Farmer, Mimsy

The Divas of the Italian Genre Cinema
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Johan Melle
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Re: Farmer, Mimsy

Post by Johan Melle » 09/07/2021, 15:54

Arcobaleno selvaggio (1984) credited, as Kathy Robbs.

This all-star cast jungle action-war movie shot in the Philippines was a profitable video hit throughout most of Europe during the 1980s. Mimsy is the only female in the cast, co-starring as a kidnapped journalist.
Arcobaleno Selvaggio - Mimsy Farmer1.jpg
Arcobaleno Selvaggio - Mimsy Farmer2.jpg
Arcobaleno Selvaggio - Mimsy Farmer3.jpg
Arcobaleno Selvaggio - Mimsy Farmer4.jpg
Arcobaleno Selvaggio - Mimsy Farmer5.jpg
Arcobaleno Selvaggio - Mimsy Farmer6.jpg
Arcobaleno Selvaggio - Mimsy Farmer7.jpg
Arcobaleno Selvaggio - Mimsy Farmer8.jpg
Arcobaleno Selvaggio - Mimsy Farmer9.jpg
Arcobaleno Selvaggio Poster.jpg
Arcobaleno Selvaggio VHS1.jpg
Arcobaleno Selvaggio VHS2.jpg

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Johan Melle
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Re: Farmer, Mimsy

Post by Johan Melle » 09/07/2021, 16:04

Don Camillo (1984) credited, as Jo Magro.

Terence Hill directs and stars as the priest Don Camillo in this comedy based on the books of Giovanni Guareschi, which had previously been adapted into a massively popular series of films starring the French comedian Fernandel during the 1950s and 60s. Mimsy appears in a little supporting role as a struggling single mom who is helped by Don Camillo.
Don Camillo - Mimsy Farmer1.jpg
Don Camillo - Mimsy Farmer2.jpg
Don Camillo - Mimsy Farmer3.jpg
Don Camillo - Mimsy Farmer4.jpg
Don Camillo - Mimsy Farmer5.jpg
Don Camillo - Mimsy Farmer6.jpg
Don Camillo - Mimsy Farmer7.jpg
Don Camillo - Mimsy Farmer8.jpg

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Johan Melle
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Re: Farmer, Mimsy

Post by Johan Melle » 09/07/2021, 16:20

La bella Otero (1984) (TV mini-series) - episodes 2-4, credited, as Countess Valentina de Bruges.

This 4-part television biopic chronicles the life of Carolina Otero, the famous Spanish actress, dancer and courtesan known simply as "La belle Otero", and played here by Angela Molina. Mimsy appears in one of her most glamorous roles as a countess who befriends Otero and introduces her into high society. She is credited in all four episodes, but does not appear in the first one.

Episode 2
Bella Otero 2 - Mimsy Farmer1.jpg
Bella Otero 2 - Mimsy Farmer2.jpg
Bella Otero 2 - Mimsy Farmer3.jpg
Bella Otero 2 - Mimsy Farmer4.jpg
Bella Otero 2 - Mimsy Farmer5.jpg

Episode 3
Bella Otero 3 - Mimsy Farmer1.jpg
Bella Otero 3 - Mimsy Farmer2.jpg
Bella Otero 3 - Mimsy Farmer3.jpg
Bella Otero 3 - Mimsy Farmer4.jpg

Episode 4
Bella Otero 4 - Mimsy Farmer1.jpg
Bella Otero 4 - Mimsy Farmer2.jpg
Bella Otero 4 - Mimsy Farmer3.jpg
Bella Otero 4 - Mimsy Farmer4.jpg
Bella Otero 4 - Mimsy Farmer5.jpg

The credits reveal that Mimsy was dubbed in Italian by Rita Di Lernia
Bella Otero Voice Cast.jpg

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Johan Melle
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Re: Farmer, Mimsy

Post by Johan Melle » 09/07/2021, 16:26

Mio figlio non sa leggere (1984) (TV mini-series) - episodes 1-2, credited, as Carole.

This 2-part television drama stars Mimsy along with Omero Antonutti as the parents of a struggling and aggressive child who it turns out is suffering from dyslexia. I've not been able to find the complete series, but there's an extract on YouTube that includes Mimsy's credit and a couple of scenes from the first episode.
Mio Figlio - Mimsy Farmer1.jpg
Mio Figlio - Mimsy Farmer2.jpg
Mio Figlio - Mimsy Farmer3.jpg
Mio Figlio - Mimsy Farmer4.jpg
Mio Figlio - Mimsy Farmer5.jpg
Mio Figlio - Mimsy Farmer6.jpg

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Johan Melle
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Re: Farmer, Mimsy

Post by Johan Melle » 09/07/2021, 17:40

Fratelli (1985) (TV movie) credited in Radiocorriere TV listings, as Anna (role to be confirmed).

This television drama about two brothers living together, one of whom is suffering from schizophrenia, was first shown at the Venice Film Festival in 1985, winning a shared first prize at the De Sica section, and then premiered on Italian television the following year. Since then, it has apparently vanished into obscurity.

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Re: Farmer, Mimsy

Post by Johan Melle » 09/07/2021, 17:52

Camping del terrore (1986) credited, as Julia Richie.

