Ceccarelli, Pietro

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Ceccarelli, Pietro

Post by PeplumParadise » 13/12/2019, 16:49

Pietro Ceccarelli in Sette contro tutti (1965)

Pietro Ceccarelli, or "Puccio" as he was often credited, was an actor and stuntman active in Italian films from the mid-50's through until the late 80's. Instantly recognisable among the ranks of gladiators and cowboys for his tall stature and shaved head.

Pietro was born on November 21st 1926 and died on October 14th 1993, at the age of 66. He was the brother of Lanfranco Ceccarelli and the son of Stefano Ceccarelli. This information comes from Stefania Giolitti, granddaughter of Pietro, from my Peplum Paradise group on Facebook. (Note that most websites give an incorrect date of birth for Pietro and list him as being still living).

Some additional information from the Lazio Wiki website tells us that in the late 40's, before following his father into acting, Pietro was a professional footballer / goalkeeper. It also informs us that once he retired from acting he coached football youth teams.


  1. Mio figlio Nerone .... Slave carrying Agrippina's carriage / Guard (uncredited)

  2. La Gerusalemme liberata .... Palace guard / Soldier imprisoned with Rinaldo (uncredited)
  3. Rascel-Fifì .... Street brawler (uncredited - uncertain identification)

  4. Afrodite, Dea dell'amore .... Soldier arresting travellers (uncredited)
  5. Camping .... Villager (uncredited)
  6. Capitan Fuoco .... Soldier (uncredited)

  7. Annibale .... One of Hannibal's commanders (uncredited)
  8. Ben-Hur .... One of Messala's guards (uncredited)
  9. Il terrore dei barbari .... Barbarian (uncredited)

  10. Esther and the King .... Gladiator (uncredited)
  11. Fontana di Trevi .... Policeman (uncredited)
  12. Gli amori di Ercole .... Soldier killing villagers (uncredited)
  13. Il sepolcro dei re .... Sutek (credited)
  14. Noi duri .... Gangster accosting Joysette in nightclub (uncredited)
  15. Revak, lo schiavo di Cartagine .... Deliasis the Gladiator (credited as "Puccio Ceccarelli")
  16. Teseo contro il Minotauro .... Prison guard (uncredited)

  17. I Tartari .... Burundai's henchman (credited)
  18. Maciste nella terra dei Ciclopi .... Guard (uncredited)

  19. 2 samurai per 100 geishe .... Tai Kun, the great samurai (credited as "Puccio Ceccarelli")
  20. Il gladiatore di Roma .... Gladiator (credited as "Puccio Ceccarelli")
  21. Il tiranno di Siracusa .... Guard confronted by the angry mob (uncredited)
  22. Maciste all'inferno .... Bearded giant (credited as "Puccio Ceccarelli")
  23. Maciste, il gladiatore più forte del mondo .... Astorix (credited as "Puccio Ceccarelli")
  24. Sodoma e Gomorra .... The Queen's bodyguard (uncredited)
  25. Tharus figlio di Attila .... Messenger (uncredited as actor)
  26. Ursus gladiatore ribelle .... Prison guard (credited)

  27. Il segno di Zorro .... Romero (no credit info)
  28. Ursus nella terra di fuoco .... Lero (credited)

  29. 00-2 agenti segretissimi .... Torturer (credited as "Puccio Ceccarelli")
  30. Ercole contro i tiranni di Babilonia .... Wrestler (uncredited)
  31. Gli invincibili dieci gladiatori .... Matateo (uncredited)
  32. Gli schiavi più forti del mondo .... Gladiator (credited)
  33. I due mafiosi .... Russian thug (uncredited)
  34. I magnifici Brutos del West .... Jack (uncredited)
  35. Il trionfo dei dieci gladiatori .... Matateo (uncredited)
  36. La vendetta di Spartacus .... unknown role (credited)

  37. Golia alla conquista di Bagdad .... Tavern keeper (uncredited)
  38. Il tesoro della foresta pietrificata .... Erik (credited as "Puccio Ceccarelli")
  39. L'avventuriero della Tortuga .... Indian high priest (uncredited)
  40. La guerra segreta .... Sernas henchman (uncredited)
  41. Sette contro tutti .... Rebel gladiator (credited as "Peter Barclay")
  42. The High Bright Sun .... Cypriot terrorist (uncredited)
  43. Un dollaro bucato .... Rex (uncredited)

