posted: 16/09/2018, 18:16
by Ghibarian
Fantasmi a Roma (1961) (uncredited) .... Man at 'City Song' night
Fantasmi a Roma (1961).jpg
He is credited in L'udienza (1972)
L'Udienza Credit.jpg
but I can't find it in the movie! and I can't find also Dante Cleri and Bruno Bertocci !! Maybe I've a cutted version. Mine is a 106min italian version. Anyone know more about it?

I don't know about L'udienza but if several credited actors are missing I think there is a good possibility that the version you saw is cut... - Johan Melle

Pelegatti appears uncredited in Letto a tre piazze (1960), dancing in the hotel scene. Same role for Nello Appodia.
Letto a tre piazze (1960).jpg

Un mostro e mezzo (1964) (uncredited) .... Man at funeral procession
Un mostro e mezzo (1964).jpg

I think should be him. Le belve - segment: "Il cincillà" (1971) (uncredited) .... Restaurant customer
Le belve - segment Il cincillà (1971) 1.jpg
Le belve - segment Il cincillà (1971) 2.jpg
Le belve - segment Il cincillà (1971) 3.jpg

Re: Attilio Pelegatti

Posted: 16/09/2018, 18:19
by Ciavazzaro
Squadra antigangsters (1979), as Mafioso at the fake funeral
pic upgraded