Tedeschi, Maria

The Background Actresses of the Italian Cinema
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Johan Melle
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Tedeschi, Maria

Post by Johan Melle » 29/08/2018, 0:10

Fellini's Faces.jpg
Maria Tedeschi, in Fellini's Faces (1982)
Active since at least the 1930s and until the start of the 1990s, Maria Tedeschi was probably the most prolific of all generici in Italian films, having appeared in well over 200 films. With her long, crooked nose, thick glasses and various wigs over her nearly bald head, Maria had a very characteristic appearance, and was sometimes even chosen to play male roles.

Though the majority of her roles were small generico parts, she also played several large and important roles, for example in Perché quelle strane gocce di sangue sul corpo di Jennifer? (1972), Anastasia mio fratello (1973), Il tram (1973) and Permettete, signora, che ami vostra figlia? (1974).

From the words of Enzo G. Castellari, her brother was Alessandro Tedeschi, whom she closely resembles and often appears together with in films.


  1. Tempo massimo .... German tourist (uncredited)

  2. Darò un milione .... Woman at the circus (uncredited)

  3. La contessa di Parma .... Woman at the horse races (uncredited)
  4. Il signor Max .... Woman at the newsstand (uncredited)

  5. La dama bianca .... Woman on the train and later on the bus (uncredited)

  6. I promessi sposi .... Woman at the religious procession (uncredited)

  7. Avanti c'è posto .... Woman at the train station (uncredited)

  8. T'amerò sempre .... Nurse (uncredited)

  9. Nebbie sul mare .... Lab assistant (uncredited)

  10. Il bandito .... Woman who buys the newspaper (uncredited)

  11. Follie per l'opera .... Woman at the opera (uncredited)
  12. L'ebreo errante .... Kapo in concentration camp (uncredited)

  13. Al diavolo la celebrità .... Journalist at press conference (uncredited)

  14. 47 morto che parla .... Spectator at air balloon launch (uncredited)
  15. Maracatumba... ma non è una rumba! .... Restaurant customer (uncredited)

  16. Anna .... Nun (uncredited)
  17. I figli di nessuno .... Nun (uncredited)
  18. La città si difende .... Passerby at the station (uncredited)

  19. Don Camillo .... Peasant at the carousels (uncredited)
  20. Ergastolo .... Woman at the trial (uncredited)
  21. Non è vero... ma ci credo! .... Spectator at the trial (uncredited)
  22. Pentimento .... Nun (uncredited)

  23. Ai margini della metropoli .... Woman at the trial (uncredited)
  24. La voce del silenzio .... Woman in the court room (uncredited)
  25. Roma ore 11 .... Nun (uncredited)
  26. Via Padova 46 (Lo scocciatore) .... Woman at airport (uncredited)

  27. Canzone d'amore .... Nun (uncredited)
  28. Cento anni d'amore (episode Nozze d'oro (uncredited)) .... Woman on the train (uncredited)
  29. Disonorata (senza colpa) .... Woman at the trial (uncredited)
  30. La schiava del peccato .... Train disaster victim (uncredited)
  31. L'arte di arrangiarsi .... Party guest (uncredited)
  32. Nel gorgo del peccato .... Nun (uncredited - unsure identification)
  33. Scuola elementare .... Audience member at educational awards ceremony (uncredited)
  34. Totò cerca pace .... Tourist (uncredited)
  35. Torna! .... Woman at the casino (uncredited)

  36. Amici per la pelle .... Spectactress with fur at horse race (uncredited)
  37. Bravissimo .... Passerby (uncredited)
  38. Buonanotte avvocato .... Woman at the procession (uncredited)
  39. Io piaccio .... Woman at the airport (uncredited)
  40. I pinguini ci guardano .... German tourist (uncredited)
  41. Prigionieri del male .... Woman at the Vienna airport
  42. La ragazza di Via Veneto .... Jury member at model show (uncredited)
  43. Lo scapolo .... Bar customer (uncredited)
  44. Scapricciatiello .... Hospital sister (uncredited)

  45. Il ferroviere .... Woman at the wedding party (uncredited)
  46. La fortuna di essere donna .... Woman at the Grand Hotel (uncredited)
  47. War and Peace .... Woman in mourning (uncredited)