  44. Agente 3S3 massacro al sole .... Henchman (uncredited)
  45. Arizona Colt .... Rancher (uncredited)
  46. Cifrato speciale .... Yang (credited as "Peter Ceccar")
  47. Jerry Land - Cacciatore di spie .... Hitman in Rome (uncredited)
  48. La vergine di Samoa (Tabù) .... Bruno (credited)
  49. MMM 83 - Missione Morte Molo 83 .... Morris henchman (uncredited)
  50. Spie contro il mondo .... Gangster (credited)
  51. Un fiume di dollari .... Wolf (credited as "Puccio Ceccarelli")

  52. Agente sigma 3 - missione goldwather .... unknown role (credited)
  53. Ballata per un pistolero .... Toro (credited as "Peter Jacob")
  54. Il bello, il brutto, il cretino .... Army strongman (credited as "Peter Jacob")
  55. La feldmarescialla - Rita fugge... lui corre... egli scappa .... German officer (uncredited)
  56. L'uomo dal pugno d'oro .... Kark (credited as "Peter Barclay")
  57. Occhio per occhio, dente per dente .... Drago (no credit info)
  58. Requiescant .... Tom (no credit info)
  59. Tecnica per un massacro .... Max (uncredited)
  60. Troppo per vivere... poco per morire .... Gang member (credited as "Peter Barclay")
  61. Wanted Johnny Texas .... Man on wagon train (uncredited)

  62. ... dai nemici mi guardo io! .... Zinaro (credited)
  63. Don Chisciotte e Sancio Panza .... Man leading the mob (uncredited)
  64. Dynamit in grüner Seide (Il più grande colpo della malavita americana) .... Henchman (credited)
  65. I due crociati .... Tazio (credited)
  66. I tre che sconvolsero il West .... Farmer (uncredited)
  67. Il momento di uccidere .... One of Forrester's men (uncredited)
  68. Il pistolero segnato da Dio .... Circus strongman (uncredited)
  69. Joe! Cercati un posto per morire! .... Chato henchman (uncredited)

  70. Fellini Satyricon .... Crazy shouting man (uncredited)
  71. Gli specialisti .... El Diablo hanchman (uncredited)

  72. Brancaleone alle Crociate .... unknown role (uncredited)
  73. Ciakmull, l'uomo della vendetta .... Bounty hunter (uncredited)
  74. Il magnifico Robin Hood .... Attacker (uncredited)
  75. Satiricosissimo .... Spartacus (uncredited)
  76. Sledge .... Prisoner (uncredited)
  77. Waterloo .... Rumigus (uncredited)

  78. Acquasanta Joe .... Sergeant Butch (credited)
  79. Armiamoci e partite! .... Boxer in cafe (credited)
  80. Gli fumavano le colt... lo chiamavano Camposanto .... Poker player (uncredited)
  81. Posate le pistole, reverendo .... Jerimiah (credited)
  82. Scipione detto anche l'Africano .... Captain of the guards (uncredited)
  83. Storie dell'anno Mille (TV series) - ep. 1 .... Man stealing clothing from the dead (credited)
  84. Tre donne - L'automobile .... Angry motorist (uncredited)
  85. Una farfalla con le ali insanguinate .... Masseur (uncredited)

  86. Fiorina la vacca .... One of Beolco's men (credited as "Puccio Ceccarelli")
  87. La mala ordina .... Don Vito henchman (credited)
  88. Lo chiamavano Verità .... Jesse (credited)
  89. Mio caro assassino .... Canavese's bodyguard (uncredited)
  90. Uomo avvisato mezzo ammazzato... Parola di Spirito Santo .... Gerry Crow (uncredited)

