Moderators Guide

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Name: Emiliano

Moderators Guide

Post by Emiliano » 21/09/2021, 12:07

The Moderators takes full responsibility for his actions and don't allow third parties to access to his forum account.

How to

Summary of ordinary work

Last edited by Emiliano on 12/04/2023, 16:07, edited 64 times in total.

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Updating of the filmographies

Post by Emiliano » 02/10/2021, 16:38

When you are promoted Moderator, you have the possibility to edit all posts and therefore entrusted with the task of updating the filmographies as well.

To avoid having multiple moderators check if the new roles posted by Collaborators has been included in the filmographies, just write a message on the Chat, after the updating work (like "Updated" or "Added").

The scheme of the filmographies is very simple. In the first row there's the header and the first year that you will find in this format:

Code: Select all

Below is placed the list of films. An asterisk enclosed in square brackets must be placed before each title, which can be easily inserted using the appropriate button at the top of the editing console.

Code: Select all

Here is an example of what a filmography should look like in your editing console.

Code: Select all

[*]Chimera .... [i]Neapolitan soldier[/i] (credited)
[*]Gangsters '70 .... [purple]role unknown[/purple] ([purple]no credit info[/purple])

[*]Indovina chi viene a merenda? .... [i]Prisoner[/i] (credited)
[*]Io, Emmanuelle .... [i]Newspaper press worker[/i] (credited)
The function List determines the start and end of the list.

Code: Select all

Last edited by Emiliano on 12/04/2023, 15:56, edited 41 times in total.

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Post deleted/deleted by mistake

Post by Emiliano » 03/10/2021, 0:20

It may happen that by updating a filmography, by editing in the first post of a topic, cause distraction or by some others problems, you cancel by mistake some or all of the filmography of that actor. What to do if this happens?
  1. Don't panic!
  2. Press the back button of your browser for two times Image (located at the top left). The previous page will be loaded.
  3. Don't edit again. Select all the text of the post, copy it into a new text document and save it on your pc.
  4. Notify the mistake as soon as possible in Admin tasks
Each time a topic is edited, it is saved over the previous one. There is no history of topic versions, such as happens, for example, for Wikipedia. However, weekly database backups are made but the recovery work is intricate.

Image deleted by mistake
The attachments are directly linked to the single post. It can happen that to replace an image or to add another one, you can accidentally delete an attachment that instead had to remain. There is a trick to immediately resume the image deleted by mistake, because your browser has this image still in memory.

To retrieve it and save it on your pc in order to reload it again, press the back button of your browser Image
In this way the previous page will be loaded with all the images just deleted in the topic. Now save the image concerned, then reload the page, to attach it where it was before.
Last edited by Emiliano on 02/04/2022, 10:42, edited 3 times in total.

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How to change topic/post author's name

Post by Emiliano » 03/10/2021, 0:21

At any time, it is possible to assign an author to the topic title, or to a post, even if posted by another member of the forum.

How to change the name:
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How to manage bans

Post by Emiliano » 03/10/2021, 0:26

Suppose that the user ivo is actually a malicious user or a Spambot and he starting to spam advertisements in some forums, or that his first messages contain only spam. As a "Newly member", his first three messages will need to be moderated, so a notification will arrive on your bar that will require you to approve spam or not. Obviously spam should not be approved. While waiting for the Admin to remove its registration, this user can be banned indefinitely by Moderators.
What happens with the ban is that in any case it remains a registered user, but it will not be able to post more or even log-in. So you can proceed to the ban of the Spambot in this way:

1) Click on the user link (clickable link present wherever the user has entered their message - even in the notifications)

2) From the User Profile, select "Banning"

3) If you want to Ban It Permanent (it's the choice to make if it's a Spambot), just click on "Submit".
Otherwise, from the "Length of ban" menu, choose the ban period and fill out the fields below to let the user know why he has been banned.
Last edited by Emiliano on 09/10/2021, 12:21, edited 4 times in total.

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Create Profile pics on Lists

Post by Emiliano » 02/04/2022, 9:34

All the moderators can edit the content of the lists. Follow this guide step-by-step.

The requirements of the icon are that it must be square and at least 200x200px in size (but normally we shouldn't worry about its size, so we always use large images). Choose the name of the artist you want to make the icon.

Click right on the profile pic and than choose Copy image link. Do not close this page, leave it open.

In another browser tab, open Lunapic editor site, paste the link and click on Go.

Click on Crop

Select the Square shape and than move the angles of the cutter. Remember that the face should be centered as much as possible and leave a bit of neck and a bit of sky above the hair if possible. Than click on Crop image.

If the picture is too dark, follow this another step: on the top menu, choose Adjust, Adjust High Levels, and then act on the commands to improve the image.

When finished, click on Save. The pic will download automatically on your download default folder. Now rename the file by yourself with the actor's name.

2. Place the Profile pic on the List

Open the Topic List and click on Edit

The source code looks like this:

In the example below, we must add Gradioli, Antonio in alphabetical order, then after Gargiullo, Giorgio. Select the entire line of Gargiullo and then Copy and Paste under it.

Return back to the tab of Gradioli, left open and copy his ID.

Edit the row by replacing the ID number and changing the name. Then delete the part relating to the attachment (the image) that we are going to insert now.

Place the pic in the post as always, as a normal attachment. Than Submit.

If everything has been done correctly the page will look like this with the newly added icon.

  • Don't use commas. There must be only those provided.
  • It is not possible to leave a field empty: Field of competence (Actor - for multiple areas of expertise use the "&" and also the spaces), Name and Image must always be there.
  • In case of errors (and appear as a result square images or codes scattered around), it is necessary to re-edit the post and correct the mistake, which can only be generated by the sintax: too many spaces in unexpected places, brackets deleted, commas in places not foreseen, wrong or deleted attachments, etc.
Last edited by Emiliano on 15/11/2022, 13:12, edited 5 times in total.

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Move topic from a forum to another one

Post by Emiliano » 14/06/2022, 8:26

Each moderator can move the topics independently.

1. Go to the top or at the bottom of the page, click on the hammer symbol and select "Move topic" from the list.
Move topic 1.jpg

2. Choose the target forum.
Move topic 2.jpg

3. Click on Yes.
Move topic 3.jpg
Job done!
Last edited by Emiliano on 15/11/2022, 13:07, edited 2 times in total.

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View moderators editing logs

Post by Emiliano » 28/10/2022, 22:58

By clicking on this link you can see when changes are made to topics and by whom. It is not possible to know what changes are being made, but you can get an idea of what is "silently" going on.

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Move post from one topic to another

Post by Emiliano » 12/04/2023, 15:47

Each moderator can move the posts independently.

1. Go to the top (or at the bottom) of the page and click on the hammer symbol.
2. Select "Move posts" from the list.

3. Under "Topic review" form, flag the select-box of the post or posts to move. Only posts of the same page can be moved at a time.
4. Write the topic destination number (the same number as the "iurl") or choose the topic by name, clicking on "Select topic" (4b - look at next pict).
5. Click on Submit.

4b (alternative to 4). Click on "Select for merge" to move the post or posts selected before.

N.B.: the moved post will be moved following the chronological order in which it was made. So if in the destination topic there will be posts that are newer than that moved, the moved post will appear before these.

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