  48. I fidanzati della morte .... Tourist on the Eiffel Tower (uncredited)
  49. La canzone del destino .... Red Cross nurse (uncredited)
  50. Marisa la civetta .... Woman at the dance hall (uncredited)

  51. Adorabili e bugiarde .... Passerby on the street (uncredited)
  52. Camping .... English speaking tourist (uncredited)
  53. Serenatella sciuè sciuè .... Bus tourist passenger (uncredited)
  54. Totò a Parigi .... Museum visitor (uncredited)

  55. I ragazzi del juke box .... Woman playing cards (uncredited)
  56. I sicari di Hitler .... Tourist in church (uncredited)
  57. Il moralista .... Woman at O. I. M. P. office (uncredited)
  58. Il vedovo .... Woman at funeral (uncredited)
  59. Noi siamo due evasi .... Secretary (uncredited)
  60. Policarpo, ufficiale di scrittura .... Queen in the chess play (uncredited)
  61. Quanto sei bella Roma .... Gas station customer (uncredited)
  62. The Nun's Story .... Nun (uncredited)

  63. I baccanali di Tiberio .... Tourist in Capri (uncredited)
  64. Caccia al marito .... Woman in hotel (uncredited)
  65. Delitto in pieno sole .... Nun (uncredited)
  66. Il mio amico Jekyll .... Member of the council (uncredited)

  67. 5 marines per 100 ragazze .... Teacher (uncredited)
  68. A porte chiuse .... Assistant in court room (uncredited)
  69. Don Camillo monsignore... ma non troppo .... English committee member (uncredited)
  70. I fratelli corsi .... Woman holding baby at the baptism (uncredited)
  71. I Masnadieri .... Noblewoman at the ball (uncredited)
  72. Il carabiniere a cavallo .... Onlooker at the fight (uncredited)
  73. Il mantenuto .... Woman in the funeral procession (uncredited)
  74. Il segreto dello Sparviero Nero .... Noblewoman at the girls' departure (uncredited)
  75. L'oro di Roma .... Woman in synagogue (uncredited)
  76. Un giorno da leoni .... Nun (uncredited)

  77. Boccaccio '70 - segment "Le tentazioni del dottor Antonio" .... Woman in white in church (uncredited)
  78. I motorizzati .... Woman on the street (uncredited)
  79. L'attico .... Nun at the hospital (uncredited)
  80. L'eclisse .... Woman at the stock market (uncredited)
  81. La cuccagna .... Secretary (uncredited)
  82. La monaca di Monza .... Old Nun (uncredited)
  83. La voglia matta .... Calpurnia (uncredited)
  84. Light in the piazza a.k.a. Luce nella piazza .... Airport passenger (uncredited)

  85. 8½ .... School principal (uncredited)
  86. Cleopatra .... Spectator watching Cleopatra's arrival in Rome (uncredited)
  87. I compagni .... Woman in the soup queue (uncredited)
  88. Il boom .... Nurse (uncredited)
  89. Le mani sulla città .... Member of parliament (uncredited)
  90. Mondo cane 2 .... Woman in hat parade (uncredited)

  91. La mia signora - segment "Eritrea" .... The Honourable's wife (credited)
  92. The Visit .... The professor's wife (uncredited)

  93. Giulietta degli spiriti .... Old Giulietta's friend (uncredited)
  94. Io uccido, tu uccidi .... Spectator (uncredited)
  95. Rita, la figlia americana .... Member of the audience at concerts (uncredited)
  96. Sette uomini d'oro .... Woman outside the Colosseum (uncredited)

  97. Adulterio all'italiana .... Woman at the airport (uncredited)
  98. After the Fox / Caccia alla volpe .... Restaurant diner (uncredited)
  99. Amore all'italiana - segment "Playboy" .... Woman on the sunbed (uncredited)
  100. Come imparai ad amare le donne .... Nun (uncredited)
  101. Io, io, io... e gli altri .... Woman in church (uncredited) / Audience member at beauty contest (uncredited)
  102. Le fate .... Nurse (uncredited)
  103. Operazione San Gennaro .... Woman at the airport (uncredited)
  104. Per mille dollari al giorno .... Woman in courtroom (uncredited)
  105. Se tutte le donne del mondo... .... Guest at the ball (uncredited)
  106. Scusi, lei è favorevole o contrario? .... Party guest (uncredited)
  107. Tre notti violente .... Restaurant diner (uncredited)
  108. Uccideva a freddo .... Debarking stagecoach passenger (uncredited)
  109. Un milione di dollari per sette assassini .... Salvation Army musician at the airport (uncredited)