  91. Anche gli angeli mangiano fagioli .... ´Testa di pietra` (uncredited)
  92. Campa carogna... la taglia cresce .... Brawling soldier (uncredited)
  93. Dio, sei proprio un padreterno! .... Man who has his skull drilled (uncredited)
  94. Fra' Tazio da Velletri .... Galliano (credited)
  95. I racconti di Viterbury - Le più allegre storie del '300 .... Puccetto Corsini (credited as "Puccio Ceccarelli")
  96. Il boss .... Maione (credited)
  97. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto .... Bill (credited)
  98. Metti... che ti rompo il muso .... Otto (credited)
  99. Polvere di stelle .... SS soldier that screams on the ship (uncredited)

  100. 4 marmittoni alle grandi manovre .... Drill sergeant (uncredited)
  101. Carambola .... Man in tug of war (uncredited)
  102. Di Tresette ce n'è uno tutti gli altri son nessuno .... King Kong Striker (credited as "Puccio Ceccarelli")
  103. Il sesso in testa .... Photographer on the church stairs (uncredited)
  104. Il testimone deve tacere .... Thug (uncredited)
  105. La rivolta delle gladiatrici .... Septimus (credited as "Peter Cester")
  106. Lo sgarbo .... Fighting warehouse bad guy (no credit info)

  107. Colpo in canna .... Silvera henchman (credited)
  108. La città sconvolta: caccia spietata ai rapitori .... Hood (uncredited)
  109. Mondo candido .... Soldier (uncredited)
  110. Occhio alla vedova .... News vendor (uncredited)
  111. Pasqualino Settebellezze .... Nazi doing experiments in concentration camp (uncredited)

  112. Basta che non si sappia in giro! .... Sailor in Amanda's fantasy (uncredited)
  113. Cassiodoro il più duro del pretorio .... Dice player-brawler / Emperor's trainer (credited)
  114. Gli amici di Nick Hezard (1976) .... Strauss (uncredited)
  115. I padroni della città .... Luigi's bagman (credited)
  116. Il grande racket .... Lucimir (credited)
  117. Squadra antiscippo .... The man in the fur hat (uncredited)
  118. Un amore targato Forlì .... Man in row for the audition (uncredited)
  119. Uomini si nasce poliziotti si muore .... Club bouncer (uncredited)

  120. Anno zero - Guerra nello spazio .... Alien (uncredited)
  121. El macho .... Duke henchman guarding prisoner (uncredited)

  122. Avere vent'anni .... Butcher (uncredited)
  123. La via della prostituzione …. Seaman (uncredited)
  124. Zio Adolfo in arte Führer .... Nazi official (credited)

  125. Odio le bionde .... Gangster (uncredited)

  126. Una vacanza del cactus .... Marmaluke (uncredited)

  127. Ricchi, ricchissimi... praticamente in mutande .... Prince Omar's bodyguard (uncredited)
  128. Vai avanti tu che mi vien da ridere .... Groper on the bus (uncredited)

  129. Endgame - Bronx lotta finale .... Blue mutant (credited as "Peter Brighton")
  130. Il trono di fuoco .... Tares (credited as "Peter Caine")

  131. Dagobert .... Soldier (uncredited)

  132. Phenomena .... The mad rapist (uncredited)

  133. Il nome della rosa .... Inquisition guard (uncredited)

  134. Stradivari .... Jailor (credited)

Additional credits
  • Ciao, Federico! (1970) - Documentary about the shooting of Fellini Satyricon (1969). Includes footage of Pietro on the set during the making of the film.
  • Il trucido e lo sbirro (1976) .... Actor in film shown in prison (re-used footage)
  • Trois filles dans le vent (1981) .... Seen in footage taken from Gli schiavi più forti del mondo (re-used footage)

Più Pietro!
There are more titles in which Pietro reportedly appears, so if anyone has shots of him in any of the titles below, you know what to do!
  • Le notti bianche (1957) - Wikipedia (maybe mistaken for Lanfranco Ceccarelli)
  • Raw Wind in Eden (1958) - On-set images indicate that Pietro was somehow involved in this production, though it is uncertain if he actually appears
Production Filmography

  1. Solimano il conquistatore .... credited as Master of Arms

  2. Il gladiatore di Roma .... credited as Master of Arms
  3. Tharus figlio di Attila .... credited as Master of Arms
  4. Ursus gladiatore ribelle .... credited as Master of Arms

