Mascarello, Maria

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Johan Melle
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Mascarello, Maria

Post by Johan Melle » 27/08/2018, 16:41

Maria Mascarielli 1976 2.jpg
Maria Mascarello in Annuario degli attori 1976
(listed as of "Renee Lorena")
Maria Mascarielli 1976 1.jpg
In Annuario degli attori 1976
Maria Mascarello FF.jpg
In Fellini's Faces (1982)
Maria Mascarello (alias Maria Mascarielli/Ambra Mascarello) was a background actress apparently credit only in the movie Estratto dagli archivi segreti della polizia di una capitale europea (1972). She had a typical "Fellini face" and indeed she appeared in many films of Fellini. Her "real" name was found in the book Fellini's Faces (1982).


  1. Fellini - Block notes di un regista .... Woman who tries to convince Fellini to cast her (uncredited)
  2. Fellini Satyricon .... Woman of the theater group (uncredited)

  3. Noi donne siamo fatte così - segment "L'angelo dei cieli" .... Airplane passenger (uncredited)
  4. Trastevere .... role? (uncredited)

  5. Estratto dagli archivi segreti della polizia di una capitale europea .... Black mass participant, playing piano (credited as "Ambra Mascarello")

  6. Salon Kitty .... Woman at Salon Kitty (uncredited)

  7. Il Casanova di Federico Fellini .... Dinner guest (uncredited)

  8. Emanuelle e le porno notti .... Old stripper (uncredited)

  9. Caligola .... Woman at banquet (uncredited)

  10. Pierino colpisce ancora .... Woman in the train toilette (uncredited)

  11. The Lonely Lady .... Audience member at awards show (uncredited)

Other works
  • La sberla (TV variety show, 1978) - ep. 1, sketch "Al ristorante" .... Restaurant diner (uncredited)
  • La sberla (TV variety show, 1978) - ep. 2, sketch "Il ministero" .... Woman at the ministry (uncredited)
  • La sberla (TV variety show, 1978) - ep. 5, sketch "In biblioteca" .... Woman at the library (uncredited)
Last edited by Emiliano on 12/04/2023, 16:28, edited 18 times in total.

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Johan Melle
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Maria Mascarielli

Post by Johan Melle » 27/08/2018, 22:44

Here is Maria's entry in the Annuario degli attori 1977, which is how I was able to identify her:
Maria Mascarielli Annuario Degli Attori 1977.jpg

As mentioned, Maria often appears in the films of Federico Fellini and here she is in Fellini Satyricon (1969) as one the women of the theater group at the start of the film:
Fellini Satyricon - Maria Mascarielli.jpg

She also appears in Fellini - Block notes di un regista (1969) as one of the many women who come to Fellini's office to try to convince him to give her a role in his new film:
Fellini - Block notes di un regista (1969) 1.jpg
Fellini - Block notes di un regista (1969) 2.jpg
Last edited by Emiliano on 12/04/2023, 16:28, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Maria Mascarielli

Post by Johan Melle » 27/08/2018, 22:51

Another Fellini role in Il Casanova di Federico Fellini (1976) where Maria appears as a dinner guest:
Casanova - Maria Mascarielli1.jpg
Casanova - Maria Mascarielli2.jpg

And then she re-appears later in Il Casanova in another scene - again as a dinner guest:
Casanova - Maria Mascarielli3.jpg

And I think this is Maria in another Fellini role as a dancing party guest in La città delle donne (1980):
Citta Delle Donne - Maria Mascarielli1.jpg
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Re: Maria Mascarielli

Post by Johan Melle » 27/08/2018, 22:55

Maria also appears as one of the devil worshippers in Estratto dagli archivi segreti della polizia di una capitale europea (1972)
Tragic Ceremony - Maria Mascarielli1.jpg
Tragic Ceremony - Maria Mascarielli2.jpg

In the cast list there is a certain Ambra Mascarello credited, and I think this could actually be a credit for Maria.
Tragic Ceremony - Maria Mascarielli3.jpg
Last edited by Emiliano on 18/04/2021, 14:17, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Maria Mascarielli

Post by Johan Melle » 27/08/2018, 23:00

And here is Maria in a real cult role in Emanuelle e le porno notti (1978) as an old stripper!
Emanuelle E Le Pornonotti - Maria Mascarielli01.jpg
Emanuelle E Le Pornonotti - Maria Mascarielli02.jpg

But the audience doesn't like her and start throwing vegetables at her! :lol:
Emanuelle E Le Pornonotti - Maria Mascarielli03.jpg
Last edited by FatmanDan on 21/11/2021, 23:27, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Maria Mascarielli

Post by Johan Melle » 27/08/2018, 23:04

It seems that maybe Tinto Brass, too, liked Maria peculiar features, because he used her in a "hot" role in Salon Kitty (1975):
Salon Kitty - Maria Mascarielli1.jpg
Salon Kitty - Maria Mascarielli2.jpg
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Re: Maria Mascarielli

Post by Johan Melle » 27/08/2018, 23:10

Maria also appears with a blonde wig together with Alvaro Vitali in Pierino colpisce ancora (1980):

Pierino Colpisce Ancora - Maria Mascarielli1.jpg
Pierino Colpisce Ancora - Maria Mascarielli2.jpg
Pierino Colpisce Ancora - Maria Mascarielli3.jpg
Identification and pictures by Ciavazzaro

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Johan Melle
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Re: Maria Mascarielli

Post by Johan Melle » 27/08/2018, 23:24

And I have now discovered another role for Maria and am happy to inform that she has a very big (but sadly uncredited) role in the famous cult movie Trastevere (1971):

Trastevere - Maria Mascarielli1.jpg
Trastevere - Maria Mascarielli2.jpg
Trastevere - Maria Mascarielli3.jpg
Trastevere - Maria Mascarielli4.jpg

I'm not entirely sure what role she's playing, though. She's clearly a prostitute but also seems to be a close relative of some of the other characters. Usually, I can understand Italian okay, but here everyone speaks in dialect so I couldn't understand anything! Anyway, the film is on YouTube here:
So maybe someone who understands dialect better than me can say exactly what her role is and if she has a character name.

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Re: Maria Mascarielli

Post by Johan Melle » 21/09/2018, 3:30

I'm pretty sure this is Maria at the awards show in The Lonely Lady (1983) - the woman in black on the right
Lonely Lady - Maria Mascarielli.jpg

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Johan Melle
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Re: Maria Mascarielli

Post by Johan Melle » 18/07/2019, 17:42

Maria appears in several sketches in the TV variety show La sberla (1978).

In episode 1 she appears in the sketch "Al ristorante" as a restaurant diner
La Sberla 1 - Maria Mascarielli.jpg

In episode 2 she appears in the sketch "Il ministero" as a woman at the ministry
La Sberla 2 - Conti+Mascarielli.jpg
La Sberla 2 - Maria Mascarielli.jpg

And in episode 5 she appears in sketch "In biblioteca" as a woman at the library
La Sberla 5 - Maria Mascarielli1.jpg

In this sketch she even dances with Salvatore Biondo!
La Sberla 5 - Maria Mascarielli2.jpg
La Sberla 5 - Maria Mascarielli3.jpg

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