  110. 28 minuti per 3 milioni di dollari .... Woman at the exhibit (uncredited)
  111. A suon di lupara .... Party guest (uncredited)
  112. Bandidos .... Old woman with wig (uncredited)
  113. C'era una volta .... Donna Olimpia's handmaid (uncredited)
  114. Cuore matto... matto da legare .... Passerby being asked for charity (uncredited)
  115. Dick Smart 2.007 .... Screaming woman in cable car (uncredited)
  116. Il triangolo rosso (TV series) - season 1, ep. 3: “Corte d’Assise" .... Spectator in court (uncredited)
  117. La notte pazza del conigliaccio .... American tourist (uncredited)
  118. Le dolci signore .... Woman at the theater (uncredited)
  119. Operazione San Pietro .... Tourist in Vatican City (uncredited)

  120. Brutti di notte .... Rosa, Franco's aunt (uncredited)
  121. Candy .... Woman attending McPhisto's lecture (uncredited)
  122. Donne... botte e bersaglieri .... Teodoro's wife (uncredited)
  123. Fenomenal e il tesoro di Tutankamen .... Party guest (uncredited)
  124. Il medico della mutua .... Restaurant diner (uncredited)
  125. Il profeta .... Employee (uncredited)
  126. La famiglia Benvenuti (TV series) - episode 4 .... Woman at the supermarket (uncredited)
  127. Peggio per me... meglio per te .... Choir director (uncredited)
  128. Straziami ma di baci saziami .... Guest at the Ingegnere's party (uncredited)
  129. Stuntman .... Tourist (uncredited)
  130. Tenderly .... Woman on the train (uncredited)
  131. Tre passi nel delirio - segment "Toby Dammit" .... Bespectacled woman at the awards ceremony (uncredited)

  132. Camille 2000 .... Woman at the opera (uncredited)
  133. Diritto di cronaca (TV) .... Journalist (uncredited)
  134. Fellini Satyricon .... Woman in the proconsul's entourage (uncredited)
  135. Infanzia, vocazione e prime esperienze di Giacomo Casanova veneziano .... Woman at the card table (uncredited)
  136. La famiglia Benvenuti - 2nd series (TV series) .... Woman at the train station (uncredited)
  137. La monaca di Monza .... Nun (uncredited)

  138. F.B.I. - Francesco Bertolazzi investigatore (TV series) - episode 1: "Sparita il giorno delle nozze" .... Funeral guest (uncredited)
  139. I clowns (TV) .... Nun / Asylum patient (uncredited)
  140. L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo .... Old Lady in the fog (uncredited)
  141. Lacrime d'amore .... London hotel client (uncredited)
  142. Il prete sposato .... Old woman in church (credited)
  143. Ma chi t'ha dato la patente? .... Mrs. Cuccurullo's maid (credited)
  144. Terzo canale - Avventura a Montecarlo .... Noblewoman invited to taste the "Ovov" liqueur (uncredited)
  145. The Adventurers .... Woman at fashion show (uncredited)

  146. Giornata nera per l'ariete .... Woman at the funeral (uncredited)
  147. Il venditore di morte .... Member of the jury (uncredited)
  148. L'occhio del ragno .... Exhibition guest (uncredited)
  149. La vita di Leonardo da Vinci (Mini serie TV) - episode 1 …. Lucia, Leonardo grandmother (credited)
  150. Storie Italiane (TV series) - ep.: "Diversa dagli altri" .... role? (credited on Radiocorriere TV)
  151. Trastevere .... German tourist (uncredited)