Mimsy's final horror movie was this slasher movie directed by Ruggero Deodato, who had previously directed her in Concorde affaire '79 (1979). This is an obvious rip-off of the Friday the 13th film series, but the timing was all wrong - coming out long after the slasher movie boom had peaked. Mimsy appears with American horror star David Hess as an unhappily married couple running a campsite where a series of gruesome murders took place several years ago, and of course they start up again. Neither Mimsy nor David Hess are put to particularly good use here, serving mostly as marquee value while the film instead focuses on the younger cast.
Camping Del Terrore - Mimsy Farmer1.jpg
Camping Del Terrore - Mimsy Farmer2.jpg
Camping Del Terrore - Mimsy Farmer3.jpg
Camping Del Terrore - Mimsy Farmer4.jpg
Camping Del Terrore - Mimsy Farmer5.jpg
Camping Del Terrore - Mimsy Farmer6.jpg
Camping Del Terrore - Mimsy Farmer7.jpg
Camping Del Terrore - Mimsy Farmer8.jpg
Camping Del Terrore - Mimsy Farmer9.jpg

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Johan Melle
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Re: Farmer, Mimsy

Post by Johan Melle » 09/07/2021, 17:59

La ragazza dei lillà (1986) credited, as Leonora.

This strange drama-mystery stars a haggard-looking Laurent Terzieff as an archeologist whose relationship to his wife, played by Mimsy, is strained when they take in a Lolita-ish teenage girl who begins trying to seduce Terzieff. Mimsy gets little to do here and looks a bit bored, but it's worth noting this one of the very rare occasions where she dubbed herself in Italian.
Ragazza Dei Lilla - Mimsy Farmer1.jpg
Ragazza Dei Lilla - Mimsy Farmer2.jpg
Ragazza Dei Lilla - Mimsy Farmer3.jpg
Ragazza Dei Lilla - Mimsy Farmer4.jpg
Ragazza Dei Lilla - Mimsy Farmer5.jpg

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Johan Melle
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Re: Farmer, Mimsy

Post by Johan Melle » 09/07/2021, 18:10

Quando arriva il giudice (1986) (TV series) - episodes 1-5, credited, as Clara.

This 5-part crime/mystery series with a comedic edge stars French actor Jean-Luc Bideau as a former judge working as a private eye and solving different crimes in each episode. Mimsy co-stars as Bideau's ex-wife, who is greatly annoyed with him, yet clearly still has some feelings for him, too. Bideau had worked with Mimsy before in La traque (1975) and they have good chemistry here. Unfortunately, after a decently-sized role in the first episode, Mimsy is reduced to one-scene appearances in the subsequent episodes.

Episode 1: "L'uomo che sapeva troppo poco"
Giudice Ep1 - Mimsy Farmer1.jpg
Giudice Ep1 - Mimsy Farmer2.jpg
Giudice Ep1 - Mimsy Farmer3.jpg

Episode 2: "Addio maschio crudele". This is the only episode I've been unable to find, but Mimsy is included in the Radiocorriere TV listing
Giudice Ep2 - Mimsy Farmer.jpg

Episode 3: "Siamo a cavallo"
Giudice Ep3 - Mimsy Farmer.jpg

Episode 4: "Morto per morto"
Giudice Ep4 - Mimsy Farmer.jpg

Episode 5: "Le notte delle stelle"
Giudice Ep5 - Mimsy Farmer.jpg

Giudice Ep1 - Mimsy Farmer4.jpg

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Re: Farmer, Mimsy

Post by Johan Melle » 09/07/2021, 18:21

Sensi (1986) credited, as Micol.

This erotic thriller is directed by and stars Gabriele Lavia as a professional hitman, and his real-life wife Monica Guerritore as a mysterious woman luring him into a trap. An unusually glamorous Mimsy co-stars as a brothel madam who procures girls for Lavia and acts as his occasional lover. This one is much too pretentious and self-indulgent to work as a thriller, and Mimsy herself was vocal in her dislike of the film, too. Interviewed in Radiocorriere n. 47 (1986), she dismissed it as "flat and not at all erotic" and that she only did it because she needed the work to earn money for herself and her daughter.
Sensi - Mimsy Farmer1.jpg
Sensi - Mimsy Farmer2.jpg
Sensi - Mimsy Farmer3.jpg
Sensi - Mimsy Farmer4.jpg
Sensi - Mimsy Farmer5.jpg
Sensi - Mimsy Farmer6.jpg
Sensi - Mimsy Farmer7.jpg

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Johan Melle
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Re: Farmer, Mimsy

Post by Johan Melle » 09/07/2021, 18:29

Atelier (1986-87) (TV series) - episodes 1, 5 and 8, credited, as Dr. Serena Corte.

This 8-episode soap opera set in the fashion industry features Mimsy in a recurring role as a psychiatrist treating a fashion house art director played by Lino Capolicchio. Unfortunately, all I've been able to find of this series is Mimsy's credit from the opening titles of episode 1, but an article in Radiocorriere TV n. 47 has a picture of her from the series and describes her character's role in the plot.
Atelier - Credit.jpg
Atelier - Mimsy Farmer.jpg
Atelier - Article.jpg
Last edited by Emiliano on 15/11/2022, 21:11, edited 1 time in total.

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