  5. Ursus nella terra di fuoco .... credited as Master of Arms

  6. Il tesoro della foresta pietrificata .... credited as Master of Arms

Manca Ceccarelli!
And of course we have the list of titles where Pietro is credited somewhere online but almost certainly does not appear.
  • La strada (1954) - Does not appear. Most websites would have you believe that Pietro made his debut for Fellini, however the role he is credited with playing is actually played by Pietro's father, Stefano.
  • La resa dei conti (1966). Said to appear by IMDb, as Jack, he is nowhere to be seen. ´Jack O'Leary` is played by Luis Gaspar.
  • Superargo contro Diabolikus (1966) - Does not appear. Credited by IMDb as Henchman, searched for by Nick, Rudy and Johan. Maybe once again mistaken for his father Stefano.
  • I nipoti di Zorro (1968) - Does not appear. Credited by ANICA and elsewhere as playing the hangman, but it is Veriano Ginesi in the role.
  • Il ritorno del gladiatore più forte del mondo (1971) - Does not appear. Listed by ANICA and elsewhere, but once again it is Ginesi in the role.
  • In nome del popolo italiano (1971) - Does not appear. Listed on various websites, including ANICA, but for a 3rd time someone has mistaken him for Veriano.
  • Giallo napoletano (1979) - once more, Veriano Ginesi appears, but not Pietro.
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Re: Pietro Ceccarelli

Post by PeplumParadise » 13/12/2019, 16:53

Mio figlio Nerone (1956) in dual roles as Slave carrying Agrippina's carriage and Guard.

Currently Pietro's earliest known appearance(s).
Images upgraded and second role added
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Re: Pietro Ceccarelli

Post by PeplumParadise » 13/12/2019, 16:55

La Gerusalemme liberata (1957) as Palace guard and now added in a second role as a Soldier imprisoned with Rinaldo
Images upgraded, second role added
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Re: Pietro Ceccarelli

Post by PeplumParadise » 13/12/2019, 16:57

Afrodite, Dea dell'amore (1958) as Soldier arresting travellers

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Re: Pietro Ceccarelli

Post by PeplumParadise » 13/12/2019, 17:06

Camping (1958) as Villager.

Initially I was uncertain about this one since popular opinion was that it was not Pietro, however now that we have a number of images of Pietro with hair for comparison, I don't think there can be any question that it is him.

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Ceccarelli, Pietro

Post by PeplumParadise » 13/12/2019, 17:09

Il terrore dei barbari (1959) as Barbarian

Here we have a publicity shot of father and son together
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Re: Pietro Ceccarelli

Post by PeplumParadise » 13/12/2019, 17:18

Il sepolcro dei re (1960) credited, as Sutek
Sepolcro Dei Re - Pietro Ceccarelli1.jpg
Sepolcro Dei Re - Pietro Ceccarelli2.jpg
Sepolcro Dei Re - Pietro Ceccarelli3.jpg
Sepolcro Dei Re - Pietro Ceccarelli4.jpg
Sepolcro Dei Re - Credits.jpg
Sepolcro Dei Re - Fotobusta.jpg
Images upgraded by Johan

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Re: Pietro Ceccarelli

Post by PeplumParadise » 13/12/2019, 17:22

Ester e il Re (Esther and the King) (1960) as Gladiator

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Re: Pietro Ceccarelli

Post by PeplumParadise » 13/12/2019, 17:25

Noi duri (1960) as Gangster accosting Joysette in nightclub
Noi Duri - Pietro Ceccarelli1.jpg
Noi Duri - Pietro Ceccarelli2.jpg
Noi Duri - Pietro Ceccarelli3.jpg
Noi Duri - Pietro Ceccarelli4.jpg
Noi Duri - Pietro Ceccarelli5.jpg
Thanks to Johan for the image upgrade

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Re: Pietro Ceccarelli

Post by PeplumParadise » 13/12/2019, 17:38

Revak, lo schiavo di Cartagine (1960) credited as Puccio Ceccarelli, fighting with Jack Palance as Deliasis the Gladiator
Last edited by PeplumParadise on 16/01/2022, 15:48, edited 1 time in total.

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