  152. Avanti! / Che cosa è successo tra mio padre e tua madre? .... Hotel guest (uncredited)
  153. Correva l'anno di grazia 1870 (TV movie) .... Nursing nun (uncredited)
  154. Fratello Sole, Sorella Luna .... Nun (uncredited)
  155. Il terrore dagli occhi storti .... Party guest (uncredited)
  156. Il vero e il falso .... Jury member (uncredited)
  157. Incensurato, provata disonestà, carriera assicurata cercasi .... Zavatta's governess (credited)
  158. Io monaca... per tre carogne e sette peccatrici .... Mother Superior (uncredited)
  159. La prima notte di quiete .... Bespectacled lady at the funeral (uncredited)
  160. Lo chiamavano Tresette... giocava sempre col morto ...Party guest (uncredited)
  161. Lo chiameremo Andrea .... Nun (uncredited)
  162. Nel nome del padre .... Audience member (uncredited)
  163. Paura .... Crone (uncredited)
  164. Perché quelle strane gocce di sangue sul corpo di Jennifer? .... Mrs. Moss (uncredited)
  165. Poppea... una prostituta al servizio dell'impero .... Offended old woman (uncredited)
  166. Roma .... Tourist on bus (uncredited) / Nun in audience at the vestments show (uncredited)
  167. Sette orchidee macchiate di rosso .... Asylum patient (uncredited)
  168. Storia di fifa e di coltello (Er seguito der Più) .... Fish shop customer (uncredited)

  169. ...e continuavano a mettere lo diavolo .... Mother Superior (uncredited)
  170. Anastasia mio fratello .... Mrs. Colombina (credited)
  171. Come fu che Masuccio Salernitano, fuggendo con le brache in mano, riuscì a conservarlo sano .... Cook (uncredited)
  172. Giovannona coscialunga, disonorata con onore .... Train passenger (uncredited)
  173. La porta sul buio (TV series) - episode "Il tram" .... Elderly tram passenger (credited)
  174. La schiava io ce l'ho e tu no .... Airplane passenger (uncredited)
  175. Le monache di Sant'Arcangelo .... Woman at the ceremony at the convent (uncredited)
  176. L'emigrante .... Member of the Salvation Army choir (uncredited)
  177. Vogliamo i colonnelli .... Woman at the funeral (uncredited)

  178. Brigitte, Laura, Ursula, Monica, Raquel, Litz, Florinda, Barbara, Claudia, e Sofia le chiamo tutte... anima mia .... Back judge (uncredited)
  179. I figli di Zanna Bianca .... Geltrude (uncredited)
  180. Il lumacone .... Alcoholic (uncredited)
  181. Il saprofita .... Auditori's grandmother (credited)
  182. L'erotomane .... Old woman who hits Rodolfo with her cane (uncredited)
  183. Permettete signora che ami vostra figlia? .... Peppino's mother (credited)

  184. Ah si?.. E io lo dico a Zzzorro! .... role? (credited)
  185. Das Netz (L'undicesimo comandamento) .... Morelli's mother (uncredited)
  186. Due cuori, una cappella .... Woman at Cecilia Cacciamani's deathbed (uncredited)
  187. Frankenstein all'italiana .... Teresa, a wedding guest (uncredited)
  188. Il medaglione insanguinato .... Creepy woman in Emily's visions (uncredited)
  189. La polizia interviene: ordine di uccidere! .... Woman at the airport (uncredited)
  190. La supplente .... Woman at the funeral of Professor Teresa Scifuni (uncredited)
  191. Macchie solari .... Woman in the alley with Aristide Caporale (uncredited)
  192. Mondo candido .... Hippie woman (uncredited)
  193. Noi non siamo angeli .... Priest (credited)
  194. Orlando furioso (TV mini series) .... A virtue (credited)

  195. 40 gradi all'ombra del lenzuolo - segment "La cavallona" .... Cav. Marelli's aunt (uncredited)
  196. A Matter of Time .... Hotel guest (uncredited)
  197. Bestialità .... Old english tourist (credited)
  198. Bruciati da cocente passione .... Old woman in a wheelchair (credited)
  199. Dimmi che fai tutto per me .... Grandmother in the coffin (uncredited)
  200. Due sul pianerottolo .... Tagliolini secretary (uncredited)
  201. E tanta paura .... Angelo Scanavini's mother (credited)
  202. I prosseneti .... Consuelo (uncredited)
  203. Il Casanova di Federico Fellini .... Old woman in the entomologist's house (uncredited)
  204. L'eredità Ferramonti .... Party guest (uncredited)
  205. L'innocente .... Party guest (uncredited)
  206. Lezioni di violoncello con toccata e fuga .... Woman at the funeral (uncredited)
  207. Prima notte di nozze .... Psychiatrist (credited?)
  208. Signore e signori buonanotte .... Extremely old honorable at the celebration (uncredited)
  209. Spogliamoci così senza pudor - segment "La visita" .... Friend of Partibon family (uncredited)
  210. Vinella e Don Pezzotta .... Parishioner (uncredited)

  211. Ecco noi per esempio .... Old woman in Beatrix's house (uncredited)
  212. Il... Belpaese .... Old woman at funeral (uncredited)
  213. Il gatto .... Woman at the funeral (uncredited)
  214. Italia: ultimo atto? .... role? (credited)
  215. Kleinhoff Hotel .... Hotel guest (uncredited)
  216. L'altra metà del cielo .... Old woman on the train in Australia (uncredited)
  217. La presidentessa .... Hotel guest (uncredited)
  218. Maschio latino cercasi - segment "Stanotte o mai più" .... Bislecchi's secretary (uncredited)
  219. Melodrammore .... Old nun (uncredited)
  220. Voto di castità .... Woman at Andrea's birthday (credited)

  221. Amori miei .... Old pedestrian (uncredited)
  222. Circuito chiuso (TV) .... Woman in movie theater (uncredited)
  223. Eutanasia di un amore .... Book presentation attendant (uncredited)
  224. I problemi di Don Isidro (TV mini series) episode: "2° Problema: Millemiglia" .... Woman at nightclub (uncredited)
  225. Il furto della Gioconda (TV mini series) .... Woman reading in the newspaper about the theft of the Mona Lisa (uncredited)
  226. Indagine su un delitto perfetto .... Friend of Lady Clementine (uncredited)
  227. Io tigro, tu tigri, egli tigra .... Grandmother (uncredited)
  228. La cage aux folles / Il vizietto .... Nightclub client (uncredited)
  229. Rock 'n Roll .... Grandmother (uncredited)
  230. Scherzi da prete …. Princess Frangipane's friend (uncredited)
  231. Travolto dagli affetti familiari .... Bald woman at the old people's home (uncredited)
  232. Tutto suo padre .... Nazi widow who lost three husbands (uncredited)

  233. Caro papà .... Party guest (uncredited)
  234. C'est dingue... mais on y va .... Assistant hospital nurse (uncredited)
  235. Giallo a Venezia .... Old woman giving a clue to Inspector DePaul (uncredited)
  236. Giallo napoletano .... Asylum patient (uncredited)
  237. John Travolto... da un insolito destino .... Old blonde woman (uncredited)
  238. L'importante è non farsi notare .... Women close to the blind beggar (uncredited)
  239. L'insegnante balla... con tutta la classe .... Hotel wellness employee (uncredited)
  240. La patata bollente .... Passerby at the gay bookstore (uncredited)
  241. Maschio, femmina, fiore, frutto .... Grandmother (uncredited)
  242. Riavanti... Marsch! .... Agata, Valeria's aunt (uncredited)

  243. Arrivano i gatti .... Woman asking to be raped on the bus (uncredited)
  244. Ciao marziano .... Party guest (uncredited)
  245. Mi faccio la barca .... Woman in the dentist's study (uncredited)
  246. Salto nel vuoto .... Relative at the baptism (uncredited)
  247. Sam & Sally (TV series) - Ep: 6: "Les collectionneurs" .... Stappleton (credited)
  248. Sbamm! .... Old woman listening to Ezio's speech in the park (uncredited)
  249. Sono fotogenico .... Mrs Tedeschi, an extra (uncredited)
  250. Zucchero, miele e peperoncino .... Woman in the taxi (uncredited)

  251. Bianco, rosso e Verdone .... Scrutineer in Turin's voting booth (uncredited)
  252. Bollenti spiriti .... Amelia Bordon (uncredited)
  253. Crema, cioccolato e Pa...prika .... Marquise in the clinic (uncredited)
  254. Il caso Graziosi (TV mini-series) .... Woman in the garden (uncredited)
  255. La felicità (TV mini-series) (episode 3 of 3) .... Governess (credited in Radiocorriere)
  256. Miracoloni (credited) .... Robbed woman (uncredited)
  257. Occhio alla penna .... Patient in the waiting room (uncredited)
  258. Pierino medico della S.A.U.B. .... Hospital patient (uncredited)
  259. Telepatria International (TV mini series) .... Woman at the seance (uncredited)
  260. Teste di quoio .... Moribund old woman (credited)
  261. The Salamander / La salamandra .... Woman at Pantaleone's funeral (uncredited)

  262. Borotalco .... Hospital patient (uncredited)
  263. Buona come il pane .... Woman clashing with Filippo Maria in the street (uncredited)
  264. Giovani belle probabilmente ricche .... Hotel guest (uncredited)
  265. Il fascino dell'insolito (TV series) - episode: "La scoperta di Morniel Mataway" .... Exhibition guest (uncredited)
  266. Il paramedico .... Hospital patient (uncredited)
  267. Inverno al mare (TV mini series) .... Retirement home resident (uncredited)
  268. La trappola originale (TV mini series) .... American tourist (uncredited)
  269. Sesso e volentieri - segment "La nuova Marisa" .... Carla's neighbor (uncredited)
  270. Testa o croce - segment "La pecorella smarrita" .... Woman in church (uncredited)
  271. Vieni avanti cretino .... Countess (uncredited)

  272. Benvenuta .... Restaurant guest (uncredited)
  273. 'F.F.S.S.', cioè:... che mi hai portato a fare sopra a Posillipo se non mi vuoi più bene? .... Fellini's face (uncredited)
  274. Giochi carnali .... Michele's mother (uncredited)
  275. The Lonely Lady .... Audience member at the awards show (uncredited)

  276. ...e la vita continua (TV mini series) .... Bank client (uncredited)
  277. I due carabinieri .... Woman at wedding (uncredited)
  278. I predatori dell'anno Omega .... Omega inhabitant (uncredited)
  279. La piovra (TV series) - episode 6 .... Party guest (uncredited)
  280. Tutti dentro .... Minister's mother (uncredited)

  281. Un uomo in trappola (Tv mini-series) .... Hospital patient (uncredited)

  282. 7 chili in 7 giorni .... Nun at Alfio Tamburini's graduation party (uncredited)
  283. Detective School Dropouts (Asilo di polizia) .... Tourist at Pisa (uncredited)
  284. The Name of the Rose / Il nome della rosa .... Monk (credited)
  285. Diavolo in corpo .... Woman in the courtroom (uncredited)
  286. Giovanni Senzapensieri .... Spectator at the reading (uncredited)
  287. Quando arriva il giudice (TV series) - episode 5: "La notte delle stelle" .... Guest at the costume party (uncredited)

  288. Animali metropolitani .... Old woman at the gym (uncredited)
  289. Oci ciornie .... Woman in wheelchair (uncredited)

  290. La maschera .... Tatia (credited)

  291. Stasera a casa di Alice .... Woman on the boat (uncredited)
  292. Vacanze di Natale '90 .... Eliette's grandmother (uncredited)

  293. Hudson Hawk .... Woman at the auction (uncredited)

Other works
  • La sberla (TV variety show, 1978) - ep. 5, sketch "In biblioteca" .... Woman in the library (uncredited)
  • Il tastomatto (TV variety show, 1985) - ep. 5 .... Old woman at Miguel Bosé's striptease (uncredited)

Not Maria
  • Super rapina a Milano (1964), as Woman on train. This is not Maria, as we thought once.

Filmography to check
  • Con l'amore e con l'ala (1921)
  • La donna del mare (1922)
  • Sapore di mare (1983)
  • Goldjunge (1988)
  • Assolto per aver commesso il fatto (1992) Reported as not appearing by Buono Legnani
Last edited by vecchiaguardia on 25/04/2024, 12:06, edited 87 times in total.

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Re: Maria Tedeschi

Post by vecchiaguardia » 25/10/2018, 10:01

I sicari di Hitler (1959) (uncredited)
i sicari di hitler maria tedeschi.jpg

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Johan Melle
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Re: Maria Tedeschi

Post by Johan Melle » 25/11/2018, 15:57

Stuntman (1968), as Tourist
Stuntman (1968).jpg

...e tanta paura (1976), as Angelo Scanavini's mother
...e tanta paura (1976).jpg
Screenshot (1070)-min.png
La vita di Leonardo Da Vinci (1971).jpg
Last edited by Cinema Italiano on 12/01/2024, 11:46, edited 3 times in total.

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Name: Emiliano

Re: Maria Tedeschi

Post by Emiliano » 25/11/2018, 16:00

Il... Belpaese (1977) as Old woman at funeral
Il... Belpaese (1977).JPG
Bianco, rosso e verdone (1981).JPG
Brutti di notte (1968).JPG
L'insegnante balla con tutta la classe (1979).JPG
Last edited by Cinema Italiano on 25/10/2023, 15:14, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Maria Tedeschi

Post by vecchiaguardia » 25/11/2018, 16:06

La polizia interviene: ordine di uccidere (1975) as Woman at the airport
La polizia interviene, ordine di uccidere (1975).jpg
Sono Fotogenico - Maria Tedeschi.jpg
La patata bollente (1979).jpg
Last edited by Cinema Italiano on 26/08/2023, 15:03, edited 3 times in total.

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Name: Emiliano

Re: Maria Tedeschi

Post by Emiliano » 25/11/2018, 16:12

Giovannona coscialunga, disonorata con onore (1973) as Train passenger
Giovannona coscialunga, disonorata con onore (1973).JPG

L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo (1970) as Old Lady in the fog
L'uccello dalle piume di cristallo (1970).JPG

Vieni avanti cretino (1982) as Countess
Vieni avanti cretino (1982).jpg

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Name: Emiliano

Re: Maria Tedeschi

Post by Emiliano » 25/11/2018, 17:35

I prosseneti (1976) as Consuelo
I prosseneti (1976).jpg

In Sesso e volentieri (1982) - segment "La nuova Marisa" as Neighbour of Carla
Sesso e volentieri (1982).jpg

I figli di Zanna Bianca (1974) as Geltrude
I figli di Zanna Bianca (1974).jpg

ID & pics by Buono Legnani

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Johan Melle
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Re: Maria Tedeschi

Post by Johan Melle » 25/11/2018, 17:38

An almost unrecognizable Maria in Fellini's (1963) as the School principal

One of several times where she was chosen to play as a "male" character.
Otto E Mezzo - Maria Tedeschi1.jpg
Otto E Mezzo - Maria Tedeschi2.jpg

Indagine su un delitto perfetto (1978) as Friend of Lady Clementine
Indagine su un delitto perfetto (1978).jpg

Per mille dollari al giorno (1966) as Woman in the courtroom
Per Mille Dollari Al Giorno - Maria Tedeschi.jpg

And another incredible (and very tiny) role as a male character - this time as a Monk in The Name of the Rose (1986, a.k.a. Il nome della rosa)
The name of the Rose (1986).jpg
Last edited by Emiliano on 23/09/2021, 15:31, edited 2 times in total.

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Johan Melle
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Re: Maria Tedeschi

Post by Johan Melle » 25/11/2018, 17:41

And finally I found Maria Tedeschi in a fotoromanzo too - although she was not credited. This is Maria (together with Gabriella Farinon) in the fotoromanzo "Al disopra dell'Inferno", which was published as a so-called 'fotoromanzo a puntate' throughout several issues of Sogno during 1963-1964.

Al di sopra dell'inferno - Sogno (1964) 1.jpg
Al di sopra dell'inferno - Sogno (1964) 2.jpg
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Re: Maria Tedeschi

Post by Emiliano » 25/11/2018, 17:43

Coincidentally, I found her too on a fotoromanzo published in Brazil that I just bought! Here is a scan of Tedeschi with (I think) Lara Wendel. The magazine is called "Superalbum de Noturno" but unfortunately there is no informartion about the year it was published or which italian magazine it was originally sourced from.

Superalbum de Noturno.jpg
Pic & post by Rogerio Ferraz

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